
  1. 扬州港客运大楼地基加固与边坡围护

    The Reinforcement and Banking of Passenger Service Building of Yangzhou Harbor

  2. 浅论扬州港的优势&九江港与扬州港之比较

    Notes on the superiority of the Yangzhou port & a comparison with the Jiujiang port

  3. 探讨了扬州港港区近期局部崩窝的原因;

    Investigates the cause of the recent collapse in a small part area of Yangzhou harbour .

  4. 指出了扬州港的选址是正确的,具有广阔的发展前景。

    The correctness in selecting the site of Yangzhou harbour and its prospects for the future development are also discussed .

  5. 水运:上海港、扬州港均为国家一类对外开放港口,拥有多个万吨级码头和多功能码头。

    Water Transportation : With several ton class ports and multifunctional ports , both Shanghai Port and Yangzhou Port are classified as national first-class ports for opening to the outside world .

  6. 根据港口发展的趋势,梳理了长江内河航运存在的问题及扬州港发展的现状;基于发展扬州港口经济的必要性和可能性,提出推进扬州港口经济发展的建议。

    According to the tendency of development , the author makes an analysis of the problems of transportation in the Changjiang River and the present situation of the development of Yangzhou Port , and puts forward the suggestions of promoting the development of the economy of Yangzhou Port .