
niú zhuán jiǎo
  • Torsion angle;angle of torsion
  1. 胫骨骨折内固定术后扭转角的CT测定

    CT measurement of tibial torsion after internal fixation in patients suffering from unilateral tibial fracture

  2. DNAB→Z构象转换的扭转角变化特征

    Change Feature of Torsion Angles in Conformation Transition on DNA B to Z

  3. 肱骨头关节面直径对多层螺旋CT容积再现技术测量肱骨头扭转角的影响

    Influence of articular surface diameter of the humeral head in volume rendering technique measuring the humeral head retroversion angle with multi-slice spiral CT

  4. 面阵CCD采集双光栅干涉产生的莫尔条纹二维图像,进行扭转角测量。

    Area array CCD grabbed moir é fringe image generated by two gratings interference to measure tortion angle .

  5. 经统计学处理左右两侧肱骨颈干角及扭转角对比,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05,独立样本凇验)。

    Statistical analysis showed the fight and left humeral neck stem angle and twist angle contrast , no significant ( P > 0.05 , independent samplest teSt ) .

  6. 且二维CT测量肱骨头扭转角时肱骨远端层面越向远端值越小。

    The more distal the humerus was , the smaller humeral head retroversion angle defined by a line between the epicondyles on two-dimension CT method was .

  7. 目的通过CT法及裸骨投照测量法(以下简称裸骨法)测量股骨扭转角的比较,探讨CT测量扭转角的可靠性。

    Objective Compared with CT scan method and bare-bone method of measuring femoral torsion angle , to study the reliability of measuring torsion angle by means of CT method .

  8. 结论CT测量法是临床测定股骨扭转角确实可靠的方法,临床上健侧的扭转角可作为参考依据。

    Conclusion CT method is an accurate and reliable method to measure the femoral torsion angle . Torsion angle in normal side is regard to a reference value in clinic .

  9. 结论:CT对胫骨骨折内固定术后扭转角的测定比较方便、精确,具有较重要的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion : CT is convenient and precise in measuring the tibial torsion of patients suffering from unilateral tibial fracture and receiving internal fixation , and it is of great clinical significance .

  10. 方法收集24侧成人肩关节标本,行16层螺旋CT扫描,容积再现技术三维重建测量肱骨头扭转角。

    Methods Twenty-four adult shoulder joint specimens were scanned with 16-slice spiral CT scanner , the humeral head retroversion angle was measured by volume rendering technique of three-dimensional reconstruction measurement method of MSCT .

  11. 详细理解RNA分子的扭转角分布能够促进现阶段RNA分子的结构预测,提高RNA结构预测的精度。

    The in-depth understanding of the torsion angle distribution of RNA molecules may contribute to the RNA structure prediction and may improve the accuracy of the prediction .

  12. 此方法在x、y方向明确考虑了高阶模态荷载分量的影响,故在最大层间位移和扭转角方面都有较明显的改善。

    The pushover analysis in x and y direction is performed with multi modal load pattern in this method , so the maximal story drifts and story torsion rotation improve greatly .

  13. 通过CCD检测光斑的旋转角,即可算得光纤扭转角,进而得到传感器的弯曲值。

    The twist angle of the optical fiber will be obtained by inspecting the rotation angle of the speckle through CCD and further get the bending value of the sensor .

  14. 当扭转角大于18°时,SCP的抗扭能力高于CCPC-Fix。

    SCP has a better torsion property than that of CCPC - plate when torsion angle was > 18 ° .

  15. 测扭转角用16m光学参考基准的设计

    Design of 16m Optical Reference for Measuring Twist Angle

  16. 从界面能最小化考虑,Ag(001)Ni(111)扭转界面的择优扭转角也为0°(或30°)。

    From interface energy minimization , the preferable twist angle is 0 ° ( or 30 °) for Ag ( 001 ) / / Ni ( 111 ) twist boundary too .

  17. 存在扭转角时,PPP的结构更加稳定,且带隙比平面结构的要宽;扭转角越大,带隙值也越大。

    We found that the twisted structure is more stable than the planar one and the band gap of PPP reduced as the torsion angle between two adjacent benzene rings increased .

  18. 肱骨头关节面直径确定采用画圆拟合确定法及目测法,两种方法测得的肱骨头扭转角与二维CT测量法测得的肱骨头扭转角对照研究,行统计学处理。

    The articular surface diameter of the humeral head was respectively decided by fitting circle method and eye-measurement method , their humeral head retroversion angles were measured by volume rendering technique , the humeral head retroversion angle decided by two-dimensional CT method was control group .

  19. 本文不仅对现今PDB数据库中的所有RNA单体进行统计,而且还将这些分子按照功能分类,分析不同类型RNA分子扭转角分布的异同点,从异同分析功能RNA分子的结构特征。

    We counted all RNA monomers in the PDB database , as well as analyzed the similarities and differences of dihedral angle distribution for different kinds of RNAs , which is classified according to their functions .

  20. 基于导出的设置MTMD时非对称结构扭转角位移传递函数,建立了扭转角位移动力放大系数解析式。

    Based on the torsional displacement transfer function of the asymmetric structure with MTMD , the analytical expression is developed for the torsional displacement dynamic magnification factor .

  21. 结果表明,在BRF试验中加载很小的扭转角,可以显著的改变试件表面的应力状态。

    A small angle of twist can change greatly the stress distribution at the cross section of the specimen in the BRF experiment .

  22. 俯视位观察肱骨,当外上髁露出呈小三角形、肱骨远端前关节面被肱骨头遮盖重叠的位置是多层螺旋CT三维重建测量肱骨头扭转角的更简单、更快捷而且准确的测量位置。

    The top view at which lateral epicondyle of the humerus showing mini-triangulum and the anterior surface of the distal humerus articulation with the forearm being shaded is more simple , faster and precise for the volume rendering technique measuring the humeral head retroversion angle with multi slice spiral CT .

  23. 其中Z向针灸下压力的检测采用悬臂梁压力传感器,对XY平面内的针灸扭转角速度的检测采用发光二极管和光电二极管配合特制的机械结构进行检测。

    Z directional the pressure detection uses a cantilever beam pressure sensor , uses the light emitter diode and the photorectifier cooperate the special mechanism to detect the acupuncture and moxibustion turning angular speed in the XY plane .

  24. 实验证明,以这种新型电路对扭转角位移进行测量时,精度高达0.001o/m,实现了扭矩的实时、高精度测量。

    Experiments prove that the precision of torsion displacement reaches 0.001o/m . Consequently high precision detection of torque is implemented in real time .

  25. 两种股骨扭转角测量方法的比较

    Comparative Study of Two Methods of Measuring Femoral Torsion Angle

  26. 胫骨下段扭转角和外翻角的测量及临床意义

    The twist and eversion angles of the lower tibial segment

  27. 弯扭矩与模型两端之间相对扭转角的增加呈线性关系。

    There is linear relation between the torsion and the torsion angle .

  28. 控制空心轴扭转角同步系统的设计和应用

    Design and application of synchronous system of controlling torsion angle in hollow shaft

  29. 扭转角动态实时监测系统

    Dynamical Real - Time Monitor System for Twist Angle

  30. 股骨转子扭转角及其与股骨颈扭转角相关性的研究

    A study on correlation between angles of torsion of femoral trochanter and neck