
fú chí
  • support;help;nurture;give aid to;support with the hand;help to sustain;support sb. with one's hand;place a hand on sb. for support
扶持 [fú chí]
  • (1) [support sb. with one's hand]∶扶着

  • (2) [support;help]∶帮助,支撑照料

  • 相互扶持,共渡难关

  • 堂上阿奶仗汝扶持。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

扶持[fú chí]
  1. 但在扶贫的同时,对富裕户的“帮富”工作也马虎不得。对那些富裕起来的人给予扶持,并非多此一举。

    Rich to those the person that rise gives give aid to , be not bring owls to Athens .

  2. 鼓励乡村集体经济组织、社会团体和个人出资扶持合作医疗。

    Encourage rustic collective economy organization of organization , society and individual are contributive give aid to cooperative medical treatment .

  3. 对美国资金市场的投资扶持了美元。

    Investments in the U.S. money market have propped up the American dollar

  4. 政府继续出资扶持鸡蛋和牛肉的生产。

    The government continues to subsidize the production of eggs and beef .

  5. 我的医院是诸多得益于亚历山德拉王后扶持的机构之一。

    My hospital is one of many places that benefited from the support of Queen Alexandra .

  6. 该中心旨在帮助欧洲的贫困地区,方法主要是通过扶持新型商业。

    The centre aims to help disadvantaged areas of Europe , mainly by fostering new businesses .

  7. 政府以材料和资金加以扶持。

    The government helped with materials and money .

  8. 荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。

    For all its beauty the lotus needs its green leaves to set it off .

  9. 面对金融海啸,国家减税以扶持企业发展。

    The government encourages the growth of enterprises through tax cut in this financial tsunami .

  10. 这些包括政府对于科研方面的资金支持、国家对于新兴产业的政策扶持、教育上的成果、工程师和科学家的培养,甚至还有互联网宽带服务的网速。

    These include government financing for scientific research , national policies to support emerging industries , educational achievement , engineers and scientists graduated , even the speeds of Internet broadband service .

  11. 这项服务变得高度依赖政府扶持。

    The service has become heavily reliant on government support .

  12. 第六十六条县级以上人民政府应当发展卫星电视教育和其他现代化教学手段,有关行政部门应当优先安排,给予扶持。

    Article 66 People 's governments at or above the county level shall develop satellite television education and other modern means for teaching and learning , and the administrative departments concerned shall give such development priority and support .

  13. 作为国家重点扶持的产业之一,中国的IC设计业近年来发展迅猛,设计能力也有大幅度提升。

    The industry of IC design in China progresses rapidly .

  14. 欧洲央行(ECB)入市干预扶持欧元区债券市场。此前欧洲政治领导人和银行家们均警告称,债务危机正在深化,葡萄牙正日益落到需要接受国际纾困的田地。

    The European Central Bank intervened to prop up eurozone bond markets as political leaders and bankers warned that the debt crisis was deepening amid fears Portugal was edging closer to an international bail-out .

  15. 随着温州市人均GDP的增长,国家政策的扶持和城市空间的拓展,小汽车在温州得到了快速的发展,温州市每百户小汽车的拥有量在国内处于领先水平。

    Due to the increase of per capita GDP , the support of government policies and the space expansion of the urban areas , the percentage of private cars per 100 urban households in Wenzhou city is ranking top in China .

  16. 积极鼓励、扶持发展金融控股公司;

    Actively encouraging and supporting the development of financial holding companies ;

  17. 企业孵化器是扶持新创企业的有力工具。

    Business incubator is the quality tool for supporting entrepreneurial business .

  18. 城镇弱势群体的救助与再就业扶持

    To Assist the Urban Vulnerable Group by Social Relief and Reemployment

  19. 第一,重点扶持非华裔教师。

    First , we should focus on supporting the non-Chinese teachers .

  20. 农业等其它行业将需要扶持。

    Other industries , such as farming , will need support .

  21. 国家扶持和发展残疾人教育事业。

    The State supports and develops educational undertakings for the disabled .

  22. 积极扶持和发展大连商品期货市场。

    And actively supporting and developing Dalian commodity futures market .

  23. 扶持大型企业与培育中小型企业的关系;

    Supporting large enterprises and nurturing medium and small-sized enterprises ;

  24. 国外对中小企业的扶持及其启示

    Enlightenment from foreign countries ' support for middle-and small-sized enterprises

  25. 浅谈构建和谐社会与扶持贫困人口

    Don 't Forget to Support Poverty Population when Set up Harmonious Society

  26. 试论旅游区域联合的政策扶持战略

    Discussion of the Policy Support Strategy in Tourism Regional Ally

  27. 调整税费政策,扶持篮球城发展。

    Adjust tax policy , support the basketball city development . 6 .

  28. 第四,扶持第三产业,增加国内就业率。

    Forth , Support third industry to increase a local employment rate .

  29. 第四部分是江西财税对旅游业的扶持。

    The fourth part is the Jiangxi Taxation on tourism industry support .

  30. 继续执行对林业的扶持政策;

    The supporting policy to forestry will be continuously executed ;