
  1. 企业技术创新成果的DEA评价

    DEA Evaluation of Achievements in Technological Innovation of Enterprise

  2. 企业技术创新成果C-D生产函数评价模型研究

    The Research of Input-Output Evaluation Model of Enterprise Technological Innovation

  3. 取得了三项理论研究成果和三项应用技术创新成果。①推导论述了椭圆展开CRP叠加方法。

    The author obtains three theoretical research results and three application technology results as follows : ① the deduction and discussion of ellipse evolving CRP stack .

  4. 其间,许多关键技术创新成果经过了实践的检验:后期底孔导流的研究,满足了三期导流及围堰挡水发电水位135m的泄量要求;

    Such as , the study on the outlet diversion in later stage met the discharge demands of the 3rd stage diversion and the level of 135m produced by cofferdam retaining for power generation ;

  5. 我国胶鞋行业现状技术创新成果及发展建议

    Technical Reform Achievement and Development Suggestion on Chinese Rubber Shoes Industry

  6. 技术创新成果溢出的分解研究

    Studying on Decomposition of Technological Innovation Effects Spillover

  7. 有色地质部门勘查地球化学理论与技术创新成果综述

    Achievement review for theory and method innovation of exploration geochemistry in the CNNC Department

  8. 对企业技术创新成果进行知识产权保护的几点思考

    Some Thoughts about the Protection of Intellectual Property Right of Technological Innovation Product in Enterprises

  9. 尤其是控制权转移后第二年技术创新成果提高幅度较大。

    Especially in the year after control transfer technique innovation achievements raise to a larger extent .

  10. 企业的盈利能力与企业技术创新成果之间不存在显著正相关关系。

    The profitability of the enterprise and between technological innovation there is no significant positive correlation .

  11. 农业技术创新成果应用于农业生产实践,需要有一个实现的过程。

    The achievement of agricultural technological innovation is applied to practices of agricultural production need a course of realization .

  12. 与麦哲伦技术创新成果在我们的产品用于制药工业设计的产品组合的合作。

    The cooperation with Magellan Technology results in new innovations in our product portfolio designed for the pharmaceutical industry .

  13. 新科技革命是技术创新成果积累和制度变革相互作用的产物。

    New technological revolution is the result of the interrelations of the accumulation of the technological innovations and the institutional changes .

  14. 技术创新成果要实现权利化、资本化、商品化和市场化,运用知识产权制度的保护尤为重要。

    The outcome of technological innovation should be realized in patent , capital , commodity and market and be protected by intellectual property rights system .

  15. 无形资产是技术创新成果的防御保证,两者的有机结合是提高企业竞争力的有效动力。

    Intangible asset is defensive assurance for new achievements of technology innovation . Organic combination of the two things could improve the enterprise competition effectively .

  16. 水电行业对技术创新成果的知识产权保护还没有足够的重视。

    Now , in the hydropower industry , sufficient attention hasn 't been paid on the protection of knowledge property-right of technical innovation achievement yet .

  17. 本文对企业技术创新成果进行了数学描述,讨论了如何运用模糊综合评判的方法评价企业技术创新成果。

    This paper gives a mathematical description of the achievement in technological innovation of enterprise , I discuss how to utilize method on Fuzzy comprehensive assessment .

  18. 无论是培养高素质的劳动者和专业人才,还是提高能力和提供知识、技术创新成果以及增强民族凝聚力,教育都具有独特的价值。

    Education has its particular value no matter what training high diathesis labors and professional , or improve the capability and knowledge to build up minority coherence power .

  19. 有效的专利成果转化不仅是促进技术创新成果扩散的机制,而且也是形成良性创新机制的重要环节。

    Effective patent achievements is not only the mechanism to promote the diffusion of technological innovation achievement and it is also or an important part of benign innovative mechanisms .

  20. 据统计,我国每年约有7000多项农业技术创新成果,但实际被应用于农业生产的只有30-40%。

    According to statistics , there are 7000 technology innovative in our country every year , but only 30-40 percent of the innovative can be applied to agricultural production .

  21. 农业科技期刊所刊载的各种研究文章、技术创新成果、实用农业技术等,是科技向生产力转化的必要过程。

    Agricultural science and technology periodicals published research articles , all kinds of technical innovation , practical agricultural technology , etc , it is necessary to productive technology transformation process .

  22. 技术创新成果转化过程中交易费用越高,说明技术创新溢出也越大,技术创新活动受到的抑制也越严重。

    The more of charges on transferring technique innovation production , the bigger of the spillage of technique innovation and the severity of the restrain during activities of technique innovation .

  23. 但是我国低碳技术创新成果的产生机制和扩散机制现在都还并不完善,严重制约了我国低碳技术创新的发展。

    But our low carbon technological innovation achievement of generating mechanism and diffusion mechanism are still not perfect in China , which seriously restrict the development of low carbon technology innovation .

  24. 本文分析了我国企业在对技术创新成果进行知识产权保护方面存在的问题和挑战,并提出了相应的对策措施。

    This article analyses the existing problems and challenges of the intellectual property right protection of technological innovation product in China enterprises , at the same time , puts forward some relevant countermeasures .

  25. 在论述技术创新成果经济评价必要性的基础上,指出评价技术创新成果应遵循效益性原则。

    Explaining the necessity of technical innovation achievements appraisal in this paper , the authors pointed out that scientific and beneficial principles should be followed in the economic appraisal of technical innovation achievements .

  26. 以知识为基础的知识经济时代,完善对企业技术创新成果的知识产权保护和管理具有重要的现实意义。

    In the era of knowledge economy centered by modern high-tech and based on knowledge , it is of practical significance to perfect the protection and management of intellectual property for enterprises ' technological innovation achievements .

  27. 而专利战略对技术创新成果予以产权安排,使创新企业在一定的期限内享有一方市场的独占权,实现创新企业利益最大化。

    However , patent strategy arranges property right on technology innovation 's progeny , makes innovation enterprise taking monopoly right on side market in certain term , imples the most profit of technology innovation 's enterprise .

  28. 提出了企业技术创新成果的评价指标体系和技术创新成果数学评价模型,并估计分析模型中的参数,最后给出应用实例进行验证。

    In this paper the author puts forward an evaluation index system and the mathematical evaluation model of enterprise technological innovation , estimates and analyzes those parameters . Finally , the author presents a practical example .

  29. 发展战略性新兴产业要求将以技术创新成果为主的知识资本放在重要地位,未来世界的竞争就是知识产权领域的竞争。

    The development of strategic emerging industry requirements will be technological innovation achievements of intellectual capital is put in significant position , the future of the world competition is the competition in the field of intellectual property .

  30. 因此,政府应采取相应的措施,促进有利于农业和牧渔业发展的农业技术创新成果的产生、传播、转化和应用。

    Therefore , the government should take appropriate measures to promote the production , transmission , conversion and application of agricultural technological innovation , which is benefit for the development of agriculture , animal husbandry and fishery .