
  • 网络alos;ACTS;FASTSAT
  1. 地球资源技术卫星影象

    Earth resources technology satellite imagery

  2. 地球资源技术卫星澳洲委员会科学和技术促进发展资源库协商会议

    Australian Committee for ERTS Consultative Meeting on a Coalition of Resources for Science and Technology for Development

  3. 1/20万地球资源技术卫星假彩色图象(MSS4,5,7)在测定福建海岸线长中的应用

    Applications of 1 / 2 × 10 ~ (?) earth resources technology satellite of false color composite image ( mss 4,5,7 ) to the survey on Fujian coastline

  4. 据此设计了基于Web技术的卫星地面控制系统。

    According to this , the satellite ground control system is designed .

  5. 基于多Agent技术的卫星星座设计分析

    Analysis and Design of Satellite Constellations Based on Multi-Agent Technology

  6. 工业CT技术在卫星产品检测中的应用

    Industrial Computed Tomography for Inspection of Satellite Products

  7. 基于DSP技术的卫星速变数据采集

    Design of Fast Varying Data Acquisition Set Based on DSP

  8. 现代卫星通信中的调制技术和卫星TCP的研究

    Research of modern satellite communication modulations techniques and satellite TCP

  9. ANSYS二次开发技术在卫星结构优化中的应用

    Application and Development of ANSYS in Structure Optimum for Satellite

  10. 反熔丝FPGA技术是卫星应用的理想选择

    Antifuse FPGA Technology Best Option for Satellite Applications

  11. Linux的QT编程技术在卫星激光测距中的应用

    The application of QT programming technology under Linux in satellite laser ranging

  12. 浅析CDMA通信技术在卫星定位的应用

    The Analysis of CDMA 's Application in GPS

  13. NI测控产品以及虚拟软、硬件技术在卫星测控中的应用

    Application of NI Test and Control Products and Virtual Software , Hardware Technology in the satellite Test and Control

  14. 本文重点就卫星IP数据接收技术及卫星IP数据接收在学校网络教学中的应用作了具体的论述。

    Below the author states the detail application of IP digital technology and its incept system to the network teaching at the campus .

  15. 应用Q-SS技术处理卫星定位通信系统中硬限幅的影响

    Applying Q-SS technique for processing the hard limit effect in the system of satellite position and communication

  16. 而当今可以应用于卫星辅助导航技术的卫星定位系统主要有两个:GPS系统与GALILEO系统。

    There are two navigation satellite systems which can be used in this technology : GPS and GALILEO .

  17. Huffman数据压缩技术在卫星数据通信中的应用

    Applied Huffman Data Compression to the Data Communication via Satellite

  18. 提出一种利用DS扩频技术实现卫星重叠通信的方案。

    It was proposed that the project of satellite overlay communication with direct sequence spectrum spreading ( DSSS ) .

  19. 随着空间通信系统的不断发展,卫星通信以其独有的优势逐渐成为Internet的重要组成部分,卫星宽带接入技术成为卫星通信系统发展的一个重要趋势。

    With the development of space communication system , satellite communication system has been acting as an important part of Internet . Broad bandwidth satellite technology becomes a trend of satellite communication system development .

  20. PMOS总剂量监测技术的卫星应用

    Application of the PMOS dosimeter on satellite for total dose monitor

  21. MMIC技术在卫星有效载荷上的应用

    Application of MMIC Technology in Satellite Payloads

  22. 通过该方案,可以得到应用DS扩频技术进行卫星重叠通信时DS扩频信号中心频率位置选择、带宽设置和给定条件下的可实现的最大重叠容量。

    Applying the project the center frequency position , bandwidth and maximum capacity under given conditions were got . Also the computer simulations were done .

  23. 利用DS扩频技术实现卫星重叠通信,是有效利用现有卫星通信系统资源提高系统容量和开辟新通信途径的重要手段。

    Satellite overlay communication technology by DSSS is an important means for utilizing satellite communication source to increase system capacity and create new communication approach .

  24. 各种数据采集工具如GPS、遥感技术、卫星等手段的应用,使得人们随时获取地球表面最新的地理数据。

    All data capturing tools such as GPS , RS , satellite etc. have been used , which make it possible for people to achieve up-to-date geographic data of earth surface at any time .

  25. 捕获、瞄准、跟踪(APT)技术是卫星光通信系统中的关键技术。实现对光束快速、稳定的捕获,是建立卫星光通信链路的前提。

    The technology of Acquisition , Pointing and Tracking is critical to an intersatellite optical communications system and is used to establish laser links between satellites .

  26. FY-2C星云图成像技术气象卫星云图图象共享系统

    Clouds Imaging Technology for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite Meteorological Satellite Cloud Picture Sharing System

  27. 本文针对ATM技术在卫星网络中的应用,就如何实现卫星频率资源的分配,以提高全网统计复用的增益,降低信元的丢失率,提出了一种新的排队模型:二级队列共享。

    The paper presents a new method , two-stage queueing model for resource sharing , to improve the efficiency of bandwith and to decrease cell loss rate in satellite ATM network .

  28. 中国DMC小卫星在轨测试技术研究卫星通信有效载荷在轨测试误差分析

    A Research on the Technology of On-Orbit Calibration and Validation of China DMC Microsatellite ; Measurement Error Analysis for In-Orbit Test of Satellite Communication Payloads

  29. 为此,本文在对大气CI活动特征进行分析的基础上,采用图像处理技术对卫星图像进行插值、掩模等前期处理,并根据大气CI活动特征,设计对应的模式分类判别器。

    Based on the atmospheric characteristics of CI activity , interpolation and mask processing technology are used to pre-process satellite images . In accordance with the characteristics of the atmosphere CI activity , design the corresponding checker pattern classifier .

  30. 结合IP技术在卫星网络中面临的诸如IP数据包长度可变、星际链路复杂、路由表管理困难和路由切换速度快等问题,着重探讨了移动IP隧道技术、路由技术。

    Considering the problems of IP technologies in satellites networks , such as varying IP datagram size , complicated space links , difficult to manage routing tables and the very short routing switch time , the paper discusses the tunneling and routing technologies of mobile IP .