
kànɡ dònɡ jì
  • antifreeze agent
  1. 试验结果表明,抗凝冻酸奶的最佳条件为:加糖量6%,接种量3.0%,发酵时间4.5h,复合抗冻剂加入量0.6%。

    The experimental result indicates that the most appropriate condition is : 6 % of sugar , 3.0 % of inoculation quantity , 4.5 h of fermented time and 0.6 % of compound antifreeze agent .

  2. 抗冻剂、CB和离心极化对猪GV期卵母细胞冷冻效率的影响

    Effects of centrifugal polarization , CB and cryoprotectants on freezing efficiency of oocytes at GV stage in pigs

  3. 将精子电泳图谱转化为数据,分析得到10%的抗冻剂甘油对军曹鱼与红鳍笛鲷精子的保护效果较好。同时发现,不同的降温方法是造成精子DNA损伤的最大因素。

    After turning electrophoresis profiles of sperm into the data , we concluded that 10 % glycerol antifreeze played a better role in protecting Cobia and crimson snapper cryopreservation sperm , and different cooling methods was the biggest factor to sperm DNA damage .

  4. 主要阐述了在以二甲亚砜为抗冻剂,不同的4℃平衡时间对PCK细胞低温保存的影响。

    This paper mainly described the effect of the different equilibrium time on cryopreservation of PCK cells when dimethylsulphoxide ( DMSO ) was used as the cryoprotectant .

  5. 方法取8份志愿者精液,加入复方甘油作为抗冻剂,冻存10d,比较冻存前后精子的密度和活动率。

    Methods The authors took sperm fluid from 8 volunteers and put in antifreeze of compound glycerine in 10d of cryopreservation . The authors compared with sperm density and activity before and after preservation .

  6. 结果表明:含有多种抗冻剂的玻璃化液PMDD(2%PVP),玻璃化稳定,脱玻璃化率较低,适宜进行玻璃化冷冻。

    Results are as follows . Vitrification solution PMDD ( 2 % PVP ) containing many cryoprotectants could vitrify stably and its devitrification rate was also , so it is suitable for embryo vitrification .

  7. 抗冻剂在冬季抹灰工程中的应用

    Liquid resisting to freezing used in plastering engineering in winter

  8. 新型抗冻剂海藻糖对皮肤组织β1整合素及活力影响的研究

    Effects of trehalose on human skin β 1 integrin expression and activity

  9. 漂洗和抗冻剂在冷冻鱼糜生产中的应用研究

    Application Study of Rinse and Antifreeze in the Processing of Frozen Surimi

  10. 抗冻剂对水牛卵母细胞冷冻后孤雌发育的影响

    Effects of Antifreeze on Parthenogenetic Development of Buffalo Vitrified Oocytes

  11. 抗冻剂对中国对虾胚胎的毒性和渗透性的实验研究

    A study on toxicity and permeation of cryoprotective agents to Chinese prown embryos

  12. 鱼蛋白冷冻变性及其抗冻剂的研究综述

    A Review of Study on Freezing Denaturation of Fish Protein and Its Cryoprotectants

  13. 低温抗冻剂溶液玻璃化转变的临界冷却速率

    The critical cooling rates for vitrification of cryoprotective solutions

  14. 抗冻剂能明显提高鱼糜制品的凝胶强度。

    Cryoprotectants can apparently increase gel strength of surimi .

  15. 当在低温下进行乳液聚合时需要加入抗冻剂。

    Antifreeze agents are necessary in emulsion polymerizations carried out at low temperatures .

  16. 林蛙的这种释放葡萄糖的这种做法,即像我们在冬季往车里加抗冻剂一样吗?

    A solution of antifreeze like you put in your car in the winter ?

  17. 复方甘油抗冻剂对低温冻存精子的保护作用

    Influence of Compound Glycerine Antifreeze on Cryopreservation Sperm

  18. 卵膜的去除是提高抗冻剂渗透性的有效方法之一。

    Removal of membrane was one of efficient methods of improving penetrability of Cryoprotectants .

  19. 抗冻剂在鲻鱼冷冻加工中的应用是行之有效的。

    Therefore application of addition against freezing was practicable and efficient in processing Mugil cephalus .

  20. 四种抗冻剂20℃时对小鼠生精上皮单细胞存活率的影响

    Effects of Four Cryoprotectants on Survival of Single Cells from Mouse Seminiferous Epithelia at 20 ℃

  21. 冷冻稀释液渗透压、抗冻剂和平衡时间对鸡颗粒冻精冻后活率的影响

    Influence of osmotic pressure , cryoprotector and equilibrium time on chicken semen 's frozen - thawed motility

  22. 本文通过电镜观察研究了抗冻剂的种类、浓度,以及降温速率和复温方法等因素对狗气管低温保存效果的影响;

    The effects of cooling and thawing velocity on trachea 's cryopreservation with different concentration of cryoprotect agents were studied .

  23. 若采用负温(-5~-20℃)混凝土方案时,须注意抗冻剂可能产生对界面冻土结构稳定性和环保的负面影响。

    It was necessary to note the anti-freezing agent probably had negative effect on the stability of frozen soil structure in interface and environment protection .

  24. 对中国对虾胚胎在低温保存前的预处理过程中,抗冻剂溶液的毒性和渗透性进行了实验研究。

    The Chinese prawn embryos in several developing stages are exposed to vcarious cryoprotective agents ( CPA ) brine solutions for toxicity and permeability study .

  25. 冻藏时间对文蛤和波纹巴非蛤贝肉组织结构的影响显著;添加抗冻剂后,可以大大减少组织结构的变形,有效改善冻品的品质。

    But their texture structure can be improved greatly by properly reduced the frozen storage temperature The frozen storage time also affected their texture structure remarkably .

  26. 结果表明,对于7日龄小鼠生精小管及完整睾丸,以10%DMSO为抗冻剂,慢速降温冷冻,液氮保存,37℃水浴复苏是一种适宜的冷冻保存方法。

    The results demonstrate that a two-step slowly freezing procedure is a suitable procedure for cryopreservation of 7-day-old mouse seminiferous tubules and whole testes in 10 % DMSO freezing solution .

  27. 抗冻剂可以有效防止在冷冻条件下蛋白质的聚集和变性,从而使得鱼糜在冷冻保藏后仍然可以保持较好的凝胶强度和口感。

    Antifreeze could be effective in preventing aggregation and denaturation of protein under freezing storage conditions , allowed surimi to maintain a good gel strength and texture after frozen preservation .

  28. 降低冻藏温度,可显著降低鱼糜凝胶性能、Ca2+-ATPase活性和溶解性下降的速率常数,且添加抗冻剂的效果更加明显。

    As frozen temperature declined , the variational velocity constants of gel properties , Ca2 + - ATPase activity and solubility of surimi decreased significantly , especially cryoprotectant added in surimi .

  29. 越来越慢,对的…到结冰前的几个小时里,它的体内会释放葡萄糖这一血糖到全身的循环系统,这种葡萄糖似乎起到的是抗冻剂的作用。

    Slower and slower but ... and in those last few hours before it freezes , it distributes glucose , a blood sugar throughout its body , its circulatory system , sort of acts like an antifreeze .

  30. 探讨了大肠杆菌菌株、细菌生长状态、转化溶液、抗冻剂及保存时间、质粒长度和纯度对感受态细胞转化能力的影响。

    A number of factors including strains , bacterium activation , growth status , transformation solutions , plasmid length and purity , freezing stabilizers and storage duration were evaluated for their effects on transformation ability of competent Escherichia coli cells .