
kàng hóng
  • fight a flood
抗洪 [kàng hóng]
  • [fight a flood] 在洪水泛滥期间,采取措施,使人民生命财产不受损害

  • 抗洪救灾

抗洪[kàng hóng]
  1. 水文测报技术在防汛抗洪中的应用

    The Hydrologic Measuring and Report Technique Apply in Flood Prevention and Fight a Flood

  2. 军民肩并肩地进行抗洪。

    The soldiers and villagers fought against the flood shoulder to shoulder .

  3. 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。

    We also defeated severe flooding . With the military and civilians20 heedless of danger and difficulty , and standing21 in unity6 , we managed to minimize the damage of the floods .

  4. 考虑到抗洪减灾的需要,本文提出一种基于GIS的防洪决策支持系统(DSS),讨论了它的三层体系结构、功能描述和实例应用。

    In this paper , A GIS-based decision making support system ( DSS ) for flood control is proposed which include 3-layer architecture .

  5. 方法采用SCL-90问卷,对200名空降兵新兵在入伍时和抗洪抢险后1wk进行测查。

    METHODS One hundred paratroopers were examined with SCL 90 in two periods : The period of enrollment and one week after anti flood rescue .

  6. 青蒿琥酯(Artesunate)等青蒿素类药物对日本血吸虫病和曼氏血吸虫病的早期预防治疗效果肯定,并已在多次现场应用和抗洪救灾中发挥了积极有效的作用。

    Artemisinin derivatives as artesunate have been shown to be efficacious in chemoprophylaxis of and chemotherapy for Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni infections and has played positive role in floods affair and epidemical treatment .

  7. 现在,FintanMonaghan带我们看一位湖南省的抗洪英雄,他在水灾爆发时三次回到他的村子里救人。

    Now , Fintan Monaghan will take us to look at a flood hero in Hunan who went back to his village three times to save others during the flooding .

  8. 浅议桥渡抗洪灾可靠度的分析及应用

    Brief discussion on analysis and application of ferrying bridge across rivers

  9. 南宁市防洪体系与抗洪对策

    Flood Control System and Flood Fighting Countermeasure in NanNing City

  10. 九八抗洪以后,中国慈善事业获得了进一步发展。

    After 1998 flood , China 's charity cause made further progress .

  11. 在抗洪斗争中,他们总是带头的。

    They invariably take the lead in battles against floods .

  12. 洞庭湖地区抗洪部队公共卫生应急措施

    Public Health Emergency Measures on Fighting Flood Army in Dongting Lake Area

  13. 九八抗洪精神具有鲜明的时代特征。

    Fighting - flood spirit has a distinctive time characteristic .

  14. 抗洪抢险中大规模应用吡喹酮防治急性血吸虫病

    Mass praziquantel chemoprophylaxis against acute schistosomiasis japonica in a flood

  15. 鄱阳湖区防汛抗洪空间数据的质量控制研究

    Study on quality control of spatial data in the Poyang lake area

  16. 基于Arc/Info的防汛抗洪地理信息系统研究

    Research on the Flood Control Geographic Information System Based on Arc / Info

  17. 抗洪救灾取得全面胜利。

    Overall victory has been achieved in combating floods and the disaster-relief work .

  18. 抗洪英雄们值得大加称颂。

    The heroes of combating the flood are worthy to be celebrated greatly .

  19. 提高圩区自然抗洪排涝能力的探讨

    Approach to Capacity Improvement of Natural Flood & Waterlogged Field in Yu district

  20. 英雄就抗洪事迹做报告。

    The hero was asked to make a speech on the flood fight .

  21. 在抗洪斗争中有一个志愿者牺牲了。

    One of the volunteers died in the fight against the great flood .

  22. 抗洪抢险措施及效果

    Measures for flood control working and its effect

  23. 信息集成系统在抗洪救灾及水资源管理中的应用

    Information integration system used in flood control and relieve victims and water resource managment

  24. 官民在抗灾中的主要措施有巫术祈祷、抗洪抢险、捕蝗救灾。

    The main measures are witchcraft , flood rescue prayer , in disaster relief .

  25. 适应抗洪特点搞好经费供管

    The supply and management of funds fighting flood

  26. 夺取了抗洪抢险的伟大胜利

    Achieve great victory in the fight against floods

  27. 工程船舶在防洪抗洪中的功能及其发展前景

    The Function and Prospects of the Working Ships in Preventing and Fighting a Flood

  28. 洪宪帝制[袁世凯]第五章防汛抗洪

    Hung Hsien Monarchy [ Yuan Shih-kai ] Chapter V Flood Control and Flood Fighting

  29. 抗洪专用金属螺旋桩的参数设计与实验研究

    The Parameter Design and Experiment Research of The Special Metal Spiral Peg in Fighting Flood

  30. 他穿上雨衣,带上手电,加入了抗洪的战斗。

    Armed with raincoat and flashlight , he joined in the fight against the flood .