
kànɡ zhòu
  • anti-wrinkle;relieving/removing wrinkles on a person's face
  1. 多元羧酸抗皱整理剂DEMA的合成

    Synthesis of polycarboxylic acid anti-wrinkle finishing agent DEMA

  2. 用DEMA处理棉织物的急弹折皱回复角达188°,缓弹折皱回复角达218°,表明该产品可以作为抗皱整理剂使用,对棉织物有一定的抗皱效果。

    The cotton fabrics treated with DEMA had fast recovery angle of 188 ° and slow recovery angle of 218 °, showing that DEMA could be used as anti-wrinkle finishing agent that could yield some degree of anti-wrinkle effect .

  3. 纳米ZnO在丝织物抗皱整理中的应用

    Application of Nano-ZnO in Crease-resistant Finishing of Silk Fabric

  4. 采用预辐照接枝法,在真丝织物上接枝N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺改善真丝的抗皱性。

    Grafting N , N ′ - methylene-bis-acrylamide on silk fabrics by pre-radiation method , crease resistance of fabrics was improved .

  5. 将纳米ZnO(氧化锌)作为催化剂,应用于水溶性聚氨酯对丝绸的抗皱整理。

    Nano-ZnO is used as a catalyst for crease-resistant finishing of silk fabric with water-soluble polyurethane .

  6. TCL抗皱剂在真丝织物上的应用研究

    Application of TCL Anti - Crease Agent to Silk Fabric

  7. 利用超声波协同MTG酶对真丝电力纺进行复合抗皱整理。

    Silk habotai was treated by ultrasonic and microbial transglutaminase ( MTG ) to improve its crease-resistance .

  8. Q10活性酵素是抗皱的主要成分,它能重新激活皮肤的修复系统,控制和减轻深纹。

    The anti-wrinkle power of coenzyme Q10 activates your skin ´ s reparatory mechanism , reducing the depth of wrinkles .

  9. 二羟甲基二羟基乙撑脲树脂(即DMDHEU简称2D树脂)是目前应用最多的抗皱免烫整理剂。

    At present , Di-Methylol Di-Hydroxy Ethylene Urea ( DMDHEU , 2D resin for short ) is the major durable press finishing agent .

  10. 将2D树脂进行氨基改性处理后,在低温条件下,对棉织物进行潮交联,严格控制工艺条件,可以获得良好的抗皱免烫整理效果,且布面甲醛含量均在75mg/kg以内。

    By amino modification of 2D resin , moisture crosslinking of cotton fabric is carried out under low temperature . Satisfied result of crease resist finish is available by means of strict control process condition .

  11. 结果表明,超声波和MTG酶协同作用显著地改善了真丝织物的抗皱性,且其他性能也都有所提高。

    It is shown that silk fabric with synergic treatment of ultrasonic and MTG shows better crease-resistance and other performances .

  12. 整理后的棉织物甲醛释放量仅17.5×10-6,且具有良好的手感和抗皱性,综合性能优于2D树脂整理品。

    The finished cotton fabric releases only 17.5 × 10-6 formaldehyde and has soft handle and good wrinkle resistance . The comprehensive property of the fabric finished by this resin is superior to that by 2D resin .

  13. 以H2O2氧化降解壳聚糖,控制氧化条件,得到不同分子质量的壳聚糖,用作真丝绸抗皱整理剂,并测定了织物的抗皱效果。

    Chitosan was degraded by H2O2 and the oxidation conditions were controlled to obtain chitosan with different mol. wt. The products were used in wrinkle-resistant finishing of silk , and finishing results were detd .

  14. YBT试验与板材抗皱性

    Yoshida Buckling Test and Buckling-Resistance of Sheet Metals

  15. 树脂NDW在苎麻棉混纺织物抗皱整理中工艺的探讨

    Process for finishing ramie / cotton blended textiles with resin NDW

  16. 羊毛针织物耐久压烫整理剂的研究免烫树脂FR-E对大豆蛋白织物的抗皱整理

    Study on crease-resistant finishing of the soybean protein fabric treated with durable-press resin FR-E

  17. 采用氯甲基磺酸钠(CMSA)使棉织物阴离子化,然后与阳离子壳聚糖(CC)离子交联对棉织物进行抗皱整理。

    Cotton fabric is first treated with sodium chloromethyl sulfonate ( CMSA ) and then with cationized chitosan ( CC ) in order to improve its anti-crease property .

  18. 研究了自制的聚马来酸应用于棉织物抗皱整理的应用工艺,并对聚马来酸和聚马来酸酐以及BTCA的抗皱整理效果进行了比较。

    And the optimum technology was chosen . The performance of the cotton fabrics treated separately with PMA , polymaleic anhydride and BTCA were compared .

  19. 研究和讨论了酸性黑ATT、柠檬酸整理剂、添加剂用量和焙烘条件对棉织物染色性能和抗皱性能的影响。

    The influences of different dosages of acid black ATT , citric acid finish and additives and different baking conditions on the dyeing and anti-crease properties were researched and discussed .

  20. 探讨了乳液型含硅环氧交联剂EPSIB对真丝织物的抗皱整理。

    The anti-crease finish of natural silk with silicone containing epoxy emulsion crosslinking agent EPSIB was discussed .

  21. 对抗皱整理的现状和原理进行了分析,对不同的免烫整理剂进行筛选,并确定了理想的低甲醛免烫整理剂NDW。

    In this paper , the author analysed the present situation and principle of cotton wrinkle resistant finish .

  22. 探讨了聚马来酸树脂整理剂DP60作为真丝织物抗皱整理剂的应用性能。

    The application performance of polymaleic acid resin finish ( DP60 ) for wrinkle resistant finishing of silk fabrics was investigated . The expts .

  23. 运用D4(八甲基环四硅氧烷)低温等离子体对蚕丝纤维进行表面改性,分析了改性后织物的服用性能如润湿性、抗皱性、表面粗糙度、悬垂性等方面的变化。

    Silk fiber was treated with D4 ( [ ( CH-3 ) - 2SiO ] - 4 ) low-temperature plasma , and the variations in moisturizing capacity , anti-crease property , surface roughness and drapability of the treated silk fabric were examined .

  24. 采用免烫树脂FR-E对大豆蛋白织物进行抗皱处理,讨论了各种工艺参数对整理效果的影响。

    This article discusses that durable-press resin FR-E was applied to anti-crease finishing of the soybean protein fabric and the influence of various process parameters on anti-crease finishing effects .

  25. 试制结果显示该材料的硬度适中、抗皱性好并且抗氯化物腐蚀能力比SUS430钢强。

    The test results showed this material had proper hardness , free of ridging defect on the surface , and had a stronger corrosion resistance to chloride than that of SUS430 steel .

  26. 产物用于棉织物整理,织物具有很好的柔软性和抗皱性,柔软等级能达到4级,棉织物的折皱回复角由170.1o增大至260.6o。

    The finished fabrics have good softness and wrinkle resistance with the level of softness reached level 4 , the wrinkle recovery angle of cotton fabrics increased from 170.1o to 260.6o .

  27. 结果表明,随着ADMPS的氨值的增加,经其整理的棉布的弯曲刚度减小、柔软性增强,折皱回复角增大、弹性提高、抗皱性能增强,吸湿性显著提高,而白度略下降;

    The results showed that when the amino value of ADMPS was increased , the bending rigidity of the treated cotton decreased and its wrinkle recovery angle increased , which enhanced soft hand feel , the elasticity and the anticrease performance of the treated cotton .

  28. 真丝绸固色抗皱一浴工艺研究

    Research on the color-fixing and anti-crease finishing one-bath process for silk

  29. 新型纤维素纤维抗皱防缩剂的制备

    Preparation of New Type Crease Resisting Anti-shrinkage Agent for Cellulosic Fibre

  30. 棉用阻燃-抗皱整理剂的制备及应用

    Synthesis and application of flame retardant and anti-wrinkle agent for cotton