
zhé suàn
  • obversion;convert
折算 [zhé suàn]
  • [convert] 两种不同标量之间的折兑计算

  • 你折算一下二百元人民币合多少日元

折算[zhé suàn]
  1. 对于超过饮食结构基本模式制定的每日摄入量(DI)的产品,按照其DI折算;

    There are products of exceeding food structural basic pattern to enact DI and according to the DI convert .

  2. 然后根据世界银行提供的购买力平价(purchasingpowerparity(ppp))比率,将薪酬数据折算成具备同等购买力的美元数。

    Purchasing power parity ( PPP ) rates supplied by the world bank are then used to convert the remaining salary data to US $ PPP equivalent figures .

  3. 小型蒸发器(E(20))代表性和折算系数的分析

    The representation of small evaporation machince ( E_ ( 20 )) and calculation data

  4. F2级砝码折算质量的测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement on Quality of F_2 's Level Weight

  5. 折算气相原始无阻流量Q0的概念及计算方法

    Concept of Reduced Gas-Phase Primary Open Flow Rate ( Q_0 ) and its Calculation Method

  6. 本文研究了一种简便、易行、快速的方法,能从稻壳内提取高纯度SiO2.我国水稻产量居世界第一位,折算成稻壳年产量约四千万吨。

    This thesis studies a simple , feasible and quick method to extract high-purity .

  7. 根据已发行股本,可以折算出Facebook总估值约750亿美元。

    Based on the number of shares outstanding , that works out to a valuation of approximately $ 75 billion .

  8. 方法:采用面向对象方法进行系统分析,用可视化编程语言VISUALBASIC6.0与Access8.0编写程序,并用先进的方法进行屏幕数据折算。

    Methods : The analysis system was made with object oriented method , the program was written with Visual Basic 6.0 and Access 8.0 , and the data on the screen was converted .

  9. 采用折算方式进行X射线荧光光谱测定冶金熔剂,解决了该方法没有标准样品及烧失量大的难题,得到满意的分析结果。

    The conversion mode was used in the determination of metallurgical flux by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry , which solved the difficulties without reference samples and much ablation . The results are satisfactory .

  10. 按昨日收盘价折算,中石油的市值超过了埃克森美孚与荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)市值的总和。中石油是中国最大的石油及天然气生产商。

    At yesterday 's closing price , PetroChina – China 's largest oil and gas producer – was valued at more than Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell combined .

  11. 采用2000年购买力平价(PPP)的住户调查数据折算,大致就是每人日薪12到50美元。

    That translates into roughly $ 12-50 a day per person , using household-survey data at2000 purchasing-power parities ( PPP ) .

  12. 伊犁河干流区20cm口径小型蒸发器水面蒸发折算系数的分析计算

    Analysis on evaporation reduction coefficient of small evaporation pan in Ili River trunk

  13. 在此定义的基础上,确定采用车辆作用空间与车头时距相结合的方法确定车辆换折算系数PCE值。

    Consequently the PCE value of vehicle conversion factor is determined by the adoption of time and headway .

  14. 采用以分液相摩擦折算系数和马蒂内利参数X2的关系整理了倾斜下降流动摩擦阻力试验结果。

    The correlation of and X2 is utilized to arrange experimental results of frictional pressure drop for inclined downward flow .

  15. 以坡2井为例,应用目前最新的模块化动态地层测试器MDT地层测试技术,对折算的压力进行了验证和对比分析。

    Taking Well Po 2 as an example , with MDT technology , the calculated pressures are verified and analyzed . contrasting ;

  16. 水力隔离技术;二是计算中最关键的参数折算渗透系数KL容易获取。

    Hydraulic segregation ; Another is that the most crucial parameter in calculation , equivalent hydraulic conductivity K_L can be obtained easily .

  17. 通过油田区块实际测试资料得到有关环空液柱流体的PVT经验规律,然后应用该规律确定相应参数,折算出抽油井井底压力;

    In the paper we generalize and analyze some practical test data of a oilfield to get PVT experience law of annulus liquid .

  18. ECC指标克服了传统初次能耗折算方法不能反映不同初次能源品位差异的不足,该指标能够在反映能源品位的基础上对能源转换系统的效率进行评价。

    ECC has overcome the deficiency of Prime Energy method . This method can evaluate the various energy conversion systems based on reflecting the grade of different primary energy .

  19. 但由于这几家央行的资产负债表占到三个地区GDP总额的20%,其信用和利率风险敞口引起的不安,丝毫不亚于瑞士和亚洲各央行所面临的外汇折算风险。

    With combined balance sheets of 20 per cent of their collective GDP , however , their credit and interest rate exposures are no less worrisome than the foreign currency translation risks faced by their Swiss and Asian counterparts .

  20. 方法应用克劳(Crow)增长模型和试验数据折算技术相结合的方法。

    Method A new technique of reliability growth estimation and prediction , which is composed of the Crow model and test data conversion ( TDC ) method was used .

  21. 它是以机组的新蒸汽能级为基准,将机组其它各处的能量进行折算,得到纯热量品位系数ξj。

    This method is called pure heat quantity method , regarding the energy-level of live steam from the unit as a benchmark , and converting energy existing otherwhere in the unit to obtain the pure heat quantity grade coefficient "ξ j " .

  22. 结果全夜制夜班对比倒换制夜班护士每24h可增加直接护理时数66min,折算为1.06h,P<0.001;

    Results : The entire night of system night shift contrast replaces system night shift nurse each 24h to be possible to increase directly nursing time quantity 66 min , the conversion is 1.06 h , P < 0.001 ;

  23. 提示:照射距离为50~100cm时可采用平方反比定律计算剂量,如果可能尽量采用相同的距离进行最小红斑量测定与照射或按不同距离时的强度比值折算。

    It was suggested that in the radiation distance of 5o to 100 cm , the dosage could be calculated by the square inverse ratio law .

  24. 这些对环境友好的分支机构公布的年度营收数据平均比没有获得LEED认证的分支机构多出300万美元,折算到每个员工头上意味着,每个员工多创造了461300美元的收入。

    Those earth-friendly branches reported annual revenues averaging more than $ 3 million higher than their 469 non-leed counterparts , which works out to $ 461,300 in extra sales per employee .

  25. 将伤残调整寿命年(DALYs)和误工损失通过人力资本法折算为经济损失,评估SARS病例的直接和间接的经济损失。

    Disease-adjusted life years ( DALYs ) and loss of work hours were converted into economic indices through human capital method for further evaluation . Immaterial losses caused by SARS epidemic were also analyzed .

  26. 80%通过清算银行达成的交易,昨日进行了结算,而通过场外交易(over-the-counter)购买以现金折算产品的贸易商,则要等到本周五进行结算。

    The 80 per cent of trades made through clearing houses were being settled yesterday , while traders who bought cash-settled products through private transactions , known as over-the-counter trades , have until Friday to settle .

  27. 运用非圆齿轮齿廓生成原理,对齿廓设计解析法进行公式推导,并实际运用折算齿形理论,以及AutoCAD、Pro/E软件建立了非圆齿轮齿廓模型。

    It calculates the design formula of tooth profile about the analytical method and has the practical application of tooth profile conversion method with AutoCAD & Pro / E software software to establish a non-circular gear tooth profile model by using non-circular gear tooth profile generation principle .

  28. 传统的投资分析工具如贴现现金流量法(NPV)将未来的现金流量按照一定的贴现率折算到决策时点,以项目的净现值与投资额的比较结果决定投资与否。

    Traditional investment analysis tools , such as NPV , discount the future potential cashflow at a certain discounting rate to the time point where the decision is made and compare the NPV versus Investment , and by which to determine whether the investment is valuable or not .

  29. 方法:选取1994年~1999年上海市医院用药分析系统中以上4类药物数据资料,每种药品的费用按1994年的不变价格计算,每种药品的用量折算成DDDs。

    METHODS : The data of above-mentioned 4 sorts of drugs were collected from analysis system of drug-use of Shanghai in 1994 ~ 1999.The cost of each sort of drug was calculated in term of fixed price of 1994 and the amount of consumption was discount to DDDs .

  30. 当折算液速较小时,反映液塞长度波动长程相关性的Hurst指数与气液相混合速度具有递增的线性关系,液塞长度分布遵循分形统计规律。

    When the liquid superficial velocity retains a lesser value , the Hurst exponent which reflects the long-distance correlation characteristic of the liquid slug lengths fluctuation has a linearly increasing relationship with the superficial mixture velocity . Then , the liquid slug length distributions obey the fractal statistics ' law .