
  • 网络Alarm linkage;action with alarm
  1. 在实际项目中,还包括实时监控、报警联动、实施包围、GPS调度等多个扩展模块。

    In practical projects , it also includes real-time monitoring , alarm linkage , the implementation of siege , GPS scheduling and other extension .

  2. 煤气泄漏报警联动系统方案的确定

    Scheme Determination and Detector Selection of Gas leakage Alarm System

  3. 消防报警联动控制系统的布线特点及配电要求

    Arrangement features & electric distribution requirements of fire alarm joint control system

  4. 闯红灯报警联动监视系统的研究

    Research on a System for Red Light Violation Monitor and Traffic TV Surveillance

  5. 智能火灾报警联动系统的设计研究

    Research of Intelligent Fire Alarm and Linkage Control Systems

  6. 通用型闭路电视监控与报警联动装置

    A general equipment for CCTV & alarm system

  7. 火灾报警联动系统及大楼智能系统研制与开发进展

    Development and Recent Progresses of Fire Alarm , Combined Fire-fighting Controllers and Intelligent Building Control System

  8. 系统可进行报警联动切换图像、报警联动录像、报警电子地图显示等功能。

    The system can implement the switch the image , record video and display the e-map function with alarm linkage .

  9. 在安防系统中,安全策略作为报警联动的核心则最直观地体现了安防系统的稳定性和可靠性。

    In security system , being the core of alarm and joint-act , security strategy incarnates the stability and reliability of the security system .

  10. 本文论述亍收费站车道自动控制系统的软硬件设计,实现对车道的栏杆机升降、显示牌信息显示、红绿灯、地感线圈检测及报警联动的自动控制。

    This article presents an automatic control system of toll collection station information displaying , balustrade controlling , red green lights changing , also analyses the hardware , software of the system .

  11. 除实现消防报警联动控制的全部功能外,还实现了相关设备如空调机组、生活泵、照明等协调运行。

    It has realized not only all the functions of FAS , but also the concerted running on correlative equipment such as air condition unit , living pump , lighting and so on .

  12. 为了加强对无人值守变电站的全貌监视,尤其是对其电力设备温度的在线实时监控,构建了具有红外测温功能的远程图像监控系统,实现了过热设备的报警联动。

    For strengthening the panorama monitoring of unattended transformer substation , especially for the online temperature monitoring of power appliances , the video monitoring system that using infrared temperature measurement needs to be constructed , the alarm function to an over heating appliances are realized as well .

  13. HiPF实现了事件通知功能,防火墙在发现期望事件后,将消息反馈给用户态进程,以达到应急、报警、联动的目的。

    The function of event notification is implemented in HiPF , HiPF will send notification to user-space processes while finding expected events to achieve emergency , alarm , association . 2 .

  14. 太阳大厦火灾自动报警消防联动系统设计

    Fire auto-alarm and fire fighting blocking system design in Taiyang mansion

  15. 提高火灾自动报警系统联动控制可靠性的对策

    The tactics of improving the reliability of fire alarm controlling system

  16. 如何正确设计火灾自动报警及其联动系统

    Correct design method of fire automatic alarming and linked system

  17. 对火灾报警与联动控制系统的功能及要求进行了分析。

    The linkage control and its application of fire equipments are discussed .

  18. 消防自动报警及联动实验系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Automatic Fire - Alarm and Joint Practice

  19. 津滨轻轨控制中心火灾自动报警及联动系统设计

    Automated Fire Alarm and Chain Action System Design for Jin-Bin Light Rail Control Center

  20. 基于CAN总线的火灾报警(联动)网络系统设计

    The Design of Fire Alarm and Unite Control Network System Based on CAN Bus

  21. 火灾报警消防联动控制系统的漏报率和误报率及系统设计的研究

    Study on Mistake and Failure Rate of Fire Reporting Alarm Control System and System Planning

  22. 浅谈钢铁工业企业火灾自动报警及联动控制系统设计

    Fire - Control the Steel Industrial Enterprises

  23. 上海外环隧道火灾自动报警及联动灭火系统

    Automatic Fire Alarm System and Linked Fire Fighting System of Shanghai Outer Ring Immersed Tube Tunnel

  24. 引黄五座泵站火灾自动报警及联动控制系统

    Fir auto-alarm and control linkage system of five different pumping stations in Yellow River Diversion Project

  25. 有手动和电动操作,与火灾自动报警系统联动,可实现自动控制。

    Manual and electrical operation , can perform auto control together with auto fire alarm system .

  26. 燃气共同沟消防安全的关键在于燃气泄漏探测报警及其联动控制。

    Core parts of safe system of flammable gas utility tunnel are gas leakage detection , automatic alarm , and association control .

  27. 保证机车有火情时能及时准确的探测发现、报警和联动灭火是机车智能化火灾探测系统设计的主要目标。

    How to ensure the intime and exact fire detection 、 alam and fire-put is the goal of the design of the intelligent fire detection in train .

  28. 基于Internet的火灾自动报警与消防联动指挥调度系统

    Commanding System of Fire Automatic Alarm and Fire Control Linkage Based on Internet

  29. 智能火灾报警控制及联动技术研究

    The Study of Intelligent Five Alarm Control and Joint Action Technique

  30. 监控系统中报警检测及联动录像方案的设计

    Design for warning detecting & gang video recording scheme in monitoring system