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pī jīn
  • shawl;scarf;kerchief;vimpa;tippet
披巾 [pī jīn]
  • [shawl] 披在肩上的织物

披巾[pī jīn]
  1. 薄软绸制的领带或围巾等新娘手持一个筛子,筛子上盖有一块丝绸披巾。

    The bride holds a sieve covered with a silk shawl ;

  2. 她用披巾裹住婴儿。

    She covered up the baby with a shawl .

  3. ponchos:斗篷,雨衣,穗饰披巾我在ToryBurch店里看风衣。

    I 'll be at Tory Burch , looking at ponchos . -

  4. 里面装着两条披巾,是他们的亡母生前所使用的。

    Inside were two shawls that had belonged to their late mother .

  5. 护士把婴儿裹在一块披巾里。

    The nurse wrapped the baby in a shawl .

  6. 他脖子里围着一条绿色的在披巾。

    Round his neck he wore a green shawl .

  7. 那对圆溜溜的,充满柔情的眼睛在一块红披巾下闪闪发光。

    Round soft eyes glistened under a red shawl .

  8. 披巾、领巾、围巾、披纱、面纱及类似品。

    Shawls , scarves , mufflers , mantillas , veils and the like .

  9. 那女人猛然地披上披巾在肩膀上。

    The woman threw a shawl over her shoulders .

  10. 我将鼻子埋进披巾,试图闻到她的味道。

    I buried my nose in them to try and smell her perfume .

  11. 她把披巾围在肩上。

    She threw a scarf over her shoulders .

  12. 这位纺织图案设计师设计的披巾即奇异又大方。

    The shawls designed by this fabric-pattern designer are in fancy but plain style .

  13. 她拉拢披巾,把它裹在肩上。

    She gathered her shawl about her shoulders .

  14. 他拿出条披巾,小心翼翼地将它披在格特鲁德的肩上。

    He brought out a shawl which he began to drape carefully over gertrude 's shoulders .

  15. 陈列品包括地毯、披巾、腰带和纱丽服等。

    These include carpets , shawls , waistbands , stitched garments , saris and so on .

  16. 披巾约2000库纳。

    Wraps cost about 2000 kunas .

  17. 这些情景以及披着披巾,拿着棍棒的人们,吸引了一群人围观。

    and these , and an array of men with scarves and staves , attract a crowd .

  18. 我们又开始去上学,穿着便服,把书本藏在披巾底下。

    We started going to school again , dressed in ordinary clothes and hiding our books under our shawls .

  19. 后来,我在其中一条披巾里找到了一根黑色长发,这使我的礼物显得愈加珍贵。

    Later I found a long black hair on one of them , which made it even more special .

  20. 赛克斯和他那位搭档各自用黑色大披巾将脖子和下巴裹起来,穿上大衣。

    Sikes and his companion enveloped their necks and chins in large dark shawls , and drew on their great-coats ;

  21. 这种纤维由于在印度喀什米尔用来制造美丽的披巾和其它手工产品而闻名于世。

    The fibre became known for its use in beautiful shawls and other handmade items produced in Kashmir , India .

  22. 屋里都是虔诚的信徒——印度人和西方人——裹着羊毛披巾,抵御黎明前的寒冷。

    The room is filled with devotees - Indian and Western - wrapped in woolen shawls against the predawn cold .

  23. 她肩上披着一条白色的披巾。其中有一个姑娘披着火红的披巾。

    She wore a white shawl over her shoulders . One of the girls had on a shawl red as fire .

  24. 我说我会戴着我的披巾,因为教义中并没有特别规定女性一定要穿罩袍。

    I said I would just wear my shawl as it is not specified that a woman must wear a burqa .

  25. 这个时期的女子出门披披巾,打阳伞,戴帽子、面纱和手套来保护自己白皙的皮肤。

    During this period , women went out playing parasols and wearing hats , veils and mittens to protect their white skin .

  26. 在参加部分集会时,我不再用披巾包住头,感觉自己已经成了一个摩登女孩。

    I stopped wearing my shawl over my head in some of the meetings , thinking I had become a modern girl .

  27. 文章从叙事模式、描写停顿、叙述频率、叙述视角和叙事声音等方面探讨《大披巾》的叙事艺术。

    This paper probes into it from narrative model , descriptive pause , narrative frequency , narrative point of view and narrative voice .

  28. 丝或废丝制披巾、围巾、领巾、头纱、面纱及类似品,针织或?针织者。

    Shawls , scarves , mufflers , mantillas , veils and the like , knitted or crocheted , of silk or silk waste .

  29. 新娘和新郎坐在婚宴的贵宾席上,新娘手持一个筛子,筛子上盖有一块丝绸披巾。

    The bride and groom have seats of honor at the reception . The bride holds a sieve covered with a silk shawl ;

  30. 我喜欢我的宝蓝色学生制服,但校方建议我们改穿一般的服装上学,同时建议我们将书本藏在披巾底下。

    I loved my royal-blue school uniform but we were advised to wear plain clothes instead and hide our books under our shawls .