
bào yuàn
  • complain;grumble;moan;gripe;grievance;murmur at;bleat;grouch;have a moan;remonstrance;sniff
抱怨 [bào yuàn]
  • [complain;grumble] 心中怀有不满,责怪别人

  • 抱怨食堂的伙食不好

抱怨[bào yuàn]
  1. 我给他们去信气愤地抱怨了一通。

    I wrote them a stinking letter to complain .

  2. 她压根儿没什么好抱怨的,是不是?

    She could scarcely complain , could she ?

  3. 运动员抱怨说网球场的反弹力不均匀。

    Players complained about the uneven bounce of the tennis court .

  4. 抱怨毫无用处——他们根本不听。

    It 's no good complaining ─ they never listen .

  5. “这不公平。”她抱怨道。

    ‘ It 's not fair , ’ she complained .

  6. 别抱怨啦!我跟你说过我要迟到的。

    Don 't start ! I told you I 'd be late .

  7. 在投诉当中,最多的是抱怨等候时间太长。

    Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints .

  8. 她虽然从不抱怨,但显然已疲惫不堪。

    She never complains , but she 's obviously exhausted .

  9. 他们抱怨楼上发出的噪音太大。

    They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat .

  10. 他老是抱怨共事的人。

    He 's always griping about the people at work .

  11. 我最大的抱怨是缺乏隐私。

    My main grumble is about the lack of privacy .

  12. 抱怨学校饭菜差已是耳熟能详的老调了。

    Complaints about poor food in schools have become a familiar refrain .

  13. 他们的抱怨最终促使他采取了行动。

    Their complaints have finally stirred him into action .

  14. 因为人们的抱怨,规则简化了。

    Complaints have led to simplification of the rules .

  15. 我们抱怨房间不好,经理却不理会。

    We complained about our rooms but got no joy from the manager .

  16. 什么都难如他的意——他老在抱怨。

    Nothing satisfies him ─ he 's always complaining .

  17. 我已经听够了你的抱怨了。

    I 've had a bellyful of your moaning .

  18. 他只会抱怨。

    All he ever does is grumble about things .

  19. 你在抱怨什么呢?

    What are you moaning on about now ?

  20. 他没完没了的抱怨让我们忍无可忍。

    His constant complaints were straining our patience .

  21. 他们总是牢骚满腹,抱怨有很多事要做。

    They 're always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do .

  22. 贝拉抱怨说她的脚冷。

    Bella moaned that her feet were cold .

  23. 而且他们居然还有脸抱怨!

    Then they had the gall to complain !

  24. 我们对工作大大地抱怨了一番。

    We had a good moan about work .

  25. 他讲的笑话很糟糕,我们都发出不满的抱怨声。

    We all groaned at his terrible jokes .

  26. “可我刚刚才到这里呢。”他小声抱怨说。

    ' But I 've only just got here , ' he bleated feebly .

  27. 护士抱怨工作劳累过度而报酬过低。

    Nurses complain of being overworked and underpaid .

  28. 人们推推搡搡,争吵着抱怨着。

    People were jostling , arguing and complaining .

  29. 我看没理由抱怨。

    I can see no grounds for complaint .

  30. 我讨厌你没完没了的抱怨。

    I 'm tired of your everlasting complaints .