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yā yùn
  • 见 "压韵";rhyme
押韵 [yā yùn]
  • [rhyme] 见压韵

押韵[yā yùn]
  1. 我喜欢句尾押韵的诗。

    I prefer poems that rhyme .

  2. 和passion押韵的词是fashion。

    The one rhyme for passion is fashion

  3. 歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。

    The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy .

  4. 他当时正教海伦一首押韵小诗。

    He was teaching Helen a little rhyme .

  5. 他写了几首诗。锡德告诉他那几首诗都不押韵。

    He had written a few poems . Sid told him they didn 't scan .

  6. 波特遵循押韵的规则。

    Porter stayed within the rules of rhyme

  7. 为了押韵,他似乎选择了脑海里出现的第一个词。

    In his efforts to make it rhyme he seems to have chosen the first word that comes into his head .

  8. 这两句不押韵。

    These two lines don 't rhyme .

  9. 我们能把‘hiccups’同‘pick-ups’放在一起押韵吗

    Can we rhyme ' hiccups'with ' pick-ups ' ?

  10. 这个说法沿袭了sweettooth押韵规律,并进一步演绎。Sweettooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。

    This term is a rhyming play on the well-known phrase sweet tooth , a craving or fondness for sweet food , which has been in the language for over 600 years .

  11. 用押韵对句写成的诗

    a poem written in rhyming couplets

  12. 哪个词与school押韵?

    What words rhyme with " school "?

  13. 她将“love”与“dove”两字押韵。

    She rhymes " love " with " dove " .

  14. 他使用押韵的词,即尾音相同的词,例如fish和wish。

    He used rhyming words , words with the same ending sound , like fish and wish .

  15. 你能找到与“nose”押韵的词吗?

    Can you find a rhyme for " nose "?

  16. 或者我们可以想些跟Bob押韵的字

    Maybe we should think of things that rhyme with " Bob . "

  17. 但是他的名字和ForgeBoony押韵

    But his name rhymes with Forge Boony .

  18. 如果你们对押韵不是很在行好吧他是GeorgeClooney

    If you 're bad at rhyming it was George Clooney , Okay .

  19. 那个英文跟glove押韵的词吗

    The one that rhymes with glove ?

  20. 一本名字不能说的杂志和Rogue押韵

    M : A certain magazine whose name shall not be said rhymes with rogue .

  21. 另一种较为普通的表示由生到死的说法是“wombtotomb”,但是这个说起来比较押韵。

    Another less common way to say cradle to grave is womb to tomb . But that one rhymes .

  22. 这位奥斯卡获奖者曾向采访自己的主持人善意地解释自己的名字如何发音:“是萨兰登,和抛弃(abandon)押韵。”

    The Oscar winner once helpfully explained to interviewers how to pronounce her name : " It 's Sa-ran-don - rhymes with abandon . "

  23. 我在这里给出了一首关于JSP脚本元素的打油诗(虽然有点不押韵),虽不太出名但非常切题。

    I include here , in spite of its awkward rhyme and stumbling meter , a little-known but apt limerick on the topic of JSP scripting elements .

  24. 我弄了个小押韵:chickentikka(烤鸡肉)。这样听起来很荒唐。

    I rhymed it with " chicken tikka " - this sounds silly but guess what ?

  25. nitty-gritty是英语中许多的押韵复合词中的一个。

    Nitty-gritty is one of many rhyming compounds in the English language .

  26. 对外行人而言,这两个单词似乎应该是押韵的,但是前者的读音是/mun/(根据InternationalPronunciationAlphabet),而后者的读音是/good/。

    To the uninitiated , the words should rhyme , but the former is pronounced / mun / ( according to the International Pronunciation Alphabet ), while the latter is spoken / good / .

  27. 其实,lexicographical与“higgledy-piggledy”(“杂乱无章”的意思)有一样的押韵。

    But " lexicographical " is the same pattern as " higgledy-piggledy . "

  28. 在没有预先警告下,Diane和John发现这些模式难以辨认,可是一旦告诉去寻找模式,两人便开始注意到了单词的押韵、类别,甚至句子。

    Without forewarning Diane and John found these difficult to spot , but once told to search for the patterns they started noticing rhymes , categories of words and even sentences .

  29. 和许多押韵复合词一样,nitty-gritty是非正式用语。它常常在对话中使用。

    As with many rhyming compounds , nitty-gritty is informal . It is often used in casual conversation .

  30. 然而大多数的伦敦人还是能够辨别出俚语“苹果和梨”指的是楼梯(编辑注:pears和stairs押韵),“麻烦和冲突”指的是妻子(编辑注:strife和wife押韵),尽管他们自己可能不会使用这些表达。

    Yet most Londoners recognize that " apples and pears " is a slang for stairs or " trouble and strife " means wife , even if they wouldn 't use the expressions themselves .