
chōu shuǐ
  • pump (water);draw water;shrink;(of a cloth through wetting) shrink
抽水 [chōu shuǐ]
  • [pump (water)] 通过水泵将水从低处吸到高处

  • 抽水机

  • [(of a cloth through wetting) shrink] 布料洗涤后尺寸缩短

  • 这种布抽水很厉害

抽水[chōu shuǐ]
  1. 用三支电极棒取代传统的机械浮球,用Intel公司MCS-51系列的单片机8031芯片控制水池水位和给水泵与抽水泵的运行状态。

    During transformation , the traditional mechanical floater is replaced with three electrodes , and One-chip computer 8031 chip of MCS-51 series of Intel company is used for controlling pond water level and operation of feed water pump and draw water pump .

  2. 这项合同1990年1月1日到期,但这些本地供水商却一直持续不断地从拉尼尔湖中抽水。

    Those contracts expired on January 1st 1990 , but those local entities have continued to draw water from the lake .

  3. 这台发动机是用来从矿井中抽水的。

    The engine is used for pumping water out of the mine .

  4. 这些抽水马桶都坏了。

    The toilets are all out of order .

  5. 冲抽水马桶。

    Give the toilet a flush .

  6. 他们设计了一套从地下70米处抽水的系统。

    They have designed a system which pumps up water from 70m below ground

  7. 卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。

    The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets , 2 showers , and 2 sinks .

  8. 所筹资金将用于钻孔打水以抽水到干涸的湖中。

    The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake .

  9. 我们从井里抽水以供日用。

    We pump water from the well for daily use .

  10. 抽水机坏了,只好用人工抽水。

    We had to move water by a chain pump because the electric pump had broken down .

  11. 机器的抽水部件需要修理。

    The pumping action of the machine needs repairing .

  12. 从这一深度抽水的最大担忧就是地表的逐渐下层。

    The biggest concern of pumping out water from this deep in the gradual settling down of the land surface .

  13. 虽然从这些深度抽水的成本高昂,但还是比主要处于海岸沿线的州通过对海水进行脱盐以获取淡水的成本低。

    Even though pumping from these depths is expensive , it is still cheaper than desalinatingthe ocean water in the largely coastal state .

  14. 蓄水层的深度从地下一千英尺到三千英尺不等,这意味着抽水的成本是高的,而且还有其他一些担忧

    The aquifers range from 1,000 to 3,000 feet below the ground , which means that pumping will be expensive and there are other concerns .

  15. 以前的钻井深度仅仅能到达地下一千英尺,但是由于新的抽水方法,比这更深的地下水也可以被抽取上来。

    Previous drilling of wells could only reach depths of 1,000 feet , but due to new pumping practices , water deeper than this can now be extracted .

  16. 两个人的口水只管喷泉似地朝外涌,两个抽水机全力以赴往外抽水。

    Both fountains were going furiously and both pumps bailing with might and main .

  17. 当抽水使地下水位下降时,剥落力σb增大。

    When pumping water makes the underground water drop , the spalling force increases .

  18. 小口径井求K的抽水试验方法

    To find K from pumping test method in small diameter well

  19. PLC控制的电机软启动抽水系统

    PLC controlled soft - starting pumping system

  20. 对清丰水化站地下水中溶解气CO2多年的观测资料序列进行了研究分析,其结果是:该测项对观测装置的改变及抽水量的变化反映灵敏;

    The soluble CO_2 in water at Qingfeng pumping station was observed for several years and the data were analyzed .

  21. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  22. 运用数值Laplace逆变换算法,分析了传统的定流量抽水问题。

    The traditional problem of constant discharging in wells is analysed by using a numerical inversion of Laplace transforms .

  23. VCR法在抽水蓄能电站闸门井开挖中的应用

    Application of VCR Method in the Excavation for Gate Shaft in Pumped Storage Power Station

  24. P3软件在抽水蓄能电站施工进度计划编制中的应用

    Application of Software P3 to Work out Construction Schedule of A Pumped Storage Power Station

  25. LSD斜井滑模系统在桐柏抽水蓄能电站的应用

    Application of LSD inclined shaft slipform system to Tongbai Pumped-storage Power Station

  26. 江苏宜兴抽水蓄能电站钢岔管的PD值与国内已建的类似工程相比是最大的,采用钢岔管与围岩联合受力进行设计在国内尚属首次。

    Compared to those similar finished projects within China , the PD value of the steel bifurcation for Jiangsu Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station is the biggest .

  27. 收集研究区现有水文地质条件等资料,并进行抽水实验求取渗透系数K,在此基础上建立研究区概念模型和数值模型。

    Through collecting data of the current hydrogeological condition of the studied site and carrying out pumping test to get the permeability coefficient K , the conceptual model and numerical model were constructed .

  28. 十三陵抽水蓄能电厂200MW机组PSS投运试验及计算分析

    PSS Commissioning Test and Calculation Analysis for 200 MW Unit Ming Tomb Pumped Storage Station

  29. KKS标识系统在桐柏抽水蓄能电厂信息化建设中的应用

    Application of KKS to informatization construction of Tongbai Pumped-Storage Power Plant

  30. 分析了300MW抽水蓄能机组结构、运行特点和常见故障。

    Structural parameters , operating characteristics and common faults of the unit are analyzed first .