
  • 网络russell;Russel;Bill Russell;D'Angelo Russell
  1. 他们住在拉塞尔广场95号。

    They live at 95 Russell Square .

  2. 昨天拉塞尔因肠胃病毒感染身体不适,由斯图尔特暂时接手。

    Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus .

  3. 拉塞尔然后要求对每个目标进行举手表决。

    Russell then asked for a show of hands concerning each of the targets .

  4. 拉塞尔博士正通过把全球各地的山羊品种进行杂交来培育一个优良种群。

    Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe .

  5. 拉塞尔说:“你会想要这个机器人被预先输入一系列好的价值观。”

    " You would want that robot preloaded with a good set of values , " said Russell .

  6. 拉塞尔认为,当机器人承担起更加复杂的任务时,就有必要将我们的道德规范翻译成人工智能语言。

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks , it 's necessary to translate our morals into AI language .

  7. 本文作者为拉塞尔投资管理公司(lasalleinvestmentmanagement)全球策略师

    The writer is global strategist at LaSalle investment management

  8. 当郊区的集合公寓变得十分拥挤时,鹿只好逃离这个热闹的地区(b拉塞尔巴克)

    When the condos get so dense out in those ' burbs that the deer have to run right through hot tubs ( bRussell Baker )

  9. 他现在经营着一家名叫RushCommunications的控股公司,这家公司为拉塞尔打理他旗下的金融、媒体和时尚业务。

    He now heads up rush communications , a holding company for his financial , media and fashion businesses .

  10. 拉塞尔预想AI将改变经济和目前的生活方式。

    Russell envisions that AI will change the economy and the current way of life .

  11. 俄克拉荷马雷霆队(OklahomaCityThunder)后卫拉塞尔•威斯布鲁克(RussellWestbrook)承认他戴的是非处方镜片眼镜。

    Oklahoma City guard Russell Westbrook admits that his lenses are nonprescription .

  12. 这两名研究者分别是拉塞尔•希尔(RusselHill)和罗宾•邓巴。

    The researchers were Russell Hill and Robin Dunbar .

  13. 他说儿子拉塞尔曾就此事向BBC公司管理层投诉,但公司对他的投诉置之不理。

    He said Russell reported the matter to BBC chiefs but they ignored his complaint .

  14. 每一年,他的湖人都和比尔-拉塞尔的波士顿凯尔特人在NBA总决赛舞台上碰撞,而韦斯特输掉了6次。

    Annually , his Lakers clashed with Bill Russell 's Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals and West lost six times .

  15. 这会让女性感到不舒服,她们也理应感到不舒服,筛查专家、北卡罗莱纳大学(UniversityofNorthCarolina)医学教授拉塞尔·P·哈里斯(RussellP.Harris)说。

    It will make women uncomfortable , and they should be uncomfortable , said Dr. Russell P. Harris , a screening expert and professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina .

  16. 另一位CBC解说员斯科特•拉塞尔为麦克唐纳的不当点评在电视节目中道歉。

    Scott Russell , another CBC commentator , issued an on-air apology for MacDonald 's remarks .

  17. 在这份白皮书的作者之一、德语教授拉塞尔·A·伯尔曼(RussellA.Berman)看来,承认这些切合实际的迫切需要是一种责任。

    Russell A. Berman , a German professor and an author of the paper , feels a responsibility to recognize these practical exigencies .

  18. 一位BBC内部人士声称,目前单身的拉塞尔已经多次拒绝对方的无理要求,这在之声已经是人尽皆知的事情。

    A BBC source claimed it was common knowledge at the station that Russell , a bachelor , had fended off unwanted attention from her .

  19. 现年50岁的拉塞尔在BBC的考文垂和沃里克之声工作,他之前长期请病假,最近才刚返回工作岗位。

    Mr Joslin , 50 , had been on long-term sick leave from his radio job at BBC Coventry and Warwickshire but recently returned to work .

  20. 娱乐传媒研究首席执行官拉塞尔•哈特(RussellHart)表示:社交网络从根本上改变了我们发现、购买和使用音乐的方式。

    Russell Hart , chief executive of Entertainment Media Research , said : Social networks are fundamentally changing the way we discover , purchase and use music .

  21. 这位来自乔治城大学身高6英尺体重160磅的球员在NBA历史场均得分第七,场均时间第四,仅落后于威尔特-张伯伦,比尔-拉塞尔和奥斯卡-罗伯特森。

    The 6 '0 ″ , 160-pound Georgetown product sits seventh on the NBA 's points-per-game leaderboard and fourthin terms of minutes per game , trailing only Wilt Chamberlain , Bill Russell and Oscar Robertson .

  22. 关于南雄盆地K/T界线问题的讨论&与D.A.拉塞尔,D.E.拉塞尔,A.R.斯威特商榷

    Discussion on the problems of k / T Boundary in the Nanxiong Basin

  23. 这位名人堂成员也是目前NBA历史上唯一一位完成此壮举的球员,但本赛季俄克拉何马城雷霆队的拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克和休斯顿火箭队的詹姆斯-哈登在这两项数据上皆排名联盟前列。

    The Hall of Famer remains the only player to accomplish the feat , but Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder and James Harden of the Houston Rockets rank among the league leaders in both categories this season .

  24. 在现有的NBA,球员们无法让比尔-拉塞尔或拉里-伯德时期的凯尔特人,以及魔术师约翰逊/贾巴尔时期的湖人队那样的超级强队轻易形成。

    With a 30-franchise NBA , the current generation of players couldn 't just nobly let superteams form organically the way they did for the Bill Russell or Larry Bird Celtics and the Magic Johnson / Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Lakers .

  25. 虽然浣熊爬上二三十英尺的高度是正常的,但爬上大型建筑物非常罕见,霍夫斯特拉大学(HofstraUniversity)生物学教授拉塞尔·L·伯克(RussellL.Burke)说。

    While it 's normal for raccoons to climb 20 or 30 feet , scaling a large building is very unusual , said Russell L. Burke , a biology professor at Hofstra University .

  26. 尽管如此,拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克当选MVP大多是基于他场均拿下三双的成绩这一事实,所以不要忽视投票者心目中基础数据的重要性。

    Still , Russell Westbrook 's win was mostly powered by the fact that he averaged a triple-double , so don 't overlook the importance of the basic numbers in the minds of voters .

  27. 只有八位球员拿到过多次的MVP和多次总冠军,分别是:贾巴尔,乔丹,比尔-拉塞尔,张伯伦,詹姆斯,伯德,魔术师和邓肯,库里很快也有望加入到这个阵营了。

    Only 8 players have won multiple MVPs and multiple championships . Kareem , MJ , Russell , Wilt , LeBron , Bird , Magic and Duncan . Steph Curry can join that group soon .

  28. 拉塞尔最好的资料来源包括哈里森的日记以及约瑟夫·欧鲁克(JosephO’Rourke)的人事档案,后者曾是克里斯特尔城的一名军官,负责处理那里的日常问题。

    Among Ms. Russell 's best sources : Mr. Harrison 's diary and the personnel file of Joseph O'Rourke , the officer in Crystal City who dealt with the day-to-day problems there .

  29. 得到埃隆?马斯克(ElonMusk)和谷歌(Google)支持的OpenAI等组织已取得进展,拉塞尔教授表示:“我们看到了一些论文……它们针对安全性的技术问题。”

    Groups like Open AI , backed by Elon Musk and Google , have made progress , says Prof Russell : " We 've seen papers ? . ? . ? . ? that address the technical problem of safety . "

  30. 费城拉塞尔大学(LaSalleUniversity)的玛丽安娜•丹顿(MarianneDainton)教授说,通常伴侣对彼此越坦诚,他们就越不快乐。她的研究重点是人际交流。

    Often the more open partners are with each other , the less happy they are , says Marianne Dainton , a professor at La Salle University , in Philadelphia , whose research focuses on communication in personal relationships .