
  • 网络bowing
  1. 你拉奏得好便有乾酪吃。

    My boy play well , and there will be cheese .

  2. 我们好像已变为一把优美的小提琴,正待由一位大音乐家来拉奏名曲了。

    We feel like good violins about to be played on by master violinists .

  3. 提琴是用弓来拉奏的。

    A violin is played with a bow .

  4. 让他在天堂拉奏。

    He can play it in heaven .

  5. 据说凶手切开他的咽喉,试图用其拉奏

    I hear someone cut his throat and tried to play it with a bow .

  6. 你就会这样子拉奏。

    You 'll be playing like this .

  7. 他向前走近挂在墙上的话筒,尽情地拉奏起这首《沙丽·古丁》。

    He stepped up to the mouthpiece on the wall box and cut loose on Sally Goodin .

  8. “正统”可不是指买一把带着现代弓背的老弓来拉奏带着肠弦的现代小提琴。

    It certainly did not mean just stringing a modern violin with gut and buying an old bow , while keeping the modern bridge .

  9. 他会大步走上舞台,然后轻轻地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙动听的曲调。

    He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin

  10. 蝈蝈与蝉拉唱相和,奏出了夏天的第一乐章&躁热。

    Grasshopper and the cicadas sing la phase and , to play the first movement of the summer & .

  11. 拉4:16我们谨奏王知、这城若再建造、城墙完毕、河西之地王就无分了。

    We certify the king that , if this city be builded again , and the walls thereof set up , by this means thou shalt have no portion on this side the river .