
  • 网络Lhasa River
  1. 拉萨河特大桥引桥32m连续梁设计

    Design of 32-m Span Continuous Girder of Approach Bridge of Lhasa River Bridge

  2. 拉萨河特大桥主桥324m连续梁施工技术

    Construction Techniques for 324 m Long Continuous Girder of Main Bridge of Lhasa River Bridge

  3. 拉萨河特大桥为五跨三连拱结构,主跨108m,为单线Ⅰ级铁路桥梁。

    Lhasa River Bridge , with a main span 108 m , is a 5-span , 3-arch structure and is also a Grade I single-track railway bridge .

  4. 拉萨河特大桥新型支座安装技术

    Installation Techniques for New Type of Bearings of Lhasa River Bridge

  5. 拉萨河流域生态胁迫典型要素分析及对策

    Analysis and measures of ecological stress elements in lhasa River Basin

  6. 拉萨河地区的大气降水同位素分布特征

    Characteristics of isotope distribution of atmospheric precipitation in the Lasa River area

  7. 拉萨河特大桥钢管拱架设技术

    Erection Techniques for Steel Tube Arches of Lhasa River Bridge

  8. 拉萨河特大桥拱脚设计及局部应力分析

    Design and Local Stress Analysis of Arch Springs of Lhasa River Bridge

  9. 拉萨河冬季径流对气候变暖和冻土退化的响应

    Hydrological Response of Lhasa River to Climate Change and Permafrost Degradation in Xizang

  10. 拉萨河流域选矿厂分布及其对环境的影响

    Study on the impact of mineral processing plant on environment in Lhasa river catchments

  11. 拉萨河城区段综合整治应注重生态建设

    Eco-Construction Deserving Stress in the Process of Integrated Control of Urban Segment of Lhasa River

  12. 拉萨河特大桥主桥吊杆和锚箱疲劳试验研究

    Test Study of Fatigue of Hanger Anchor Housings for Main Bridge of Lhasa River Bridge

  13. 拉萨河下游河谷区三叶草引种品比试验研究

    Growth performance comparison of introduced clover forage varieties in the lower reaches of Lhasa River Valley

  14. 拉萨河特大桥主桥钢管混凝土配合比试验

    Mix Proportioning Tests for Concrete Filled into Steel Tubes of Main Bridge of Lhasa River Bridge

  15. 开放式钢筋石笼在拉萨河城区中段防洪工程中的应用

    Application of open-reinforced stone-gabion to flood control project of middle reach of Lhasa River within municipal area

  16. 拉萨河特大桥围堰封底混凝土桩周堵漏技术

    Construction Techniques for Leaking Stoppage Around Piles at Bottom Sealing Concrete of Cofferdams of Lhasa River Bridge

  17. 拉萨河流域高山水热分布观测结果分析

    Analysis of the Observation Results of Temperature and Precipitation over an Alpine Mountain , the Lhasa River Basin

  18. 在雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河与年楚河流域中部地区人为因子致使生态退化作用较强。

    The artificial factor in the middle area of brahmaputra , Lhasa River and Nianchu River induced relatively strong ecological degradation action .

  19. 介绍拉萨河特大桥下部结构型式及设计要点,并对该桥的防震措施及检查设备作了简要的说明。

    The structural types and design highlights of the substructure of Lhasa River Bridge are described , and the aseismatic measures and inspection equipment for the Bridge are briefed as well .

  20. 文中所指的一江四河是指雅鲁藏布江及年楚河、拉萨河、雅砻河、尼洋河四条主要支流。

    Here , Brahmaputra River and its four branches , that is to say , Brahmaputra and its four branches of Nian-chu River , Lhasa River , Ya-long River and Ni-yang River .

  21. 拉萨河特大桥主桥采用(36+72+108+72+36)m五跨三拱连续梁钢管混凝土拱组合结构体系。

    The main bridge of Lhasa River Bridge is designed as a hybrid structure system of 5-span , 3-arch continuous girder and concrete-filled steel tube arches with span arrangement ( 36 + 72 + 108 + 72 + 36 ) m.

  22. 笔者试图将前人的基础地学研究成果与矿床的最新研究成果融为一体,进一步探讨全国重点成矿片区一江两河(雅鲁藏布江,拉萨河,年楚河)成矿带的成矿动力学与矿床时空分布规律。

    The metallogenic dynamics of the metallogenic zones along the Yarlung Zangbo , Lhasa and Nyangqu Rivers , and spatio temporal distribution of the ore deposits in these regions are explored , referenced to the previous and current results of research .

  23. 拉萨河城区段以防洪为主的综合整治工程正处于全面实施阶段,在注重防洪和娱乐功能的同时,如何实现水安全、水生态、水景观、水经济四位一体的协调发展值得关注。

    Integrated control project of urban segment of Lhasa River is undergoing all-around implementation . It should be concerned about that how to realize the compatible development of four-law-in-a-whole , which contains water security , water ecology , water landscape , and water economy .