
  • 网络Raschig;Lacy;Lassi;F. Rashching
  1. 他做起报告来往往东拉西扯,不着边际。

    When he lectures he often strays from the subject .

  2. 高效液相色谱法测定吡拉西坦片的含量W片的双折射

    Determination of the Content of Piracetam in the Tablets with HPLC Birefraction of W Flat

  3. 左乙拉西坦对慢性致痫大鼠海马神经元凋亡和Bcl-2及Bax表达的影响

    Effect of Levetiracetam on Neuron Apoptosis and Bax and Bcl-2 Expression in Hippocampus of Chronic Epilepsy Rats

  4. 目的建立了RP-HPLC方法测定注射用吡拉西坦含量及有关物质。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish a RP-HPLC method for the determination of piracetam for injection and its related substances .

  5. 结论:复方吡拉西坦能明显提高Alzheimer病人的记忆,认知和生活能力,无严重副作用。

    CONCLUSION : MQ , HDS and ADL of patients with Alzheimer 's disease were improved by piracetam compound , without severe side effects .

  6. 拉西地平对CTGF诱导大鼠心肌细胞肥大的影响及其与ERK1/2的关系

    Effect of lacidipine on cardiac myocyte hypertrophy induced by CTGF and its relationship with ERK1 / 2

  7. 结论茴拉西坦、石杉碱甲均可改善AD病人记忆功能,但其治疗进步是有限的,故必须进行脑功能的康复治疗及良好的护理。

    Conclusion Aniracetam and huperzine all could both improve was the memory function of AD patients . But the improvement after treatment was limited So brain function rehabilitation and nursing care are required .

  8. 拉西地平和阿替洛尔长期抗高血压治疗时心脏结构和功能的改变:欧洲关于拉西地平在治疗动脉粥样硬化中作用的研究(ELSA)

    Cardiac structural and functional changes during long-term antihypertensive treatment with lacidipine and atenolol in the European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis ( ELSA )

  9. 应用拉西地平对30例轻、中型高血压病(EH)患者治疗4周。观测治疗前后血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力、脂质过氧化物(LPO)及空腹胰岛素(Ins)水平。

    Thirty patients with mild to moderate essential hypertension had received four weeks treatment with Lacidipine and serum lipid peroxide ( LPO ), superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and insulin levels were measured before and after treatment .

  10. 设计师艾萨克麦兹拉西(IsaacMizrahi)回想起撒切尔夫人与美国前总统里根(PresidentReagan)的友谊时说:上世纪80年代,我常与人打赌:撒切尔夫人与里根总统属于同一类人。

    Recalling her friendship with President Reagan , the designer Isaac Mizrahi says : In the 1980s I used to bet people that Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were the same person .

  11. 治疗后14d时认知功能改善尼莫地平组明显优于吡拉西坦组(总有效率分别为76.67%,70%)(P<0.05)。

    The intellectual amelioration was significant in the Nimodipine group than that of in the Piracetam group ( 76.67 % , 70 % )( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 目的:1.比较复方替加氟奥替拉西胶囊(S-1)加草酸铂与替加氟加草酸铂治疗晚期胃癌的近期疗效、毒副反应、临床获益反应和疾病进展时间、生存期。

    Objective : 1 . To observe the effectiveness and safety of a combination therapy of S-1 and Oxaliplatin in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer , compared with a chemotherapy regimen of tegafur and Oxaliplatin .

  13. 目的观察新型抗疒间药物左乙拉西坦(LEV)联合治疗对成人颞叶癫疒间术后早发性癫疒间(APOS)的预防作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of levetiracetam ( LEV ), a new type antiepileptic drug , as an addon therapy on acute postoperative seizures ( APOS ) in adults with refractory temporal epilepsy .

  14. 方法2-吡咯烷酮经N-烷基化、氨解反应合成乙拉西坦。

    Methods Etiracetam was synthesized from 2-pyrrolidone by N-alkylation and aminolysis .

  15. 那个眼睛流血的拉西达,恐怕是个特例。

    La Xida eye bleeding that is probably a special case .

  16. 马西斯说美国人与拉西福接触了。

    Mathis says the Americans have made contact with Le chiffre .

  17. 应用动态血压监测分析拉西地平的降压疗效

    Antihypertensive efficacy of lacidipine analysed by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

  18. 结论拉西地平能有效地减缓动脉粥样硬化的发展。

    Conclusion Lacidipine has notable effect on retarding AS development .

  19. 拉西地平对绝经后高血压患者的成骨性效应

    Osteogenic effect of calcium channel blocker lacidipine in post menopause hypertensive patients

  20. 我叫苏玛雅,今年21岁,家在尼泊尔中南部纳瓦尔帕拉西县的布根村。

    My name is Sommaya . I am21 years old .

  21. 左乙拉西坦预防动物热性惊厥的实验研究

    Study on Prophylaxis of Febrile Convulsion with Levetiracetam in Rats

  22. 武汉市左乙拉西坦治疗儿童癫痫多中心前瞻性临床研究

    Multicenter prospective study of levetiracetam therapy for children 's epilepsy in Wuhan

  23. 左乙拉西坦组与丙戊酸钠组差异无统计学意义。

    There were no significant differences between the levetiracetam and valproate groups .

  24. 吡拉西坦片剂及其注射液的红外光谱鉴别

    Identification of Piracetam Tablets and Its Injection by IR Spectrum

  25. 对比复方吡拉西坦与安慰剂治疗阿耳茨海默病

    Piracetam compound vs placebo in treating Alzheimer 's disease

  26. 目的:研究左乙拉西坦的合成方法。

    Objective : To study the synthesis of levetiracetam .

  27. 拉西地平抗同型半胱氨酸诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞血管新生能力减低作用及机制

    Effects and Mechanisms of Lacidipine Against Angiogenesis Inhibition of HUVEC Induced by Homocysteine

  28. 左乙拉西坦是一种新型的抗癫痫药物,具有独特的抗癫痫机制和显著的药代动力学特征。

    Levetiracetam is a pyrrolidone derivative with unique anti-epileptic mechanism and good pharmacokinetic characteristics .

  29. 拉西地平联合阿托伐他汀对高血压合并颈动脉粥样斑块患者粥样斑块的影响

    Effect of lacidipine combined with atorvastatin on patients suffering hypertension with carotid atheromatous plaque

  30. 优化吡拉西坦片工艺,提高其崩解时限及脆碎度

    Optimizing the Technics of Piracetam Tablets , Improving Its Disintegration Time Limited and Friability