
pāi jī
  • beat;clap;panting;flail
拍击 [pāi jī]
  • (1) [beat]∶[浪涛] 冲击

  • 巨浪拍击着礁石

  • (2) [flail]∶仿佛用连枷一下一下地往下打

  • 被惊动的翅膀拍击着水

拍击[pāi jī]
  1. 他们听着波浪拍击海滩的声音。

    They listened to the wash of waves on the beach .

  2. 水拍击船舷。

    The water slapped against the side of the boat .

  3. 海浪吼叫着拍击着岩石。

    The sea waves were roaring and breaking over the rocks .

  4. 在黑暗中他们听得见波浪拍击桥墩的声音。

    In the dark they could hear the wash of waves against the piers .

  5. 你能听到轻轻的拍击声吗?

    Could you hear the pat ?

  6. v.拍击在我回家的路上,他在我背上拍了一下。

    slap He slapped me on the back on my way home . lumber

  7. 给海豚带来面具和耳塞,封闭它的其它感知能力,H游过了这个盒子,在另一面拍击了一下两个目标中的一个,然后得到了一条鱼的奖励。

    Wearing a mask and headphones to restrict his other senses , Henry swam through the box to hit one of two targets on the other side and get a fish reward .

  8. 雌果蝇还要进行额外的新鲜酵母团拍击演示,Kravitz说,那是它们的黑巧克力。

    Female flies fight over an extra dab of fresh yeast paste ? their version of dark chocolate , Kravitz said .

  9. 用算符分解算法(AOM)研究了扭矩波动和时变啮合刚度对拍击门槛转速的影响。

    A-operator method ( AOM ) is used to study the influence of the torque fluctuation and time-varying meshing stiffness on rattling threshold speed of the gear system .

  10. 根据计算结果分析,时变啮合刚度可以导致拍击;

    It is concluded that time-varying meshing stiffness may cause rattle ;

  11. 水流拍击着史密斯,他不断地被拉进水里。

    Battered by the current , he was pulled under repeatedly .

  12. 齿轮系统拍击振动中的高速碰撞和低速接触

    On High Speed Impact and Low Speed Contact in Gear Rattling

  13. 我们听见帆拍击着船桅的声音。

    We heared the flaps of the sail against the mast .

  14. 轻轻地说;波涛的轻微的拍击声。

    Spoke in a murmur ; the murmur of the waves .

  15. 当触地时,您的脚不应该发出响亮的拍击声。

    Your feet should not slap loudly as they hit the ground .

  16. 我们听见波涛拍击着船舷。

    We heard the waves washing against the sides of the boat .

  17. 悲剧的潜流不断拍击着滑稽的港湾。

    the undercurrents of tragedy keep lapping at the harbor of farce .

  18. 没有人具体知道球拍击中球的那一刻究竟发生了什么。

    Nobody really knows what happens the moment the racquet hits the ball .

  19. 潮浪拍击岩石的声音是那样的吗?

    Was that the sea , slapping hard on the rock like that ?

  20. 将木质手拍涂湿然后拍击中间的泥土。

    Slightly wet the wooden bat and slap the clay in the middle .

  21. 汽车变速系统的拍击动力学基本理论

    The Theory of Rattle Dynamics for Automotive Gearshift System

  22. 并用他那胖小手梆梆响地拍击着高椅上的金属托盘。

    He pounded his fat baby hands-whack , whack-on the metal highchair tray .

  23. 螺旋锥齿轮振动研齿系统的拍击响应

    Rattling response of vibration lapping of spiral bevel gear

  24. 如果我让大家发出拍击声,或许我可以这么做。

    If I asked you to clap -- maybe I can do this .

  25. 海浪不断地拍击着海岸。

    The waves are battering at the shore .

  26. 单级齿轮系统拍击特性研究

    Research on Rattling dynamics of one-stage gear system

  27. 笨拙地挥拍击一下球。

    Taking a ponderous swing at the ball .

  28. 我们能听到浪涛拍击船舷的声音。

    We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship .

  29. 齿轮系统的拍击振动分析模型

    A Model for Rattling Analysis in Gear System

  30. 转速和不平衡质量对齿轮拍击振动的影响

    The Influence of Speed and Mass Unbalance on Dynamic Characteristics of a Gear-Rattling System