
ǎo xiàn
  • depression;sag;downwarp
拗陷[ǎo xiàn]
  1. 而早白垩世在NE-SW向拉伸应力场作用下,额尔古纳地块东部形成拗陷带,火山基底构造为NE-NNE向。

    But under the control of NE-SW tensile stress field of Early Cretaceous , in the eastern part of Ergun Block sag belt was formed and the basement tectonics is NE-NNE direction .

  2. 按照盆地的形态特征和成因特点分成单断、地堑、拗陷三种类型。

    According to morphological and genetic features , the basins can be divided into three types : single fault , fault trough and sag .

  3. BP人工神经网络在济阳拗陷圈闭地质评价中的应用

    Application of BP artificial neural network to geologic appreciation of traps in Jiyang depression

  4. 指出,东濮拗陷区的地震属浅源地震,该区有康氏面存在,地震台可记到清晰的康氏面反射波P。

    There is Conrad discontinuity in this area and reflected wave P of Conrad discontinuity can be clearly observed at seismological stations .

  5. 济阳拗陷非烃类气藏(CO2、He)的成因探讨

    Genesis of the non hydrocarbon gas reservoir ( co 2 、 he ) in Jiyang Depression

  6. 山东济阳拗陷古近纪和新近纪火山岩的K-Ar年龄

    K-Ar Dating of Paleogene and Neogene Volcanic Rocks in Jiyang Depression Basin , Shandong Province

  7. 经传统岩相分析,鄂中拗陷二叠系碳酸盐岩确认为碳酸盐岩台坪相,它包含五个亚相,即局限台洼、台坡B、台洼、台坡A和台滩相。

    Permian carbonate rocks in the central Hubei basin have been identified as carbonate platform facies after traditional facies analysis . It includes five subfacies , i.e. sub-facies of districted depression , slope B , depression , slope A and shallow out .

  8. YF油田构造上属于苏北盆地东台拗陷溱潼凹陷南部断阶带中段的东端。

    YF oil field , belong to the eastern end of middle southern fault terrace of Qintong depression , Dongtai depression , Subei Basin structure .

  9. 取自华北临清拗陷深钻井中的磷灰石,其裂变径迹年龄从井浅部到底部递减,年龄由80Ma减到1Ma。

    Fission track ages of apatite from a deep drill-hole in Linqing Basin decrease from about 80 Ma to 1 Ma near the bottom of the hole .

  10. 后期(Sq4-Sq6)发生挤压拗陷形成长期的三角洲补偿沉积,同时叠加全球海平面变化的海侵作用。

    At later stage ( Sq4-Sq6 ), long-time delta equalizing deposit is mainly formed by compressive depression , and is partly influenced by transgression of global sealevel changes at the same time .

  11. 冀中拗陷地温场与地震活动性的关系

    Relation between geothermal field and earthquake activity in central Hebei depression

  12. 济阳拗陷天然气藏中氦同位素组成特征

    Helium isotopic characteristics of natural gas pools in the Jiyang Depression

  13. 马尼特拗陷的地震反射构造层与地质发展历史

    The seismic structural layers and the geological history of Manite depression

  14. 川西拗陷压实规律研究

    Research on the compaction law of the West Sichuan Depression

  15. 济阳拗陷天然气地质特征及勘探方向

    Geological Characteristics of Natural Gas in Jiyang Depression and Its Exploration Trend

  16. 渤海盆地构造变形分析及其拗陷机制

    Structural Deformation Analysis and the Depressing Mechanism of Bohai Basin

  17. 北京拗陷构造活动性分析

    An analysis on the tectonic activities in Beijing down - warped Basin

  18. 塔里木中央拗陷的构造特征及生油条件

    Structural characteristics and conditions for petroleum genesis of the central Tarim depression

  19. 冀中拗陷断裂形成机理的探讨

    An approach to genesis mechanism of fault system in Mid Hebei depression

  20. 最后,对拗陷进一步的勘探方向提出建议,以供参考。

    And finally , some suggestions are made on the direction of exploration .

  21. 济阳拗陷特殊生物降解油的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Severely Biodegraded Crude Oil in Jiyang Depression , China

  22. 再论大陆地壳断裂拗陷带中的华南型块状硫化物矿床

    New Discussion on the South China-Type Massive Sulphide Deposits Formed on Continental Crust

  23. 吐鲁番拗陷中上侏罗统储集层成岩作用研究

    Study on diagenesis of the middle and Upper Jurassic reservoir in Turpan Depression

  24. 长江中、下游断裂拗陷带的构造发展与成矿作用

    The tectonic development and related metallogenesis of the lower Yangtze fault depression belt

  25. 临清拗陷勘探方向的探讨找矿靶区预测及找矿方向

    Prognosis of the prospect target and direction of exploration

  26. 冀中拗陷古潜山油田水化学研究

    Study on chemistry of oilfield water in buried block hill in Jizhong depression

  27. 黄骅拗陷天然气类型特征

    Characteristics of Different Type of Gas in Huanghua Depression

  28. 川西拗陷上三叠统断层封闭性研究

    Study of Fault confining of the early Triassic period in West Sichuan Depression Areas

  29. 震中拗陷与地震形变带提供了震源区大小的信息。

    Epicentral depositions and earthquake deformation zones provide useful information about focal region size .

  30. 哈密拗陷中生界砂岩孔隙结构特征初探

    A Study on the Characteristics of Pore Texture of Mesozoic Sandstone in Hami Depression