
bài bai
  • 感叹Bye-bye;Goodbye;See you
  • a form of greeting by women;custom of enshrining and worshipping in Taiwan
拜拜 [bài bài]
  • (1) [a form of greeting by women]∶旧时妇女行礼,即万福

  • (2) [bye-bye] [英]∶再见

  • [custom of enshrining and worshipping in Taiwan] 台湾风俗,每逢节日、佛诞、新谷登场、婚寿葬祭,都要供奉神明和宴请亲朋,有时甚至演戏酬神。这种活动称为拜拜

  1. 小狗:你永远不会抓到老鼠。好吧,拜拜。

    Dog : Then you can never catch mice OK , bye-bye .

  2. 人们真打算和文件系统说拜拜了吗?

    Do people want the file system to go bye-bye ?

  3. 我们就只能向工作的人所需要且应得的那种保护说拜拜了。

    We can wave goodbye to the sort of protection that people at work need and deserve .

  4. 你即将永远地和这段霉运说拜拜了。

    You may soon leave one debilitating condition or relationship forever .

  5. 在视频的尾声,克莱尔靠近镜头甜甜的悄声说:“我爱你”,然后挥着手,对镜头飞吻,说“拜拜!”

    At the end of the video , Claire leans in close to the camera and whispers sweetly : ' I love you , ' before waving and blowing a kiss with the words : ' Bye bye ! '

  6. 拜拜嘿…嘿,B

    Bye . - Dan : Bye . Hey ... - Serena : hey , B.

  7. 拜拜,《八卦天后》(GossipGirl)!

    Goodbye , Gossip Girl ! Hello , haircut !

  8. 这里是Faith轻松电台节目。感谢收听今天的节目,拜拜。

    This is Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax , thank you for listening to today 's program , goodbye .

  9. 法国电信(FranceTeleco)首席执行官斯蒂法尼•理查德热衷于苹果(Apple)和Android,以及为什么你应该跟包月计划说拜拜了。

    France Telecom CEO Stephane Richard on apple , Android , and why you should kiss your unlimited plan goodbye .

  10. 所以,拜拜了道金斯,拜拜了杰克•韦尔奇(JackWelch)。

    So it is farewell Dawkins .

  11. 有了它们,你就可以向那些令人反胃的小隔间说拜拜了。你还能享有一些私人空间,忙里偷闲的时候跑去YouTube视频网站逛逛。

    They allow you to bid goodbye to those dreadful cubicles , while still allowing for a bit of privacy when you sneak in that requisite YouTube trip .

  12. 大牛,你要不要拜拜啊?

    Daniel , do you also want to pay homage here ?

  13. 待会儿见了,拜拜。

    MNCA : OK , I 'll see you later babe .

  14. 有多少种可以和当前工作说“拜拜”?

    How Many Ways Can You Say Goodbye to a Job ?

  15. 初级课向“鸡爪手”说拜拜!

    Primary lesson to the " hand palmatum " Shuibai Bai !

  16. 我要自己送这包裹了,拜拜

    I 'm going to deliver the package myself . Goodbye .

  17. 爱你,拜拜。我也爱你。

    Love you . Bye . I love you , too .

  18. 你要跟我们一起来庙里拜拜吗?

    Will you come to the temple with us to pray ?

  19. 今天早上,我听写了遍《拜拜》的歌词。

    I dictated the lyric of BABY BABY once this morning .

  20. 他们在叫我我得走了拜拜

    They 're calling me ! So I gotta ... Bye !

  21. 全都完了,再见,拜拜!

    All of it 's gone . Byebye . See ya .

  22. 别说再见,永别,拜拜。

    Don 't say Adios , say Adios , Goodbye .

  23. 他就得向议会里的高级皮椅说拜拜了。

    He can kiss that fancy leather chair at the Capitol goodbye .

  24. 修马车!我和马车永远永远拜拜啦!

    MEND THE CART ! I 've done with carts for ever .

  25. 我会的保证拜拜

    Yeah , I will . I promise . Bye .

  26. 那我抛弃你好了拜拜

    Justin : Well , then I 'm abandoning you . Bye .

  27. 我将成为穿黑色衣服一族了,拜拜!

    I 'll be the one in black . Bye !

  28. 再见,别了,再会,拜拜。

    So Long , Farewell , Auf Wiedersehen , Goodbye .

  29. 好我马上走拜拜

    Yeah . Okay , I 'm on my way . Bye .

  30. 12月,到了和太阳镜还有漂亮裙女说拜拜的时候了。

    December : time to say goodbye to sunglasses and beautiful skirts .