
bài jiàn
  • pay a formal visit;call to pay respects
拜见 [bài jiàn]
  • [pay a formal visit] 拜访会见--从客人方面说是会见地位高或辈分高的人

拜见[bài jiàn]
  1. 拜见双方的父母时我们要注意那些方面呢?

    We pay a formal visit of both parents should pay attention to those aspects of it ?

  2. 一天,来了一个国都东郊的乡下人,声称自己有念九九算术口诀的才能,要求拜见齐桓公。

    One day , a villager from the eastern suburb of the capital wished to have an audience with Huan Gong , claiming that he had the ability to recite the multiplication4 table .

  3. 其中她拜见了克雷格•格林(CraigGreen),对方的扎染服装展在本届时装周上大放异彩。

    Among those she met was Craig Green , whose tie-dye show was one of the best of the season .

  4. 我和克里斯提·鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)拜见了不丹国王,那是他送给我的。

    Christian Louboutin and I met the king of Bhutan , and he gave me that .

  5. 作为一个70高龄的实习生和海瑟薇在一张床上的他,不是TravisBickle(《的士司机》),也不是《拜见岳父大人》里那堵油盐不进的人肉墙壁。

    On that bed with Hathaway , as her 70-year-old intern , he 's not Travis Bickle or the human wall of intolerance from those Focker movies .

  6. 我去拜见父母一点也不兴奋。

    I wasn 't excited about going to see my folks .

  7. 温蒂,快来拜见你的第一位教师。

    Wendy , meet the first master who will prepare you .

  8. 这也许是拜见国王的唯一的机会。

    It may be my only chance of seeing the Emperor .

  9. 我去那里拜见我身体的堂兄弟。

    I go up there to see my body 's cousins .

  10. 他母亲恳求拜见州长。

    His mother begged for an audience with the governor .

  11. 他已经拜见了岳父大人。

    He has paid a formal visit to his father-in-law .

  12. 贝拉:嗯,他想正式拜见你。

    Bella : Yeah , he wanted to meet you ,

  13. 你去拜见同行时,对方招待你可不含糊。

    When you go to see a colleague they treat you amazingly .

  14. 图为美国少林拳法联盟的学员在拜见少林师傅。

    US Shaolin Fist Union student pays his respects to the Shaolin master .

  15. 特蕾莎,一个男人拜见岳父的时候不是激动的。

    Theresa , a man is never excited about meeting his future father-in-law .

  16. 名片是封建等级制度的产物,源于古人于官场中求拜见。

    Business Card is the product of Feudal System .

  17. 你已把女朋友带回家拜见了你父母吗?

    Have you taken your girl friend home yet to meet your parents ?

  18. 教授下礼拜见-再见

    See you next week , Professor . - See you next week .

  19. 颜回恭恭敬敬地来拜见孔子,请老师去吃饭。

    Yan Hui respectfully came to Confucius and asked him to take his meal .

  20. 他决定去拜见他的朋友并问问他们。

    So he decided to go to some of his friends and ask them .

  21. 但是在格雷格求婚之前,他必须先拜见岳父岳母。

    But before he can pump the question , you have to meet the parents .

  22. 跟随主人一同拜见的“仆人”又命运如何呢?

    And what of the " servant " who followed his master into this kingdom ?

  23. 拜见女王和公主!

    See the Queen and the Princess .

  24. 抵达埃及后,腓特烈拜见了宗教怀疑论者同伴苏丹。

    Arriving in Egypt , Frederick met the sultan , a fellow sceptic in religious questions .

  25. 有个人嫁不出自己丑陋的女儿,去拜见克拉科夫的希梅尔拉比。

    A man who could not marry off his ugly daughter visited Rabbi Shimmel of Cracow .

  26. 朱迪:你没有告诉他们今晚我会去拜见,是吗?

    Judy : You didn 't tell them I 'd be meeting your parents tonight , did you ?

  27. 又是一个过年拜见的时刻,我们终于见面。

    Another time for us to pay a new year call as usual arrived and we met at last .

  28. 与安杰同居的第60天,他带我去南昌老家拜见了他的父母。

    After I lived with jack for60 days , he took me to his hometown to visit his parents .

  29. 他必须拜见统治那个地方的国王。

    He must go and pay his respect to the king who reigned in that part of the country .

  30. 然后萨姜米庞仁波切拜见了师公,接受了个别的指导,并被鼓励回来再接受更多的教授。

    Afterwards , the Sakyong met with Dodrupchen Rinpoche , received personal instruction and was encouraged to return for further teachings .