
nǐ shēnɡ cí
  • an onomatopoeia;onomatopoeic word;imitative word
  1. 这个拟声词让我想起捕鼠夹子突然合上时的声音。

    This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut .

  2. “喵”是拟声词。

    " miaow " is an onomatopoeic word .

  3. AB式拟声词及其重叠形式的多角度考察

    The Study of the AB Pattern Onomatopoeic Words and Their Overlapping Forms

  4. AB式及其不同重叠形式的拟声词表示的语法意义不同。

    Onomatopoeic words with AB pattern and their different construction own different grammar meaning .

  5. 第二章介绍了小说LifeofPi,并对当下国内外的拟声词的研究状况和问题进行了梳理概括。

    Chapter two reviews studies on onomatopoeia already conducted both at home and abroad and also gives a brief introduction of the novel Life of Pi .

  6. 从clatter一词看拟声词及其语用功能

    Onomatopoeia and Its Pragmatic Function from a Word Clatter

  7. 同时还分析了AB式拟声词及四音节拟声词的音素组合情况,得出了一些规律性的特点。第四,从组合能力和句法功能两个方面对唐诗拟声词进行全面的语法分析。

    By analyzing the AB-type onomatopoeias and four syllables onomatopoeia , we get some regular features . Fourthly , we analyze the syntax of onomatopoeias in Tang poem from aspects of the combined capacity and syntactic function comprehensively .

  8. 在英汉两种语言里,拟声词都有着极其丰富的内容。

    There are plenty of onomatopoeias in both English and Chinese .

  9. 词汇的理据性与英汉拟声词对比分析地质学专业英语词汇特点及构词分析

    An Analysis of Features and Word-formation of English Vocabulary in Geology

  10. 略论汉语文学作品中拟声词的英译

    On Chinese-English Translation of Imitative Words in Chinese Literary Works

  11. 也有的说是对制作过程中发出声音的拟声词。

    Some say that is the process of making the sound onomatopoeia .

  12. 拟声词是在英语中一种非常重要的语言现象。

    Onomatopoeia is a very important word category in English .

  13. “滴答”、“哗啦”,这些词都是拟声词。

    " Tick " and " clatter ", are both onomatopoeic words .

  14. 俄汉语拟声词修辞功能对比

    The Contrast of the Rhetoric Function of Russian Onomatopoetic Words

  15. 《法汉大词典》的实用性朝汉拟声词对比研究

    Practicalness of French Chinese Dictionary The Contrast between Korean and Chinese Ideophone

  16. 大学生英语拟声词学习情况调查研究

    Research on Chinese College Students ' Learning Conditions of English Onomatopoeic Words

  17. 摘要拟声词和拟态词是日语词汇的突出特征。

    Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of Japanese vocabulary .

  18. 拟声词为英语创造了成百上千的词汇。

    Onomatopoeia creates hundreds of thousands of English words .

  19. 英语拟声词的修辞功能与翻译技巧

    Rhetorical Functions and Translation Technics of English Onomatopoeic Words

  20. 英、中文拟声词在句中的功能及位置

    The Comparison of Functions and Positions of Onomatopoeia in Both English and Chinese

  21. 关于英语与汉语拟声词的比较及译法探讨

    On the Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Onomatopoeic Words and Translation

  22. 英汉拟声词的几种语法功能与应用

    Several Grammatical Functions Applications in English Chinese Echoic Words

  23. 模仿声音的词汇叫做拟声词。

    Words that imitate sounds are called onomatopoeic words .

  24. 驴的“叫声”把正在睡觉的婴儿吵醒了(“叫声”是非拟声词)。

    The " heehawing " of the donkey woke up the sleeping baby .

  25. 试论汉语拟声词独特的语法功能属性

    On Specific Grammatical Function Attributes of Chinese Onomatopoetic Words

  26. 朝汉拟声词对比研究英汉双语教学的忧思

    The Contrast between Korean and Chinese Ideophone Query English and Chinese Teaching Method

  27. 英语动物拟声词及其翻译

    On the English Animal Onomatopoeia and Its Translation

  28. 现代汉语拟声词系统的静态描写

    A Static Description of Onomatopoeia in Modern Chinese

  29. 汉语和日语是其中较具代表性的有着丰富拟声词的语言。

    Chinese and Japanese are representative languages with abundant use of onomatopoeia among them .

  30. 汉日拟声词整体上句法功能较强。

    Onomatopoeia words in Chinese and Japanese have rich syntactic functions on the whole .