
jiǎn xuǎn
  • select;picking;choose;sorting
拣选 [jiǎn xuǎn]
  • [select] 挑拣选择

  • 拣选豆粒

拣选[jiǎn xuǎn]
  1. 基督徒是被拣选的少数-是上帝做了这样的拣选。

    Christians are a select minority-and God has made the selection .

  2. 拣选所需相簿,按下播放,即可观看幻灯片。

    Just select a album and click Play button to view the slideshow .

  3. 第四条企业、事业单位和个体工商业者,对其生产、制造、加工、拣选或者经销的商品,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商品商标注册。

    Article 4 . Any enterprise , institution , or individual producer or trader , intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a trademark for the goods produced , manufactured , processed , selected or marketed by it or him , shall file an application for the registration of the goods trademark with the Trademark Office .

  4. 仓储拣选作业路径VRP模型设计与应用

    Design and Application of Picking VRP Model in Warehouse

  5. 将堆垛机拣选作业路径优化问题近似旅行商问题来求解,求解旅行商问题属于NP难题,其解的数量会随着城市数量成指数增长,堆垛机运行的路径也是如此。

    Traveling Salesman Problem is NP-hard problem which the solution quantity will increase exponentially with the number of cities . The stacker running path is the same .

  6. EGS环境下的订单拣选职能转移问题

    Function Transformation of Order Picking in EGS Environment

  7. 采用一种结合Hopfield网络模型的遗传算法,解决了自动化立体仓库中固定货架拣选作业路径优化问题。

    An approach of a genetic algorithm combined with Hopfield neural networks ( HP NNs ) is adopted to resolve the order-picking optimization problem in the automated warehouse .

  8. 本文运用HACCP原理对浓缩苹果清汁生产过程进行了危害分析及关键控制,确定了其关键控制点为:原料果和无菌包装材料的验收、原料果拣选、后巴氏杀菌和无菌灌装。

    The HACCP approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of concentrated apple juice . The CCPs are : Accepting of apple and sterile packing ; Selection of apple ;

  9. 研究了遗传算法、基本蚁群算法和基本粒子群算法解决拣选作业路径优化问题的具体实现技术,利用Matlab软件分别编程求解拣选作业的最小时间代价及优化路径。

    Studying on concrete operation technology of genetic algorithm , basic ant colony optimization algorithm and basic particle swarm optimization in solving order picking path optimization problem , and programming with Matlab to work out the minimum time cost and optimized route . 3 .

  10. 针对自动化立体仓库中固定货架拣选作业要求速度快、效率高的特点,分析和研究了一种新型改进LinKernighan(LK)算法,并将其应用于固定货架拣选优化问题。

    According to the requirements of the order-picking processes of the fixed shelves , which need high speed and high efficiency in the automated warehouse , a new modified Lin-Kernighan ( LK ) algorithm is analyzed and applied in this paper .

  11. 从不同角度对EGS中订单拣选职能转移进行研究,探讨其存在价值,继而分析顾客和在线杂货商之间的委托&代理关系及存在的信任问题,最后提出解决该问题的对策。

    The paper studies the transformation of order picking function in EGS environment from different perspectives , discusses its values , analyzes the relationship , risk and trust using the agent-principal theory and puts forward the solutions .

  12. 这些样本首先经由科罗拉多州立大学兽医诊断实验室进行初步拣选,16个样本被送往爱和华州埃莫斯的美国农业部国家禽类服务实验室(NVSL)进行确认测试。

    Of the66 samples tested at the Colorado State University state lab , 16 samples were sent to USDA 's National Veterinary Services Laboratory ( NVSL ) in Ames , Iowa for confirmatory testing .

  13. 我高举那从民中所拣选的。

    I have exalted a young man from among the people .

  14. 可以从你们中间拣选一人,使他下到我这里来。

    Choose a man and have him come down to me .

  15. 拣选式自动化仓库堆垛机作业路径简易优化算法

    Simple optimal algorithm of operational route for order picking automated warehouse

  16. 用物流拣选技术管理物理实验室的方法

    How to Use Logistics Picking Technology to Manage the Physics Lab

  17. 拣选不是信心的结果,信心则是拣选的结果。

    God does not choose us for faith but to faith .

  18. 信息素修改策略求解固定货架动态拣选问题的研究

    Research on Pheromone Modification Strategies Applied to Dynamic Order-Picking of Fixed Shelf

  19. 我不是指着你们众人说的;我认识我所拣选的;

    Peter saith unto him , Thou shalt never wash my feet .

  20. 然而他却仍拣选多数的失败者来作为他的代表。

    And yet he chooses mostly failures to represent him .

  21. 基于改进蚁群算法拣选作业优化问题的求解

    Solution of Order Picking Optimization Problem Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm

  22. 约贰13你那蒙拣选之姊妹的儿女都问你安。

    Jn.13 The children of your chosen sister greet you .

  23. 基于小生境遗传算法的自动化仓库固定货架拣选优化

    Optimization of fixed shelf order-picking in automated warehouse on niched genetic algorithm

  24. 在神拣选他后,摩西有何反应?

    And how did Moses react when God chose him ?

  25. 不规则立体仓库移动式拣选系统设计

    Design on Movable Picking System of Irregular AS / RS

  26. 上帝拣选我们是永远的,不是暂时的。

    He chose them not for a time but forever .

  27. 将物流拣选技术应用于实验室管理,建立起现代化实验室管理方案。

    The paper applies logistics picking technology in the management of physics lab.

  28. 出窑粘土制品的拣选一种白色的粘土状矿物。

    Sorting of kiln clay product a white clayey mineral .

  29. 拣选机的给矿设备是一种特殊形态的给矿装置。

    Feeding element of picker is a feeding equipment particular .

  30. 恩典之约主要是神和被拣选者之间的关系。

    The covenant of grace is principally between God and the elect .