
  1. 每一双眼睛都看着高处的神僧,愿神拯救他们。

    Every eye was on the high priest , save theirs .

  2. 他听到人们在呼喊,恳求真主安拉拯救他们。

    He heard men crying out , beseeching Allah to save them .

  3. 或许,逃亡小岛也不能拯救他们的友谊。

    Perhaps an island getaway could 've saved their friendship .

  4. 学生:因为他说他不是为了拯救他们而来。

    Student : He 's saying he 's not there for them .

  5. 而我们尽所能的拯救他们。

    We did everything we could to save them .

  6. 你不可能拯救他们所有人。

    And you can 't save all of them .

  7. 男人需要女人来拯救他们。

    Men need women to save us from ourselves .

  8. 也许她迫切地想要拯救他们的婚姻

    Maybe she was desperate to save her marriage ,

  9. 小悟空和苏诺能成功说服博士拯救他们的好朋友吗?

    Can Goku and Suno persuade the Doctor to save their friend 's life ?

  10. 我们的病人需要英雄,拯救他们。

    Our patients need heroes to save them .

  11. 他们以为你会拯救他们。

    They think you 'll save them .

  12. 我们尝试任何方法想拯救他们。

    We tried everything to save them .

  13. 只会拯救他们自己的生命。

    Old farts saving their own skins .

  14. 他无力去拯救他们。

    He was helpless to save them .

  15. 而哈维尔的父亲,以及1600多名美国人,仍在焦急地等待新的肺来拯救他们挚爱的生命。

    Mr Acosta and more than 1,600 other Americans are still waiting for new lungs .

  16. 主发一言就将他们病除,且拯救他们脱离了阴府。

    He sent forth his word and healed them , and rescued them from destruction .

  17. 许多幸存者表示他们漫长地等待着警方来拯救他们。

    Many survivors have talked about the long wait for the police to rescue them .

  18. 这可能拯救他们的生命。

    that could potentially save their lives .

  19. 凯尔特人队需要有人站出来拯救他们。

    The Celtics needed to be saved .

  20. 加尔文主义认为,罪人无法拯救他们自身。

    Calvinist sinners cannot save themselves .

  21. 结果,股票投资者现在不指望政府会拯救他们。

    As a result , equity investors today do not expect the government to rescue them .

  22. 他俩都在逃避生活,菲尔想拯救他们以及其他生活在迷茫中的人。

    Both want to escape their lives but Phil wants to save them , and everybody else .

  23. 耶和华兴起士师,士师就拯救他们脱离抢夺他们人的手。

    Then the LORD raised up judges , who saved them out of the hands of these raiders .

  24. 一些法国信徒准备聚集在一座山上,他们相信外星人会拯救他们。

    In France believers were preparing to converge on a mountain where they believe aliens will rescue them .

  25. 如果你身为父母,和你们的孩子一起拯救他们将要生活的世界。

    If you are a parent , join with your children to save the world they will live in .

  26. 当他们领悟到自己应该信任那惟一能拯救他们的真神,却为时已晚。

    They realized too late that they had neglected to trust in the only One who could deliver them .

  27. 然而,他因自己的名拯救他们,为要彰显他的大能。

    But he was their saviour because of his name , so that men might see his great power .

  28. 在我父母看来,我是带着使命而诞生的,这个使命就是来拯救他们的婚姻。

    From my parents point of view , I was born with a mission , to save their marriage .

  29. 安乐死是一种解除病人痛苦,从疾病的折磨中拯救他们的方法。

    Euthanasia is a way of relieving ill-people 's pain and saving them from the tortures of their illness .

  30. 撇开国籍不谈,这些青年首先是地球公民,因为他们正在一道努力拯救他们的共同遗产。

    Nationality aside , these youth are citizens of Earth first as they work together to save their common heritage .