
gǒng láng
  • arcade;triforium;stoa
拱廊 [gǒng láng]
  • [triforium] 教堂侧廊上层的走廊或露天通道,典型的为中殿连拱和高侧窗之间的一层通道

拱廊[gǒng láng]
  1. 在我们的拱廊市场,你可以发现许多的纪念品。

    In our shopping arcade , you can find different kinds of souvenir .

  2. 在早晨的这个时候,拱廊街上几乎空无一人。

    At this time of the morning , the arcade was almost empty .

  3. 市长大厦以其别具风格的走廊和拱廊给人留下十分深刻的印象

    The Plaza Mayor , with its galleries and arcades , is particularly impressive .

  4. 她在那里的设计与摄影中等学校(SecondarySchoolofDesignandPhotography)上学,该校坐落于一座带拱廊的文艺复兴时期的修道院内。

    There she attended the Secondary School of Design and Photography , housed in an arcaded Renaissance monastery .

  5. 最有名的中央大市场(GrandCentralMarket)拱廊里汇聚了全城最好的30多家美食店铺。

    Most notable is the Grand Central Market , an arcade of over 30 of the best food vendors in the city .

  6. 翌年,他与自己曾经盛赞的乐队“拱廊之火”(ArcadeFire)一起表演。

    The following year , he performed with Arcade Fire , a band he had championed .

  7. 大型拱廊市场Markthal即将在10月份开张,内部将展示许多3D美食照片,是荷兰第一家室内美食广场。

    Come October , the massive arch of the Markthal , whose interior displays 3-D food photographs , becomes the country 's first indoor food hall .

  8. 范思哲(Versace)正帮助修复米兰的埃马努埃莱二世拱廊(GalleriaVittorioEmanueleII);

    Versace is helping to restore Milan 's Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II ;

  9. 在那个时代,除了演讲,其他娱乐活动就只有从骡子身上抓虱子,听演讲就相当于参加一场拱廊之火(ArcadeFire)摇滚乐队的音乐会。

    In an age where the only other entertainment option was picking lice off a mule , listening to speeches was the equivalent of going to an Arcade Fire concert .

  10. 特里•唐纳修是加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)橄榄球队的总教练,而他的弟弟则是幽谷拱廊商场(theGlendaleGalleria)的开发商。

    Terry Donahue was the head football coach for UCLA , and his brother Dan was the developer for the Glendale Galleria .

  11. 去年,学区将Eagleridge项目迁移到一家商铺密集的商业广场(在一家比萨饼店与一个带巨大标记的拱廊之间)。

    Since it began , the program 's enrollment has nearly doubled to397 , and last year the district moved Eagleridge to a strip mall ( between a pizza joint and a laser-tag arcade ) .

  12. 绝对杰出的连拱廊比赛(洛杉矶时报)

    A totally awesome arcade game ( Los Angeles Times )

  13. 商业大街由一条拱廊与集市街相连。

    The high street is joined to market street by an arcade .

  14. 对街的拱廊之火乐队演唱会刚结束

    The Arcade Fire concert just let out across the street

  15. 带人行拱廊城市街道机动车污染物扩散规律

    Investigation of Vehicle Pollutants Dispersion in an Urban Street Canyon Flanked with Arcade

  16. 皮卡迪利大街附近的一条著名拱廊街道上,几家高档的商店刚刚开始营业。

    The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening .

  17. 椅子,桌子飞落花流水在拱廊街上。

    Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade .

  18. 拱廊过道里没有监控设备。

    There 's no surveillance in the arcade hall .

  19. 多数游客都知道两座宫殿下面有拱廊。

    Most visitors know the arcades under the palaces .

  20. 有一长排的计程车在有柱的拱廊下等。

    There was a long line of taxis waiting under the pillared arcade .

  21. 心斋桥是以带有拱廊设施的心斋桥筋商店街为中心发展起来的。

    The Shisaibashi has developed from the arcaded streets called Shinsaibashi Shopping Street .

  22. 在我们的拱廊市场,您可以发现许多纪念品。

    In our shopping arcade , you can find different kinds of sou-venir .

  23. 他们的前面是三座连环的拱廊,中间那一座就成了出入口。

    Three arcades were before them , and the middle one was used as a door .

  24. 在它的建筑中部有一个双层画廊,其拱廊从第一层往上延伸开来。

    In this residence the central portion includes a double gallery with arcades opening onto the ground floor .

  25. 在拱廊上,一个叫彭世勇的高个子的老人在唱著中国传统民歌。

    In an archway , a tall elderly gentleman named Peng Shi Yong is singing a traditional Chinese ballad .

  26. 在旅社拱廊里要开设许多小商店,你今后的任务可能就是协调这些商店,主要是财务方面。

    Maybe coordinate all the shops that will be opening up in the hotel arcades . On the financial side .

  27. 穆斯林的庭院一般是一面或多面封闭的,四周是凉爽的拱廊,多种植乔灌木。

    Muslim gardens were usually one or more enclosed courts surrounded by cool arcades and planted with trees and shrubs .

  28. 建筑物前面或侧面的开放式的有屋顶的拱廊;通常位置比较高。

    An open-sided roofed arcade or gallery along the front or side of a building ; often at an upper level .

  29. 他与店员动手向窗外投掷家具,椅子,桌子飞落花流水在拱廊街上。

    He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window . chairs and tables went flying into the arcade .

  30. 保护地球的人,破坏你遇到而且射击这一个拱廊古典作品的到下一个水平的你路每件事物!

    Protect the people of Earth , destroy everything you encounter and shoot your way to the next level in this arcade classic !