
  • 网络springing;abutment
  1. 网壳结构落地拱脚基础基坑工程设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Foundation Ditch Project of Floor-type Arch Springing Foundation of Reticulated Shell Structure

  2. 洞周位移较小,最大值为18mm,发生在Ⅱ类围岩浅埋拱脚处;

    The peripheral displacement is small , the max is 18 mm , in the arch corner in the shallow burial of ⅱ - class rocks .

  3. 基于有限元理论,应用大质量法(LMM)和拱脚固定法建立大跨度钢箱提篮连拱桥的空间动力计算模型。

    Based on finite element theory , the3 dimensional dynamic evaluation model of long-span X-style steel box-section arch bridge was created with large-mass method ( LMM ) and fixed arch foot method .

  4. 拱脚支承条件对拱片内力的影响

    How Arch Footing Bearing Type Affects Internal Force on Arch Leaf

  5. 包头体育场拱脚大体积混凝土施工技术

    Construction Technology of Mass Concrete of Arc Foot in Baotou Stadium

  6. 拱脚开裂对拱桥动力特性的影响

    The Effect of Spring Damaging to Dynamic Characteristic of Arched Bridge

  7. 下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥拱脚受力分析中承式钢管混凝土拱桥主拱施工控制

    Main arch construction control of the half-through steel pipe concrete arch bridge

  8. 对拱脚处进行了局部空间有限元分析。

    Local analysis of the arch foot has been done .

  9. 拱脚损伤可能引起结构体系改变;

    The damages in the arch foot will change the structure system ;

  10. 拉萨河特大桥拱脚设计及局部应力分析

    Design and Local Stress Analysis of Arch Springs of Lhasa River Bridge

  11. 高速铁路提篮拱桥拱脚应力分析

    Stress analysis of end joint for long-span oblique arch bridge on high-speed railway

  12. 该桥为钢管混凝土系杆拱桥,拱脚产生的水平推力均由相应的系杆抵抗。

    The bridge is a concrete-filled steel tubular arch bridge with tied bar .

  13. 林区公路桥涵标准车辆等代荷载桥梁拱脚中预应力等代荷载的计算

    The standard vehicle equivalent loading for highway bridges and culverts in forest regions

  14. 桥梁拱脚中预应力等代荷载的计算

    Calculation for Equivalent Load of the Prestressed Tendon

  15. 对拱脚的优化设计提供了重要的参考依据。

    And the results obtained provide reference basis for optimizing the design of arch foot .

  16. 隧道窑大碹拱脚梁的改进

    Improvement of the Tunnel Kiln Arch Beam

  17. 拱脚结构的模型实验与有限元分析

    Model Experiment and Finite Element Analysis for the Stresses on the Structure of Arch Foot

  18. 某桁式组合拱桥新拱脚结点局部应力分析

    Local Stress Analysis of Joint of New Arch Spring of a Composite Truss Arch Bridge

  19. 清华大学综合体育中心大跨度拱脚水平承载桩的施工技术

    Construction technique of horizontal bearing pile of large-span abut for multipurpose sports center of Tsinghua University

  20. 大跨度洞室拱顶衬砌拱脚爆破开挖施工技术的研究

    Study on the blasting techniques for the abutment of the arch lining of large-span underground openings

  21. 中承式系杆拱桥是拱桥家族中的一员,它的特点是靠系杆承受拱脚推力,是一种无推力的自平衡体系。

    The characteristic of tied-arch bridge is a no-thrust arch structure by tensing the tied bar formin .

  22. 在此基础上,金石滩悬索桥还将加劲梁做成拱形,用主缆的水平分力抵抗拱脚的推力。

    Especially beam is archy , horizontal component of cable tension counteract the thrust of arch springing line .

  23. 通过对拱脚预应力钢索进行自平衡的计算,得到了接触压力荷载的公式。

    By the self-balancing computation of the prestressed tendon of arch foot , a formula of contact pressure was acquired .

  24. 飞燕式钢管混凝土拱桥系杆对拱脚水平推力平衡作用研究

    Study on the Balance about Tied Bar to the Pier Horizontal Thrust of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube " Fly-Bird-Type " Arch Bridges

  25. 推力墩可以跨在拱脚和同高程的基岩之间。

    Thrust block may bridge the space between the termination of the arch and the foundation rock at the same elevation .

  26. 最后根据圣维南原理,选择典型工况分析了拱脚结点内部应力分布状况,并得出一些有益结论。

    Finally , the skewback 's inner force is analyzed under typical Conditions based on Saint-Venant Principle and advance some conclusions and suggestions .

  27. 除对模型充分细化以外,对拱脚仿真面临的状态与材料问题都有所涉及。

    In addition to fully detailing the model , the paper also touches on the material and the condition of the arch springer simulation .

  28. 计算结论表明:通过优化和改进后的拱脚刚结点局部应力分布机制更趋于合理。

    The results show that the stress distribution mechanism of rigid joint of arch foot improved by various measures is more reasonable than before .

  29. 采用空间梁单元对实际的石拱桥拱脚开裂现象进行了有限元模拟分析。

    The internal force of stone arch bridge in the course of cracking at arch foot was computed using the spatial finite beam element method .

  30. 最大内力杆件出现在拱脚附近,位移最大的杆件是刚度较小的次拱上;

    The member of maximal internal force is at the foot of the shell and the maximal displacement is at minor arch of less rigidity ;