
  • 网络prolonged exposure
  1. 持续照射情况下公众的放射防护

    Radiation protection of the public in situations of prolonged exposure

  2. ~(103)pd放射性支架持续照射犬胆管放射性损伤的动物实验研究

    Radiation Injury to Canine Biliary Duct by ~ ( 103 ) pd a Metal Stent

  3. ~(32)P持续照射对HeLa细胞周期影响规律的研究

    Study on the characteristics of cell-cycle perturbation in Hela cell exposed to continuous β irradiation of ~ ( 32 ) P

  4. 本研究自2003年4月2003年12月,采用碘~(125)充填球囊内照射方法治疗脑胶质瘤术后患者5例。近距离放射治疗剂量为6080Gy,持续照射58d。

    From April of 2003 to December of 2003,5 patients were treated with the balloon brachytherapy filled with Iodine-125.Total irradiation of 60-80 gy was administered about 5-8 day .

  5. 目的探讨~(125)I籽源低剂量率γ射线持续照射诱导MCF7人乳腺癌细胞凋亡过程中Bcl2Bax的变化情况。

    Objective To detect the apoptotic rate and the changes of expressions of Bcl-2 and Bax in MCF-7 cells continuously irradiated with low dose rate γ - rays from ~ ~ 125 I seeds .

  6. 低水平Y射线持续照射(剂量率5.4mGy/6h·d)4周末,累积剂量130mGy脾淋巴细胞UDS也呈现明显的刺激效应(P<0.02)。

    Continuous low-level γ - irradiation at a dose rate of 5.4mGy/6 h. d also caused stimulation of UDS in the splenocytes ( P < 0.02 ) at the end of 4 week-irradiation , with a cumulative dosage of 130 mGy .

  7. 太阳持续照射,风就刮起来了;

    As long as the sun shines , the wind will blow .

  8. 方法:采用绿色荧光灯持续照射24小时造成大鼠视网膜光损伤。

    Methods : Sprague-Dawley ( SD ) rats were exposed to green fluorescent light for24 hours .

  9. 方法:本研究首先用白色荧光灯持续照射6月以上,建立小型猪的光诱导视网膜变性模型。

    Methods : Firstly model light-induced retinal degeneration mini-pigs by constant white light exposing 6 months .

  10. 辐射生物效应研究&低剂量率长时间持续照射的潜在危险

    Study of Biological Effect of Radiation & the Latent Risk of Protract Exposure to Low Dose Rate Radiation

  11. 结论:诊断超声持续照射大鼠睾丸组织10分钟以上可引起睾丸生殖细胞凋亡。

    Conclusion : Continuous irradiation over 10 minutes by diagnostic ultrasound may result in rats testicular germ cell apoptosis .

  12. 方法采用放射性I&125粒子永久性植入肿瘤内持续照射治疗肺癌,脑瘤等恶性肿瘤16例。

    Methods : Implanting radioiodine - 125 's particle into the tumor permanently cure 16 lung cancer of brain tumour cases .

  13. 煤气炉加热原理是根据现实太阳光照射情况,阳光无法持续照射时,锅炉在反复升降温时的抗热震性。

    The gas furnace heating principle is based on the reality of sunlight , sunlight cannot continue to shine , thermal shock resistance and temperature in the boiler .

  14. 为了使取自太阳的能量最大化,太阳能设施正在建设于那些在一年当中多数日子里阳光可以持续照射的地区。

    To maximise the energy that can be collected from the sun , solar-power facilities are being constructed in regions that enjoy daily uninterrupted sunshine for much of the year .

  15. 方法采用(1900±106.9)lux绿色荧光灯对SD大鼠进行持续24h照射。

    Methods SD rats were exposed to green fluorescent light of ( 1 900 ± 106.9 ) lux for 24 hours .

  16. 除正常组外,连续给药4周后,各组实验用大鼠接受1900±1069(Lux)绿色荧光灯24小时持续光照射。

    Given corresponding druggery for 4 weeks , All the groups except the normal one were continually exposed to green fluorescent light with an level of 1900 ± 106.9 ( Lux ) for 24 hours .

  17. 结论:昼夜持续强光照射可以抑制鸡褪黑素的分泌,使其丧失昼夜节律性分泌,并可诱导与人特发性脊柱侧凸相似的鸡脊柱侧凸畸形。

    Conclusion : Continuous intensive light can prevent the pineal body from secreting melatonin , make the circadian rhythm of melatonin vanish , and induce experimental scoliosis of the chickens which are similar to those of the human idiopathic scoliosis in character of scoliosis change .

  18. ~(32)Pβ射线持续低剂量率照射肿瘤细胞的放射生物学机制及端粒酶的治疗监控和放射增敏价值基础研究

    Study on the Radiobiological Mechanism Underlying Cell-killing Effects of Low-dose-rate β - irradiation of ~( 32 ) P and the Value of Telomerase Activity as a Measure for Predicting and Monitoring Radiocurability

  19. ~(125)I粒子持续低剂量率照射对前列腺癌PC-3细胞移植瘤的抑制作用

    The inhibiting effect of continuous low-dose-rate ~ ( 125 ) I seed radiation to prostate transplanting carcinoma

  20. 研究125I籽源持续低剂量率照射对壳聚糖涂层的聚乙丙交酯(Poly(glycolide-co-lactide),PGLA)薄层支架体外降解性能的影响。

    Biodegradation properties of chitosan-coated PGLA ( poly ( lactic-glycolic acid )) brachytherapy seed - ing carrier was investigated by continuous low-dose-rate irradiation of 125I seeds in vitro .

  21. 持续低剂量率照射对化学致癌物质诱发小鼠肺肿瘤的干预作用

    The interfering effect of persistent low dose rate irradiation on tumor formation in mice by chemical carcinogen

  22. 持续低剂量率照射在前列腺癌的临床治疗方面已经积累了大量的经验。

    The clinic work of low-dose irradiation in the prostate cancer has already accumulated a largeamont of experience .

  23. 但目前对于建材的辐射剂量还缺乏较精确的定量表示,从一定程度上制约了建筑材料这种持续性低剂量照射对公众健康影响的研究。

    Because there is not accurate radiological dose model of building materials , the studies on health effect coming from materials are restricted .

  24. 然而对水流言,在风及阳光等持续地吹,持续地照射下,水量似乎没有明显的减少。

    Under the continuous condition of wind blowing and sunlight casting , water flow appears to reduce less .