
  • 网络interphalangeal;interdigit
  1. 临床表现为慢性、无症状性近端指间关节(PIP)周围膨大、肿胀。

    Clinical feature was chronic non-inflammatory bulbous swelling of proximal interphalangeal joints .

  2. 指腹二点分辨觉5~8mm,远侧指间关节伸直正常,屈曲平均达60°。

    The two point discrimination of the finger was 5 ~ 8 cm . Normal range of motion at the distal interphalangeal joint was achieved with an average flexion of 60 ° .

  3. 木头在他指间会变成粉末。

    The wood turns to powder in his fingers .

  4. 她捧起疏松的泥土,任其缓缓地从指间漏下。

    She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers .

  5. 那支已熄灭的香烟仍在他指间。

    The dead cigarette was still between his fingers

  6. 其中4例同时行指屈肌腱松解及近侧指间关节掌板松解、皮肤Z字成形术。

    Tenolysis , volar plate release of the PIP joint and Zplasty of the skin were performed simultaneously in4 patients .

  7. 研究了真实十指指纹的单指识别性能、多指融合性能和指间相关性,提出了一种改进的Sum规则。

    Based on real multi-unit fingerprint data , this paper studies the recognition performance of single finger , performance of multi-finger fusion , correlation between different fingers , and proposes an improved Sum rule for multi-unit biometric systems .

  8. 目的:探讨指背腱膜滑动距离与近侧指间关节(PIP)屈曲关系,为临床修复提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To discuss the relationship between the slide distance of the dorsal digital aponeurosis and the flexion of the PIP and provide anatomic basis for clinical repair .

  9. 最后有一个重要的注意点,那就是这个遗留物是有害的,所以魔术结束后请你务必洗手。词语解释:1.fingertipsn.指间2.residuen.遗留物

    There is one final and important note to this trick , and that is that the residue can be harmful so it is very important that you wash your hands well after the effect is over .

  10. 方法RA患者42例,健康志愿者40名,分别应用高频超声观察双手掌指关节和近端指间关节,测量滑膜厚度,检测有无肌腱、关节腔和骨质病变。

    Method Metacarpophalangeal ( MCP ) and proximal interphalangeal ( PIP ) joints of 42 RA patients and 40 healthy volunteers were examined by high frequency ultrasonography . The thickness of the synovial membrane were measured . The tendon , width of joint space , bone were observed .

  11. 目的探索A3、C1和C2滑车对指深屈肌腱及近节指间关节活动的影响。

    Objective The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects of pulleys ( A 3 , C 1 , C 2 ) on excursions of flexor digitorum profundus ( FDP ) tendons and motion of proximal interphalangeal ( PIP ) joint .

  12. 研究的项目有TFRC、a-bRC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、大拇趾球纹、趾间纹、足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。

    The results was obtained from TFRC , a-bRC , atd tPD , fingerprint , hand interdigital , hand thenar , hand hypothenar , simian line , hallucal , sole interdigital , sole hypothenar and calcar patterns .

  13. 手指的舞蹈、键盘上的艺术、指间秀!

    Art on the keyboard , Fingers Dance , Interphalangeal show !

  14. 指间关节处理对再植指运动功能恢复的影响

    Influence of joint management on motion functional recovery of digital replantation

  15. 声表面波指间多次反射效应的复阻抗理论

    A complex impedance theory for surface acoustic wave interelectrode multireflection effects

  16. 周期叉指阵中的指间多次反射问题脉冲电化学光整加工的流场及间隙特性

    On characteristics of flow-field and interelectrode gap in pulse electrochemical finishing

  17. 有我们永恒的真爱在28年不过弹指间

    What 's 28 years , when you have eternal love ?

  18. 皮瓣设计在大鱼际区,以拇指桡掌侧动脉为蒂,旋转点在指间关节以近。

    The rotation point was proximal to the interphalangeal joint .

  19. 结论银屑病关节炎以远端指间关节炎型多见,各种不同类型可重叠存在。

    Conclusion The distal interphalangeal joint disease was more frequent .

  20. 头状骨骨软骨移植治疗指间关节缺损的临床应用

    Clinical application of using osteochondral transplantation from capitate in interphalangeal joint defect

  21. 这黄河的水夹泥沙在指间滑出;

    The waters of Huanghe River mixed with silt between my fingers .

  22. 半关节移植治疗重复拇指畸形伴指间关节严重发育不良

    Treatment of interphalangeal joint dysplasia in thumb duplication deformity by semi-joint transfer

  23. 或是他开始觉得这个赛季正从指间慢慢溜走。

    Or start feeling his season slipping through his fingers .

  24. 冷灸治疗类风湿性指间关节炎疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of cold-moxibustion on rheumatoid finger arthritis

  25. 如果我弹指间就可以改变这一切。

    If I could change just by snapping my fingers .

  26. 废弃指近侧指间关节移植重建掌指关节

    Reconstruction of metacarpophalangeal joints by using waste proximal interphalangeal ones

  27. 爱,起舞指间,纠缠着;

    Love , dancing and pestering is from my fingers .

  28. 指间区纹的遗传学研究Ⅱ.指间区纹的镶嵌显性遗传

    Genetics study of interdigital patterns ⅱ . mosaic dominant inheritance of interdigital patterns

  29. Ⅱ区:远指间关节平面(关节囊内);

    Zone ⅱ: distal interphalangeal joint level ( interior of joint capsule ) .

  30. 时间就像金钱一样,很轻易就从我们的指间溜走;

    Time-like money-slips all too easily through our fingers .