
tà fá
  • send troops to punish;invade neighbors to punish their iniquities
挞伐 [tà fá]
  • [invade neighbours to punish their inquities] 原指迅速讨伐,后来泛指征讨

  • 挞彼殷武,奋伐 荆楚。--《诗.商颂.殷武》

  • 大张挞伐

挞伐[tà fá]
  1. 沙库尔丧失了对形势仅存的一点判断,无论对敌对友都开始大加挞伐。

    Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike .

  2. 《盗梦空间》这两类影片都算不上,不过它没有遭致挞伐,原因很简单:大概只有航空航天局(NASA)的系统分析师才能完全明了剧情。

    Inception misses being these two types . However , it is not vilified by the film critics for the simple reason : probably only the NASA system analyst can completely understand the plot .

  3. 因她持有异议,新闻界对她横加挞伐。

    She was vilified by the press for her controversial views .

  4. 他施展讽刺挖苦的本领,猛烈挞伐了炼金术士。

    With caustic wit , he made a fierce assault on the alchemists .

  5. 从十九世纪晚期开始,语法翻译法大受挞伐,不断受到非难与否定。

    From the late19th century , the Grammar-Translation Method has been condemned and criticized repeatedly .

  6. 而如今该党却发现,在鲸鱼和鲔鱼问题上,自己招致了国际社会的大肆挞伐。

    Yet it now finds itself courting international disapproval both over whales and over tuna .

  7. 考虑到民粹主义者对富人普遍大加挞伐,高盛的有钱人更是首当其冲,上述要求听上去很合理。

    It sounded like a reasonable request , given the populist attacks on the wealthy in general and the Goldman wealthy in particular .

  8. 否则那时,人们将会认为他和他喜欢大加挞伐的政府一样不再值得信任。

    But they reckon he can keep voters waiting only a little while longer before they start to wonder if he is no more to be trusted than the government he loves to lambast .

  9. 然而,不久他的短期歌唱表演生涯就结束了。他的种族歧视及反同性恋主张同时遭到媒体的挞伐,同时他也涉嫌无故攻击一名保安人员。

    Marky 's gig was up , however , when new allegations of racism and homophobia hit the press at the same time as Wahlberg was tried for the unprovoked assault of a security guard .