
nuó wēi yǔ
  • Norwegian;Norse
  1. 真有趣,格兰杰讲挪威语。

    It is interesting that Grainger spoke Norwegian .

  2. 关于这个完爆所有其他咒骂语的词最早可以追溯到挪威语fukka和瑞典语focka,都是“交配”的意思。

    The " F " Bomb The oldest theories trace the expletive-to-end-all-expletives back to Norwegian fukka and Swedish focka , both meaning " to copulate . "

  3. 有趣的是,圣经对地狱的用法可能起源于古挪威语Hel,北欧神话中Loki的女儿的名字。

    Interestingly enough , the Biblical use of hell may stem from Old Norse Hel , the name of Loki 's daughter in Norse mythology .

  4. 在她到来之前,董事会的大部分会议都用挪威语召开。

    Before her arrival they conducted most meetings in Norwegian .

  5. 西斯堪的纳维亚语的任一种,尤指挪威语。

    Any of the West Scandinavian languages , especially norwegian .

  6. 巨人之舌Trolltunga在挪威语中意为巨人的舌头。

    Trolltunga Trolltunga in the Norwegian language means Troll Tongue .

  7. 日耳曼挪威语和芬兰乌戈尔萨米语是毫无关系的。

    The Germanic Norwegian language and the Finno-Ugric Sami languages are entirely unrelated .

  8. 开战以来我就没有说过挪威语。

    I haven 't spoken Norwegian since the war .

  9. 我推荐挪威语。然后去挪威练习口语。

    I recommend Norwegian . Then go to the country and speak the language .

  10. 日耳曼民族的属于或有关说日耳曼语的人的英语、德语和挪威语归于日耳曼语系。

    English , German and Norwegian are grouped under the Germanic family of languages .

  11. 8、9世纪斯堪的纳维亚入侵者带来的古挪威语;

    Old Norse from the Scandinavian Viking invaders in the 8th and 9th centuries ;

  12. 我一个词都听不懂!!你一定是在用挪威语唱吧

    I could not understand a single word . you could have been singing in Norwegian

  13. 官方语言是挪威语。

    The official language is Norwegian .

  14. 他懂得一点挪威语。

    He knows a little Norwegian .

  15. 那是挪威语还是瑞典语?

    Is that Norwegian or swedish ?

  16. 一种绝迹的旧挪威语方言分布于公元1600年前的冰岛。

    The extinct dialect of Old Norse that was spoken in Iceland up until about 1600 .

  17. 我一个字也听不懂,你大概在用挪威语演唱吧。

    I couldn 't understand a single word * . You could have been singing in Norwegian .

  18. 丹麦语、冰岛语、挪威语及瑞典语等北欧语系则属北日耳曼语系。

    The Scandinavian languages of Danish , Icelandic , Norwegian , and Swedish comprise the North Germanic grouping .

  19. 语言:挪威语为官方语言;萨米语和芬兰语在少数民族地区通用。

    Language : The official language is Norwegian , Sami and Finnish are also spoken by small minorities .

  20. 古德语变成荷兰语,丹麦语,德国语,挪威语,瑞典语,其中一种变成了现代英语。

    Ancient German became Dutch , Danish , German , Norwegian , Swedish and one of the languages that developed into English .

  21. 一个星期中每一天的英文名字来源于拉丁语、挪威语、古德语、和古英语。

    The english names of the days of the week come from Latin , Norse , Old German , and Old English .

  22. 波顿则不认同这种观点,他辩称,自己不懂挪威语、波兰语和葡萄牙语,也没有妨碍他在欧洲赚钱。

    Bolton disagrees , arguing that his lack of Norwegian or polish or Portuguese did nothing to prevent him making money in Europe .

  23. 有多少人知道“镜片”是来自于拉丁语中的“小扁豆”还有在古挪威语中“窗户”其实是指“风眼”呢?

    Or " lens " which comes from the Latin " lentil " or " window " meaning " eye of wind " in old Norse ?

  24. 日本一个政府小组委员会最近提议,日本人民应该好好复习一下他们的礼貌敬语了。英语、德语和挪威语归于日耳曼语系。

    Japanese people need help to brush up on their polite language , a government panel has proposed . English , German and Norwegian are grouped under the Germanic family of languages .

  25. 迄今为止,我解构了日语,汉语普通话,西班牙语,意大利语,巴西葡萄牙语,德语,挪威语,爱尔兰盖尔语,朝鲜语,或许还有一堆另外的语言。

    So far , I 've deconstructed Japanese , Mandarin Chinese , Spanish , Italian , Brazilian Portuguese , German , Norwegian , Irish Gaelic , Korean , and perhaps a dozen others .

  26. 我们离开爱丁堡才一英里,但因为有戴维——我的挪威裔美国男友,还有于尔根——戴维的GPS里那个说挪威语的男人,我感觉自己已经深入到维京腹地。

    We were only a mile outside Edinburgh , but thanks to David , my Norwegian-American boyfriend , and Jurgen , the Norwegian speaker on David 's GPS , I already felt deep into Viking territory .