
  • 网络overfishing
  1. 现存资源量评估结果为2.51×104t,7.12×108尾,资源发生量处于历史较高水平,但种群处于严重补充型捕捞过度。

    The evaluation of the extant abundance was 2.51 × 10 4 tons , that is about 7.12 × 10 8 individuals . The abundance of resource was in a higher level , but the population was supplementing pattern in serious overfishing .

  2. 分析了近海渔业资源捕捞过度的原因。

    Secondly , the thesis analyses the reason for the excessive fishing of inshore fishery resources . 2 .

  3. 南海渔业资源衰退的主要原因是捕捞过度和海洋生态环境破坏。

    The depletion of fishery resources in South China Sea is due to over-fishing and devastation on marine ecology .

  4. 除此之外,“捕捞过度已经严重的敲响了警钟,国家公园正饱受侵袭。”

    In addition ," over-fishing has taken a serious toll , and the national parks are under siege . "

  5. 阻止不可持续的农业活动、未加控制的毁林活动、破坏性捕捞活动和过度捕捞;

    Discourage unsustainable agricultural practices , uncontrolled deforestation , destructive fishing practices and overfishing ;

  6. 本文对我国近海渔业资源捕捞现状进行分析,指出近海渔业资源捕捞过度的深层原因,并提出相应的对策建议。

    This paper analyses present over fishing condition of the coastal fishery resources , points out the direct causes and the root causes by related economic theories and puts forward some countermeasures .