
  • 网络Capture ELISA;capture-recapture techniques;law of prize;HCII;ICIA
  1. TORCH-IgM捕获法ELISA试剂盒的研制和应用

    Preparation and application of a capture ELISA kit for TORCH-IgM

  2. 结论捕获法ELISA检测抗PR3对WG的敏感性以及与IIF的相关性优于经典ELISA,对可疑WG患者,两法联合应用可提高WG的诊断率。

    Conclusions The sensitivity of anti-PR3 capture ELISA as well as its correlation with IIF is prior to classic anti-PR3 ELISA . The combined detection of anti-PR3 capture ELISA and IIF may increase the diagnosis rate of clinically suspected WG .

  3. 用抗体捕获法从噬菌体肽库中筛选志贺毒素B亚基结合分子

    Application of antibody capturing method in screening interacting partners of Shiga toxin subunit B from phage peptides library

  4. 捕获法ELISA检测抗蛋白酶3抗体对韦格纳肉芽肿的临床应用价值

    Clinical application of anti-proteinase 3 capture ELISA in diagnosis of Wegener 's granulomatosis

  5. 目的用人乳头瘤病毒杂交捕获法(hc2HPVDNA)监测宫颈癌前病变,提高诊断率。

    Objective To explore whether human papillomavirus ( HPV ) DNA test can raise the diagnosis rate of precancerous cervical lesions .

  6. 用ELISA捕获法测抗甲型肝炎病毒IgG及与竞争法测抗甲型肝炎病毒的比较

    Detection with Capture ELISA of Anti-HAV IgG and Comparision with Contest ELISA of Anti-HAV

  7. 甲型肝炎早期诊断&酶联捕获法检测唾液IgM-抗HAV研究

    A study of early diagnosis of hepatitis a-elisa for detection of anti-hav-igm in saliva

  8. 目的评价戊型肝炎抗HEVE2IgM、IgG酶联免疫试剂(捕获法)在戊型肝炎诊断中的意义。

    Objective To compare different methods for detection of anti-hepatitis E ( HEV E2 ) IgM amd IgG .

  9. 方法用第二代杂交捕获法(HCⅡ)检测2636名妇女宫颈刷出物中13种高危型HPV,其中454例同时做宫颈脱落细胞液基薄层细胞学检测(TCT)。

    Methods Hybrid capture ⅱ test was used to detect 13 high-risk HPV genotypes from cervical scrapes of 2636 women .

  10. 方法:第二代杂交捕获法(HCⅡ)和聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测妇女宫颈分泌物中的高危型HPV。

    Methods Hybrid capture ⅱ ( HC ⅱ ) test and polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) were used for detection of high-risk HPV from cervical scrapes of 103 women .

  11. 并用人乳头瘤病毒杂交捕获法(hc2HPVDNA)和液基细胞检测法(TCT)联合监测宫颈癌前病变,提高诊断率。

    To raise the diagnosis rate of precancerous cervical diseases with thin-prep cytology test ( TCT ) and human papilloma virus DNA hybrid capture II ( hc2 HPV DNA ) .

  12. 用第二代杂交捕获法(HC-2)检测每一病例的13种HR-HPVDNA。

    13 types of HR-HPV DNA in these cases were detected by Hybrid Capture 2 ( HC-2 ) assay .

  13. 应用IgM抗体捕获法,检测了81例病毒性肺炎患儿血清中呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)特异性IgM抗体,阳性率为43.21%。

    The anti-RS virus specific IgM antibodies in the serums from 81 infants and children with virus pneumonia were detected by IgM antibody capture assay . The positive rate was 43.21 % .

  14. 【目的】探讨采用第二代杂交捕获法(HybridCaptureⅡ,HC2)检测高危型人乳头瘤病毒DNA(HPV-DNA)的含量与宫颈癌前病变的关系。

    【 Objective 】 To explore the relationship of precancerous lesions of uterine cervix with human papillomavirus ( HPV ) DNA content in high risk women detected by the method of hybrid capture ⅱ( HC2 ) .

  15. 结论捕获法检测血清TORCH-IgM特异性高,假阳性率低,是可靠的辅助的诊断指标之一。

    Conclusions Detection of plasma TORCH-IgM by capture method was one of the reliable diagnostic markers because of high specificity and low false positive rates .

  16. 结果PR3捕获法ELISA、经典ELISA测抗PR3对WG的敏感性分别为87.5%和73.6%,二者的特异性均为100%;

    Results The sensitivities of classic ELISA and capture ELISA for detection of anti-PR3 in WG diagnosis were 73.6 % and 87.5 % respectively . The specificities of both the ELISAs were identical ( 100 % ) .

  17. 本部分研究表明,采用抗体夹心抗原捕获法建立的NS1蛋白检测方法具有高敏感性和特异性,可为登革病毒感染提供一种新的实验室诊断方法。

    All these results demonstrated that the established test is sensitive and specific which may lay the basis for providing a novel laboratory diagnosis tool for dengue virus infection .

  18. 用抗甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)IgG阴性血清处理以抑制非特异反应,提高灵敏性的捕获法酶联免疫吸附试验检测甲型肝炎病毒特异IgG抗体,并与竞争法检测总抗HAV进行了比较。

    A r-capture ELISA for detecting IgG antibody to Hepatitis A virus ( HAV ) has been developed and compared with contest ELISA of anti-HAV . It is useful that anti-HAV IgG negative sera inhibit nonspecific reaction in the capture ELISA of anti-HAV IgG .

  19. 结论:用抗体捕获法检测血清和脑脊液抗JEV-IgM对流行性乙型脑炎有早期诊断的价值,且该方法特异性高、敏感性强。

    Conclusion : The determination of JEV-IgM in serum and cerebrospinal fluid with antibody capture method can be used to help the early diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis . The method has best sensitivity and specificity .

  20. 方法:采用抗体捕获法测定182例乙脑住院病人血清和脑脊液抗JEV-IgM,并分析它与病程、年龄、病型的关系。

    Methods : JEV-IgM in serum and cerebrospinal fluid were detected by antibody capture method in 182 in-patients with Japanese encephalitis and the relationship between JEV-IgM and duration , age , type of disease was analyzed .

  21. 用基因捕获法制作鸟氨酸脱羧酶抗酶抑制子基因敲出小鼠

    Generating Ornithine Decarboxylase Antizyme Inhibitor Gene Knock-out Mice by Trapping Vector

  22. 第二代杂交捕获法检测宫颈人乳头瘤病毒感染的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection Using Hybrid Capture II

  23. 气相色谱&电子捕获法测定血中美托洛尔浓度

    Determination . of metoprolol in plasma by gas chromatography and electron-capture detection

  24. 酶联捕获法检测抗人巨细胞病毒-IgM抗体的实验分析

    Capturing-ELISA for the detection of anti-HCMV-IgM antibody in serum

  25. 早期快速诊断呼吸道合胞病毒感染&IgM抗体捕获法的应用

    Early and Rapid Diagnosis of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection with IgM Antibody Capture Assay

  26. 高危型人乳头瘤病毒杂交捕获法Ⅱ评估宫颈上皮内瘤变的临床价值

    Clinical Evaluation of High-risk HPV Detection by Hybrid Capture ⅱ in Screening Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasma

  27. 铈捕获法对葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶超微结构定位

    Ultrastructural localization of glucose-6-phosphatase with cerium

  28. 建立了一种测定梨中代森锰锌残留量的气相色谱顶空-电子捕获法。

    A method for the determination of mancozeb residue in pears by Headspace-Electron Capturer chromatography was established .

  29. 对传统的瞬时转速测量方法进行深入分析,提出一种精确测量内燃机飞轮瞬时转速的测量方法&ARM时间捕获法。

    By analyzing the traditional transient speed measuring methods , an ARM time capture method is presented , and precise measurement can be obtained .

  30. 在滑动相关捕获法的基础上,将单一的固定门限改为双自适应门限,同时引入变步长、协助捕获等概念。

    Based on the sliding correlator acquisition , the improved method replaced the single fixed threshold with two adaptive thresholds and introduced the concepts of changed step and assisted acquisition .