
  • 网络combination;permutation;Permutation and Combination
  1. 基于排列组合熵和灰度特征的纹理分割

    Texture segmentation method based on permutation entropy and gray feature

  2. 排列组合与映射的关系

    The Relationship between Permutation and Combination with Mapping

  3. 将这些数字进行各种可能的排列组合后,我们终于找到了答案。

    After running through the numbers in every possible combination , we finally hit on a solution .

  4. 基于子元素排列组合的XML文档信息隐藏

    XML Document Information Hiding Based on Sub-element Permutation and Combination

  5. 这同样可以应用到数据库后端、应用程序服务器、Web服务器和环境基础架构的其他元素,并且特别是对于这些的排列组合。

    The same applies to database back-ends , application servers , Web servers and other elements of the environmental infrastructure , and , in particular , to combinations of these .

  6. 给出r阶Fibonacci数列通项公式与性质和系数为r阶F数的级数和以及r阶F数在排列组合方面的应用。

    Study general term formulas of r order Fibonacci sequence and some properties and give the sum of series with coefficient is r order F-numbers and application for permutation is given .

  7. 由数据分析公司EnigmaPattern开发的这个程序,由2000个虚拟服务器提供支持,每秒能够筛查惊人的4100万个排列组合。

    The program , developed by the data analytics company Enigma Pattern and boosted by 2000 virtual servers , was able to check an astonishing 41m combinations a second .

  8. 本研究通过对SSR标记本身的特点以及排列组合原理的分析,提出快速有效的SSR标记开发算法,并应用VISUALBASIC6.0程序设计语言进行相关软件的开发。

    In this study , an efficient arithmetic had been put forward by the analysis of the features of SSR marker itself and permutation and combination theory and corresponding software with Visual Basic 6.0 were developed .

  9. 在机器阅读了来自《格林童话》(Grimm’sFairyTales)的一些德文培训数据后,人工智能程序分析了由四个转子的英格玛机器生成的数十亿个排列组合,在海量字母组合中寻找德文语句。

    Having already machine read some German language training data from Grimm 's Fairy Tales , the AI program crunched through billions of permutations generated by the four-rotor Enigma machine sifting combinations of letters for their " Germanness . "

  10. 用完全初等的方法推导了量子力学角动量理论中Clebsc-Gordan系数、3j系数,所用的仅是一些初等排列组合和量子力学基本知识;

    It is shown that the seemingly very complicated formulae of Clebsch-Gordan coefficient in quantum angular momentum theory actually can be derived in such a simple way using only elementary mathematics and basic quantum mechanics .

  11. 第二步:分别在U1和U2中选择一个溶剂,排列组合,根据混合溶剂的选择性、溶解性和泡点筛选出最优的溶剂。

    Group U2 was of low selectivity and high solvency . The second step is : selecting one solvent apiece from each group to make up of a mixed solvent system ; screening the mixed solvent according to selectivity , boiling point and solvency .

  12. 空间上由三个断裂造山带平行排列组合在一起;

    It is composed of the three parallel fracturing orogenic belts ;

  13. 语篇由一系列主位和述位排列组合而成。

    A text is a combination of themes and rhemes .

  14. 排列组合应用题的解题原则和策略

    Principles and Strategies for Solving the Applied Problems in Permutations and Combinations

  15. 三音集合的结构与排列组合形式

    The Structure of Three-note Set and the Pattern of Permutation and Combination

  16. 事物构成成分在空间上的排列组合是可以用数量来表示的规定性吗

    " Is Composition Element in Space " the Representative of Quantity Specification

  17. 排列组合中分组问题的处理方法

    A handle method for dividing into groups problems in rank and combine

  18. 用映射的观点分析排列组合问题

    Analyzing the Problem of Permutations and Combinations in the Viewpoint of Mapping

  19. 怎样解排列组合应用题

    How to Solve the Applied Problems of Permutation and Combination

  20. 例谈解排列组合问题&排除重复避免遗漏

    About Permutation and Combination ── Exclude Repetition and Avoid Omission

  21. 汉字阅读材料的不同排列组合对字词认知速度及准确性的影响

    Effects of different orders of Chinese characters on reading speed and accuracy

  22. 古典概型在排列组合恒等式证明中的应用

    Application of Classic Probability Model in Proving Permutation and Combination Identical Relation

  23. 浅谈排列组合应用题教学

    On the Teaching of Applied Problems of Permutations and Combinations

  24. 基于控制点排列组合的立体视觉定标算法

    Stereo Calibration Based on Permutation and Combination of Control Points

  25. 基于排列组合熵的脑电信号睡眠分期研究一种组合式三相逆变器基准信号的产生方法

    A Study of Sleep Stage Classification Based on Permutation Entropy for Electroencephalogram

  26. 求解排列组合结果的新思路

    New Arithmetic Idea to Solve the Completely Result of Permutation and Combination

  27. 之所以独一无二,是因为那种独特的基因排列组合以前不曾出现过。

    Unique because that particular permutation has not appeared before .

  28. 合作讨论和元认知监控与排列组合问题的解决

    Inter-relations among Collaborative Discussion , Meta-cognitive Control and Successful Solution in Combinatorial Problem

  29. 一对变换齿轮的计算机排列组合优选法

    Arrangement and Combination Optimum Select Method by Computer to a Couple Change Gear

  30. 蒸气锅炉给水系统中设备的不同排列组合形式的节能效果探讨

    Discussion on energy conservation effects in the boiler water-feeding system with different configuration