
  • 网络egestion;defecation
  1. 那日本俘虏的死缠住了他,怎么也排遗不开。

    He could not shake the death of the Japanese prisoner .

  2. 经过消化之后,任何残留的物质都通过肛门排遗,并随水流流到出水管外。

    After digestion , any remaining material is egested from the anus and passes out with the water flowing out the excurrent siphon .

  3. 用中性红标记水螅饵料、手术触手及组织切片等方法,研究水螅的消化、排遗和触手生长模式。

    Digestion , defecation and tentacles ' growth were observed by marking the food with 0.01 % neutral red , operating the tentacle and cutting sections .