
  1. 泰德•汉斯INTERNET2在美国的主干接口的传输速度是每秒100亿字节,比你在自己家上网的速度快30万倍。

    The Internet2 backbone in the U.S. is at 10 billion bits per second , that 's 300000 times faster than the connection you have at home .

  2. 但是,随着用户越来越高的要求,大多数通信接口的传输速度已经满足不了用户的需要。

    But the data rate of most interface transmission is not high enough to satisfy the requirement of user , as it is asked to be higher and higher .

  3. 采用传统串口(RS232、RS485)或者并口作为MCU控制的存储器的接口,存在传输速度与占用系统资源之间的矛盾。

    There exists a contradiction between transfer speed and system resources possessed by interface when using traditional serial interface ( RS232 、 RS485 ) or Parallel interface as the interface between memory and PC controlled by MCU .

  4. 基于USB接口技术具有数据传输速度快,插拔方便的优点,能够最大限度地满足钢丝绳检测信号采集的需要。

    Based on USB interface has the feature of plug and play and high speed transmission and it can meet the requirement of wire rope detection .

  5. 串行接口电路采用LVDS串行传输技术,该接口功耗低,传输速度快。接下来介绍了各个接口电路的硬件电路及逻辑时序。

    Serial interface use the technology of LVDS , which has low power dissipation and high data transmission speed . Secondly , each interface of hardware circuit and logic timer is introduced in the paper .

  6. 对于LCD驱动芯片实际应用中的接口速度问题,本论文提出了一种用LVDS传输技术来提高串行接口传输速度的方法。

    In system design , LCD driver chip has some problem , this paper introduces an LVDS transmission technology to speed up serial data transfer .

  7. 内侧协议中包含了PCI总线接口三级缓存的考虑,三级缓存的设计提高了PCI总线接口的数据传输速度、节约了使用PCI总线的时间。

    The inner protocol includes the consideration of three level data buffer . The design of three level data buffer will increase the data transfer speed of PCI and decrease the using time of PCI .