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jiē jiè
  • abutment
接界 [jiē jiè]
  • [abutment] 交界

接界[jiē jiè]
  1. 硫酸铜参比电极内阻的讨论及石墨接界的研制

    On CuSO_4 Reference Electrode Inner Resistance and Make-on-Trial of Graphite Interface

  2. 研究了一种双固体树脂接界的参比电极。

    A double solid resin junction reference electrode has been developed .

  3. 液体接界是两个可混溶液的电解质溶液之间的界面。

    A liquid junction is the interface between two miscible electrolyte solutions .

  4. 这些价值以上提到并且将被使用为接界联接焊接。

    These values mentioned above are also to be used for butt-joint welds .

  5. 关于液体接界电势的计算问题

    Calculation problems of liquid potential

  6. 设计了一个用两支离子选择性电极构成的无液体接界电池应用于电解质-水二元体系及电解质-氨基酸-水三元体系的电动势的测定。

    A non-liquid-junction electrochemical cell composed by two ion selectivity electrodes was designed to measure the electromotive force of electrolyte-water duality system and electrolyte-amino acid-water ternary system .

  7. 一片翠绿,丘陵起伏,林木茂盛,弗吉尼亚州和肯特基州接界的地区是一片美丽的山野&要不是有煤矿的话。

    Green , hilly , with countless trees , it was a beautiful country , the Virginia-Kentucky border area-or would have been , except for the mines .