
  1. 根据使用和安装方法的不同,接续金具分为钳压、液压、爆压和螺栓连接等几类。

    According to the different kinds of using and different method of installation , the connection hardware including several kinds , such as clamp pressure , hydraulic pressure , detonation pressure and bolted connection , etc.

  2. 提高导线运行允许温度后,对导线弧垂、接续金具发热和导线机械强度的影响进行了试验研究、理论分析和实际观测,可为线路的安全运行提供参考。

    After raising permissible operating temperature of conductor , the effects of sag of the span and heat of connecting hard wares and mechanical strength of conductor are tested and theoretically analyzed , which can be as reference for the safe operation of transmission line .