
  • 网络CONTROL PLAN;control planning;APQP&CP
  1. 在试生产和生产阶段的控制计划中要考虑设计FMEA和制造过程FMEA输出。

    The control plan for pre-launch and production shall take into account the design FMEA and manufacturing process FMEA outputs .

  2. 产品质量先期策划(AdvancedProductQualityPlanning,APQP)这一结构化的方法对大规模定制产品的质量特征、实现过程以及控制计划进行合理的规划,具有重要的现实意义。

    Advanced Product Quality Planning ( APQP ) is a structural method to formulate the quality characteristics of mass customized product , to realize the process and to programe the control plan . APQP has important practical significance to the new product development .

  3. 投标人为本项目拟定的质量保证和质量控制计划详情符合附录“q”。

    Details of bidders proposed program for quality assurance and quality control for the project to comply with schedule'q ' .

  4. 这为高韧性管材(CTOA)C的计算提供了新的方法,可对天然气管道断裂控制计划的制定提供参考。

    This provides a new method for ( CTOA ) C calculation of high toughness pipeline material .

  5. 世行高级经济师RobChase说,社区推动的发展(CDD)可以使社区团体控制计划决策和投资资源。

    Community Driven Development ( CDD ) gives community groups control over planning decisions and investment resources for development .

  6. 确认供应商质量控制计划及其实施,确保供应商使用准确的检验方法,推动供应商完成PPAP文件。

    Supplier quality control plans verification , inspection method confirmation , and push the supplier to finish PPAP documents .

  7. QS9000系列文章之六产品质量&先期策划和控制计划

    Quality Planning and Controlling Scheme for Products

  8. 顾客图纸规定的关键特性,全部等效移植,修订相关的图纸、FMEA、工艺、控制计划和作业指导书。

    The key characteristic what the drawing of the customer regulated all transplanted with equivalent , and revised the relevant drawings , FMEA , artwork , control plan and the operation instructor .

  9. 此单克隆抗体可以用于IBRV的鉴别检测,为我国牛传染性鼻气管炎控制计划的实施提供了工具。

    This monoclonal antibody can be used to IBRV detection , and provide tools for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis eradication program . 4 .

  10. 方法结合实际情况对AGFAADCSOLOCR制定详细的质量控制计划,适时监控,实施有效的保养与维修,使系统保持在正常运转状态。

    Methods In order to keep the system operating normally , we make the detail plan of quality control in combination with practical status such as working status and frequency of use , and implement proper maintenance and repairing for AGFA ADC SOLO CR system .

  11. 实现复杂控制计划的控制通道增益匹配方法

    Channel gain schedule method on the aeroengine complex control scheme realization

  12. 预投产控制计划是否探讨了较高的风险优先数?

    Are high RPN 's addressed by the pre-launch control plan ?

  13. 控制计划应适当覆盖三个不同的阶段。

    The control plan shall cover three distinct phases as appropriate .

  14. 2007年的洪水防止与控制计划已经得以实现。

    The2007 plan for flood prevention and control has been implemented .

  15. 每年用在汽车控制计划的费用正在使人震惊。

    The annual costs of motor vehicle control programs are staggering .

  16. 经济合理地推行总量控制计划

    Carrying out the Plan of Total Quantity Control economically and reasonably

  17. 论企业质量体系的动态运作核电质量控制计划的运作和管理

    Strengthening the Dynamic Operation of a Company 's Quality Control System

  18. 制定销售计划,监督和控制计划的执行。

    To formulate , monitor and control sales plans and territories .

  19. 某型航空发动机防/消喘控制计划分析

    Analysis of Surge-Prevention / Elimination Control Scheme for an Aircraft Engine

  20. 从隐蔽网络到国际互联网信息资源控制计划

    The Control Project from the Invisible Web to Universal Internet Information Resources

  21. 熟悉统计技术,潜在失效模式及后果分析和控制计划等。

    Be familiar with the statistics techniques , fmea , control plan etc.

  22. 每个国家必须有国家疾病大流行控制计划。

    Every country must have a national pandemic control plan .

  23. 对正在进行的生产确认需要一个控制计划。

    A control plan for ongoing production verification is required .

  24. 制定并负责落实项目阶段性目标和项目总体控制计划。

    Develop and fulfill project progress goal and master schedule .

  25. 政府被要求重新考虑其人口控制计划。

    The government was asked to redefine its program on birth control .

  26. 所有的材料流程都要和过程流程图和控制计划相协调。

    Manage the material flow to ensure the daily plan is achieved .

  27. 然而,其在全球麻疹控制计划中的作用需要进一步评估。

    However , its role in global measles control programmes requires further evaluation .

  28. 此要求应用于在控制计划中提及的测量系统。

    This requirement shall apply to measurement systems referenced in the control plan .

  29. 制定新产品或设计更改的产品的质量控制计划。

    Prepare quality plan and inspection sheet for new project or design change .

  30. 需要多少天审查和批准样件制造控制计划?

    How many days required for reviewing and approving Prototype Build Control Plan ?