
  • 网络Tim;Tim Cook
  1. 好的,你也许会说但是像查克和提姆这样的孩子,他们确实犯罪了!

    Okay , you might say . But Chuck and Tim , kids like them , they 're committing crimes !

  2. 提姆第一次被捕是在那一年的晚些时候那时他刚满11岁那时查克的通缉刚被取消然后他要以分期付款的方式支付他的诉讼费当时他用他女友的车载提姆到学校

    Tim 's first arrest came later that year after he turned 11 . Chuck had managed to get his warrant lifted and he was on a payment plan for the court fees and he was driving Tim to school in his girlfriend 's car .

  3. 我想让你们想象一下如果查克和提姆住在邻居孩子都能去大学读书,而不是去监狱的社区里就像我长大的社区他们的生活会是怎样?

    I want you to imagine for a second what Chuck and Tim 's lives would be like if they were living in a neighborhood where kids were going to college , not prison . A neighborhood like the one I got to grow up in .

  4. 最后,在接近这个季节末的时候法官驳回了大部分关于这起袭击案的指控查克回家了但是他也欠下了数百美元的诉讼费提姆那天很开心

    Finally , near the end of this season , the judge on this assault case threw out most of the charges and Chuck came home with only a few hundred dollars ' worth of court fees hanging over his head . Tim was pretty happy that day .

  5. 查克要他弟弟坐下来开始教他怎么摆脱警察他们会肩并肩坐在他们房后的走廊望着公共小巷的深处查克会叫提姆怎样辩认出伪装的警车怎样和深夜巡逻的警察交涉,还有哪里能躲避

    Chuck sat his little brother down and began teaching him how to run from the police . They would sit side by side on their back porch looking out into the shared alleyway and Chuck would coach Tim how to spot undercover cars , how to negotiate a late-night police raid , how and where to hide .

  6. 但是尽管如此,当地辖区的警察还是以窝赃的罪名起诉了查克几天后,一个青少年犯罪法官起诉了11岁的提姆作为窝赃的从犯然后他被判三年的缓刑因为背负缓刑的罪名

    But anyway , the cops down at the precinct charged Chuck with receiving stolen property . And then a juvenile judge , a few days later , charged Tim , age 11 , with accessory to receiving a stolen property and then he was placed on three years of probation . With this probation sentence hanging over his head ,

  7. 4.give放弃(提姆考大学联考三次都失败后就放弃了。)

    After Tim failed the Joint College Entrance Exam three times he gave up .

  8. 斯克鲁奇看到鲍勃的小儿子小提姆(TinyTim)倚着拐杖。

    Scrooge sees Tiny Tim , Bob 's youngest son , on crutches .

  9. 吉妮:Skoeet!现在,我们来把它翻译成一般的英文:吉妮:Didyoueatyet?(你吃过了没?)提姆:No,didyou?

    Now let 's translate it into regular English : Gene : Did you eat yet ? Tim : No , did you ?

  10. 《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)上周发表的一篇文章称,苹果(Apple)首席执行官提姆o库克正在物色新的董事会成员。

    According to a Wall Street Journal article published on Monday , Apple CEO Tim Cook is looking for new board members .

  11. 吉妮:Jeetyet?提姆:No,ju?

    Gene : Jeet yet ? Tim : No , ju ?

  12. 提姆获颁最佳演员奖一座。n.奖�

    Tim was awarded a statue for Best Actor .

  13. 我还十分期待罗伯特o提姆伯格的自传《蓝眼睛男孩》(Blue-eyedBoy)。

    I 'm also looking forward to the autobiography Blue-eyed Boy by Robert Timberg .

  14. 第二天早晨,我早早起来,到里约伊斯提姆河(RíoIstiam)上划皮艇,这条河从沙漏状的岛屿中部贯穿而过,进入内陆。

    The next morning , I set off early to kayakon R í o Istiam , a river and swamp that cuts inland through the middle of thehourglass-shaped island .

  15. Web2.0这一概念,最早由O'Reilly媒体公司总裁兼CEO提姆·奥莱理(TimO'Reilly)提出。

    The Web 2.0 this concept was proposed most early by O'Reilly media company chairman concurrently CEO Tim O'Reilly .

  16. 拥有并管理酒吧的酒吧集团&JDWetherspoon的总裁提姆•马丁(TimMartin)对此并不同情。

    Tim Martin , chairman of the pub group JD Wetherspoon , which owns and manages its pubs , is unsympathetic .

  17. 提姆•丘奇(TimChurch)是MySpace上罢工网页的创办者。他表示,下一轮抵制行动将于5月1号开始,并无限期持续下去。

    Tim Church , organiser of the MySpace strike page , has indicated that a follow-up boycott , scheduled for May1 , will ask sellers to hold out indefinitely .

  18. 过去7年里,3G策划的收购活动包括亨氏、快餐连锁店汉堡王(BurgerKing)和提姆霍顿(TimHortons),以及啤酒巨头安海斯-布希(Anheuser-Busch)。

    Over the past seven years , the group has masterminded takeovers of Heinz , fast-food chains Burger King and Tim Hortons as well as beer giant Anheuser-Busch .

  19. 该公司设计总监提姆&12539;格曼(TimGehman)说:人们总是需要一个地方来摆放餐厅家具。

    ' People are coming with dining room furniture and need a place to use it , ' said Tim Gehman , director of design .

  20. 康涅狄格州PiEconomics的提姆李(TimLee)这样说道:(2007年初以来)标普500指数40%的变动可以通过日元的走势得到预测或解释,反之亦然。

    Tim Lee , of Pi Economics in Connecticut , puts it this way : [ Since early 2007 ] 40 per cent of all movement in the SP 500 can be predicted or explained from the movement of the yen and vice versa .

  21. 男的叫提姆。艾略特(TimElliot),与安娜在同一部门,但经常需要在不同的国家公园执行任务,目前在拱门国家公园执勤。

    The man 's name is Tim Elliot , working in the same department as Ann , but he usually needs to execute tasks in various national parks , this week he was on duty in Arches national park .

  22. 他也没有管理规模如此巨大且复杂的公司的记录:1995年至2001年,提姆•库格(TimKoogle)一直担任雅虎首席执行官,塞梅尔随后接任此职。

    Nor does he have a record of managing such a big and complex company : Tim Koogle was chief executive of Yahoo from 1995 to 2001 , when Mr Semel took over .

  23. 请不要叫我汤姆,我叫提姆。

    Please don 't call me Tom , I 'm Tim .

  24. 提姆在做什么?他在打乒乓球。

    What 's Tim doing ? He 's playing table tennis .

  25. 你知道,这不全然是提姆的错。

    It 's not all tim 's fault , you know .

  26. 安、提姆和他们的妈妈在市场里。

    Ann , Tim and their mother are in the market .

  27. 提姆.匹克2015年12月24日上的推特消息。

    Tim Peake ( @ astro_timpeake ) December 24 , 2015 .

  28. 提姆赢得比赛的机率不高。

    The odds of Tim winning the game are not high .

  29. 提姆:你害怕它们中的某些动物吗?

    Tim : are you scared of any of the animals ?

  30. 拍摄工作都在绿手指摄影师提姆雪柏的严密掌控下进行

    All under the watchful eye of green-fingered cameraman Tim Shepherd .