
chā jiàn
  • plug-in unit;plug-in board;plug-in components;pluggable unit
插件[chā jiàn]
  1. 提出一种使用J2EE技术、对分布式系统的n层模型使用插件方式进行改进的架构,为系统增加了开放性的特点。

    Describe a J2EE based open distributed software architecture , which improves the n-tier model of distributed system with plug-in components .

  2. Eclipse是一个基于Java的、开放源码的可扩展开发平台,使用它所提供的框架和服务可以构建使用插件组件的开发环境。

    Eclipse began as a Java-based , open source , extensible development platform that provides a framework and services for building a development environment using plug-in components .

  3. workproducts插件包含工作产品和相关的指导。

    The work products plug-in includes the work products and related guidance .

  4. 单击常规插件选项卡,然后启用SongChange插件。

    Click the general plug-ins tab , then enable the Song Change plug-in .

  5. 重新生成Web服务器插件

    Re-generating the web server plug in

  6. 一些插件错误消息会出现在Windows事件日志中。

    Some plug-in error messages show up in the Windows event log .

  7. 网络:NetworkConfiguration插件验证各种TCP/IP配置设置和网络特征。

    Network : The Network Configuration plugin verifies a variety of TCP / IP configuration settings and network characteristics .

  8. 最后,在样例web应用程序中使用插件展示它的行为。

    Finally , you used the plug-in in an example Web application to show you how it behaves .

  9. 完成后单击Finish来生成插件项目和代码。

    Click Finish when done to generate the plug-in project and code .

  10. 查看“帮助”内部结构的最简单方法是使用help扩展点构建一个插件。

    The easiest way to see the internal structure of help is to build a plug-in with a help extension point .

  11. 最后,让我们回顾一下本文中介绍过的插件以及它们是怎样改进Web应用程序的。

    Finally , let 's review the plug-ins I covered in this article and how they improve the Web application .

  12. deliveryprocess插件包含CRM交付过程,它是端到端的完整协议生命周期。

    The delivery_process plug-in includes the CRM delivery process , which is an end-to-end complete engagement lifecycle .

  13. features和plugins文件夹本身也包含一些默认的插件。

    The features and plugins folders also contained the default plug-ins .

  14. 服务器身份验证插件:管理DB2服务器上的身份验证。

    Server authentication plug-in : manages authentication on a DB2 server .

  15. 事实上,插件是Eclipse的Java语言开发组件。

    In fact , the Java language development components of Eclipse are plug-ins .

  16. Eclipse插件会帮助您构建此文件。

    The Eclipse plug-in will help you to build such file .

  17. 注意:您必须安装Web工具插件才能在Eclipse中创建Web项目。

    NOTE : You need to have the Web tools plug-in installed to create a Web project under Eclipse .

  18. 编辑器API是一组插件

    The editor API is a set of plug-ins

  19. 这个例子插件使用以下API函数

    This example plug-in uses the following API functions

  20. provider指定插件程序提供者名称的细节。

    Provider Specify the plugin provider name details .

  21. Eclipse插件GUI能够保持连贯性是件很好的事情。

    Consistency among Eclipse plug-in GUIs is a good thing .

  22. 为满足这一需要,Eclipse使用插件。

    To address this need , Eclipse uses plug-ins .

  23. 跨不同的Eclipse版本管理这些插件可能是个麻烦。

    Managing these plug-ins across different versions of Eclipse can be a hassle .

  24. 大多数Eclipse功能都可以扩展或接受插件。

    Most Eclipse features can be extended or are accepting contributions from plug-ins .

  25. 安装完插件后,就可以开始编写PHP了。

    Once the plug-in is installed , you can start writing PHP .

  26. FITEclipse插件:下载和查找关于核心FITEclipse插件的更多信息。

    FIT Eclipse plug-in : Download and find more information about the core FIT Eclipse plug-in .

  27. 本文介绍了一个采用XML的插件示例,以便为定义好的扩展点注册扩展。

    This article shows an example of one plug-in taking in XML to register extensions for a defined extension point .

  28. 对于IBM提供的缺省插件

    For the IBM supplied default plug-ins

  29. 插件可使用各种不同的技术来实现逻辑API请求。

    A plug-in can use a variety of technologies to implement the logical API requests .

  30. 这将启动Eclipse的第二个实例,它将包含您的插件。

    This will launch a second instance of Eclipse that will include your plug-in .