
  • 网络search good;Searching Goods
  1. 论搜寻品假冒伪劣的成因及其市场影响

    Discussion on the Formal Cause of Fake and Inferior Commodity and Its Influence upon Market & Taking Pirate Software as Example

  2. 旅行社产品具有搜寻品与经验品的双重属性,其旅游线路属于搜寻品,其服务属于经验品。

    Travel agency products are typical products of dual attribute , namely , search and experience . The tour routes are search products , while the services are experience products .

  3. 警察在每个过路人身上搜寻禁带品。

    The police searched everyone for anything banned .

  4. 面对大宗商品价格飙涨,中国的反应是大力提高国内生产,并四处搜寻替代品。

    The country responded to soaring prices by ramping up domestic commodity production and foraging for alternatives .