
  • 网络search engine ranking
  1. 具备领衔搜索引擎排名,流量和分析软件的相关经验。

    Experience with leading search engine ranking , traffic and analysis software .

  2. 你获得的链入站点越多,搜索引擎排名越靠前。

    The more inbound links you acquire , the higher your search engine ranking will be .

  3. 在深入研究了搜索引擎排名算法的相关理论和技术的基础上,我们提出了搜索引擎排名算法在文献检索系统中的一个应用:基于PageRank的科技文献质量评价算法。

    On the basis of investigating theory and technology of ranking algorithms , we also propose a PageRank based algorithm for scientific literature quality evaluation , which is an application of search engine ranking algorithm in literature retrieval system .

  4. 搜索引擎排名优化功能。准确的根据用户需要,提供完美的网站优化服务。

    Accurate based on user needs and provide the perfect Web site optimization services .

  5. 这也是提高搜索引擎排名的一个关键因素。

    This is a factor that is extremely important in terms of search engine rankings .

  6. 网站会把错误的元数据放到它们的页面中以提高它们的搜索引擎排名。

    Web sites would put false metadata into their pages to boost their search engine ranking .

  7. 这些也是影响搜索引擎排名的因素。

    This will help to build natural links and encourage comments which also influence search engine rankings .

  8. 这是您轻松地评估和比较您的网站与十大搜索引擎排名的网站。

    It is easy for you to evaluate and compare your website with top10 search engine ranking websites .

  9. 主要内容概括如下:1.首先对搜索引擎排名算法做了详细的总结分析。

    The main contents of this thesis are as follows : 1 . Summarize and analyze the ranking algorithms of search engine .

  10. 最后,把该算法的离线模型和在线模型统一起来,阐明了算法在搜索引擎排名中的运行机制。

    Finally , the offline model and online model of this algorithm were combined to detail the application in ranking of search engine .

  11. 链接簇是你在一篇文章或者页面里所添加的一组旨在改善它的搜索引擎排名的一组链接。

    A link cluster is a group of links that you can point at a post or page to improve its search engine ranking .

  12. 搜索引擎排名算法负责将最有价值的网页优先推荐给用户,它在提高检索服务质量方面起着重要作用。

    Search engine ranking algorithm recommends user the most valuable web pages in priority , and it helps to enhance the quality of search service .

  13. 因为其他的方法都是比较花钱而且效果短暂的,而搜索引擎排名做好以后,它可以长期为你带来高质量的流量。

    Because other methods are more money and the effect of the brief , and search engine ranking , it can do after long-term bring you high quality traffic .

  14. 通过对网站进行综合的分析后,选择网络推广方法,在众多网络推广方法当中,最重要的方法就是搜索引擎排名。

    Through comprehensive analysis of website , choose network promotion methods , in many network promotion methods , the most important of the method is the search engine rankings .

  15. 然而搜索引擎排名算法目前面临着一个严重问题,那就是搜索引擎作弊。

    This kind of ranking principle can be used in many other information retrieval systems . However , search engine ranking algorithm faces with a serious problem , which is called web spam .

  16. 这是网站优化中最重要的一部份,有助于各大搜索引擎排名的提升,严谨的锚文本能够帮助搜索引擎更加清楚的了解网页的主题。

    This is the site optimization of the most important part , contribute to the major search engine rankings improve , strict anchor text to help search engines understand more clearly the theme page .

  17. 许多因素会影响整个搜索引擎排名,包括(但不限于)出站和入站链接、对重定向的使用和其他基础设施问题。

    Many other factors come into play for the entire search engine ranking , including but not limited to your links in and out , your use of redirects , and other infrastructure concerns .

  18. 垃圾信息散布者的主要目的就是提高其客户站点在搜索引擎的排名,这个过程被称为“黑帽式搜索引擎优化(SEO)”或“垃圾索引”。

    The primary goal of the spammers is to increase the search engine ranking for their client sites , in a process called " black hat search engine optimization ( SEO )" or " Spamdexing " .

  19. 垃圾网页是针对搜索引擎结果排名设计的,而不是为了提高用户上网体验。

    Web spam is designed for search engines rather than users .

  20. 这就激励某些网站通过不正当的手段来操纵搜索引擎的排名。

    It drives some Web sites owners to manipulate ranking results of search engines through unethical methods .

  21. 在这里,我与大家分享的是如何让你的网站在搜索引擎中排名靠前的方法。

    Here , I share with you is how to make your site rank well in search engines approach .

  22. 事实上,其中的一些方法也能帮你最终在搜索引擎上排名靠前。

    In fact , some of these methods will even help to ultimately get higher rankings in the search engines .

  23. 作弊者为了达到他们的目的,会仔细研究搜索引擎的排名算法,找出排名依据的主要因素加以利用。

    In order to achieve their goal , spammers will carefully study the ranking algorithms to find ways to take advantage of them .

  24. 由于搜索引擎的排名规则及算法是是在不断改变中的,而且这些规则和算法又是商业机密,所以不可能达到保证排在某几位的效果的。

    As the search engine ranking rules and algorithms are constantly changing , and these rules and algorithms also is a commercial secret , it is impossible to guarantee in a row of several effects .

  25. 搜索引擎之竞价排名的法律问题研究

    On the Legal Issues of Pay Per Click Service of Search Engines

  26. 搜索引擎之竞价排名研究

    Research on Pay Per Click Service of Search Engines

  27. 如果你希望自己的站点在搜索引擎中的排名靠前,那么文本内容就显得非常重要。

    If you want to achieve a high ranking on search engines , this text is essential .

  28. 第一章主要介绍了搜索引擎和竞价排名的工作原理,并介绍了竞价排名目前所面临的法律困境。

    The first chapter mainly introduces how the search engine and PPC work , and what difficulties the PPC is currently facing .

  29. 网站在搜索引擎中的排名越高,从中获取的用户流量也就越多,流量越多也就意味着更多的利润。

    Since higher ranking in searching results brings more traffic , and more traffic means more profit to the owners of Web sites .

  30. 为了能使某些页面在搜索引擎的检索排名中比较靠前,垃圾网页制作者往往采用欺骗搜索引擎的手段。

    In order to make certain that pages get higher score than its actual ranking in the search engine results , spam try to cheat the search engines .