
shè zhì zǔ
  • production unit
  1. 一觉醒来,你会发现电影摄制组进驻了你家后院。

    You will wake to find film crews camped in your backyard

  2. 北京电影制片厂摄制组下个月去外地拍外景。

    The production unit of the Beijing Film Studio will leave Beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month .

  3. 我们新加坡的TVC摄制组飞往新西兰进行了为期10天的拍摄。

    Our Singapore TVC crew recently flew to New Zealand for a10 day shoot .

  4. 有趣的是,今年夏天小说作者Mezrich曾对CNET表示哈佛大学在允许摄制组进入校区拍摄事宜方面显得很不“通融”。

    That 's interesting because Harvard is pretty strict about not letting film crews on campus , something that Mezrich pointed out to CNET News in an interview this summer .

  5. 辣条还引起了英国电影摄制组的注意。二月份,BBC播出了三集纪录片《中国新年》,片中两位主持人手里拿着辣条,在中国一个典型的小吃街闲逛。一个月之后,辣条热开始兴起。

    The latiao fervor came one month after it caught the attention of a British film crew , and in February , the BBC aired a three-part documentary on Chinese New Year celebrations in which the two presenters were seen roaming a typical Chinese snack street , latiao in hand .

  6. 一个电影摄制组在沙漠深处进行拍摄。

    A film crew was on location deep in the desert .

  7. 我们最好与摄制组一起到机场去。

    We better get to the airport with a camera crew .

  8. 接待国外摄制组来华拍片

    Receive overseas film & TV shooting teams to visit China

  9. 一个美国的纪录片摄制组恰好在制作节目。

    An American documentary unit happened to be working on a programme .

  10. 他们会派摄制组来,吉莉安

    the idea ... They are sending the film crew , Gillian ,

  11. 一个电视摄制组到那儿去拍摄这个故事。

    A television outfit went there to shoot the story .

  12. 摄制组拍摄下了一些没有伴侣的雌企鹅试图拆散别的企鹅夫妻。

    The crew filmed females without mates trying to break up couples .

  13. 电视摄制组在夜间无法拍摄影片。

    The TV crews couldn 't film at night .

  14. 不过,离开了好莱坞舒适的摄影棚,摄制组自然也遇到了些麻烦;

    But leaving the comforts of a Hollywood soundstage does have its pitfalls ;

  15. 咱们摄制组有二十多人呢。

    Our film crew has more than twenty people .

  16. 空中摄制组现在可以飞几百公里

    the aerial team could now fly hundreds of miles

  17. 天气预报一个电影摄制组在沙漠深处工作。

    Weather Predict A film crew was on location deep in the desert .

  18. 不,她直接说她不想让摄制组去

    No. Told them pointblank she doesn 't want the film crew there .

  19. 他们想派摄制组来拍

    saying they wanted to send a film crew

  20. 当摄制组在东海岸拍摄时,一次真正的飓风“弗罗伊德”突然来袭。

    While they were filming on the east coast a real storm called'floyd'suddenly struck .

  21. 我们有一个英国摄制组在这里。

    We have an English TV crew here .

  22. 为什么名单里面还有个摄制组?

    Why is there a camera crew listed ?

  23. 空中摄制组的位置很好

    and the aerial team are perfectly placed .

  24. 她很乐意让他们带整个电影摄制组去她的公寓。

    She cheerfully agreed to let them bring their entire film crew into her apartment .

  25. 新闻记者和电视摄制组人员围住了我。

    Journalists and TV crewmen surrounded me .

  26. 此外我还要制作电视节目,跟着摄制组走遍伦敦的每一个地方。

    Then I did TV pieces , traveling with a crew throughout parts of London .

  27. 胆识国人的英国电视摄制组游历世界就是要探索自然的原野。

    The COOL ENGLISH TV team travels the world to explore the wilds of nature .

  28. 摄制组从地面和空中成功地拍摄到了一场出色的狩猎

    The team have managed to capture a remarkable hunt from both ground and air .

  29. 《电影摄制组》时常能看到的电影摄制组,正在拍摄高难度的特技镜头。

    A film crew You can see film crew here that is filming high challenge stunt .

  30. 第二摄制组:拍摄影片“其他内容”的团队。

    Second Unit : The gaggle who shoots the " other stuff " for a movie .