
shè yǐnɡ jì qiǎo
  • Photography Skills;camera work;camera skills
  1. 这部电影的导演过分卖弄摄影技巧,追求华丽炫目的视觉效果。

    The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour .

  2. 该课程将为初学者一对一地讲授各种户外摄影技巧。

    The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography .

  3. Photips提供基本DSLR知识以及摄影技巧和窍门。

    Photips provide basic DSLR knowledge as well as photography tips and tricks .

  4. 像这种摄影技巧人家已经用了很久了。

    They 've been using trick photography like that for years .

  5. 生物近距摄影技巧

    Biological photography technique in the close quarters

  6. 即使你决定使用自动模式拍摄,了解相机的工作原理和设定的作用,对你提高摄影技巧还是很有帮助的。

    Even if you decide to shoot in auto mode , understanding how the camera works and what the settings mean will improve your photography .

  7. 此外,他还树立了音乐电视的制作基准&要像大型歌舞片一样具备完美的摄影技巧和精准的舞蹈编排。

    He also established a benchmark for the way videos would be made - with stunning cinematography and precision choreography that recalled great movie musicals .

  8. 这部巨片以出色的摄影技巧在爪哇中部和印度拍成,不失为一个动人的爱情故事。

    Long , melodramatic , yet gorgeously shot in Central Java and India , Ayat Ayat Cinta is , at the end of the day , a love story .

  9. 它从客观现实的事物中摄取影像,以生活里真实的、动态的典型瞬间摄影技巧来反映生活、记录生活,让读者感到真实可信、形象鲜活。

    It grasps the image or photos from objective reality , and reflects or records the real life with its camera technique on the basis of some true or dynamic moments .

  10. 要想拍摄鸽子飞行的清晰照片需要高超的摄影技巧,另外对相机的要求也很高。

    Therefore , it needs very good skills and high class of cameras as well . I took lots and lots of pics of pigeons in flight , but there are few satisfactory ones .

  11. 影片在香港和对过去的闪回之间来回切换,通过科技舞曲,对美国国家安全局项目的简要介绍,以及用复杂的摄影技巧营造出的紧张的监控场面,快节奏地介绍了斯诺登的经历。

    Cutting between Snowden in Hong Kong and flashbacks to his past , the film speeds through Snowden 's biography with the help of techno music , snappy explanations of N.S.A. programs and tricky camerawork to build in the tension of surveillance .

  12. 真的吗?实际上它们是完全相同的。但是即使我们意识到错觉的存在,你的眼睛还是拒绝认为他们相同。引入颜色产生的结果仍相同。我保证这里没有用到摄影技巧或者后期效果。其实如果你查Munker-White错觉就会找到许多例子。

    It turns out that they are the exact same.And yet , even after knowing that the illusion is there , your eyes refuse to see them as the same.Introducing colors produces the same result . I promise No trick photography or editing effects have been applied.In fact , if you look up the " Munker-White Illusion , "

  13. 他已经掌握了眼镜摄影的技巧,正如你从他的照片中所看到的我们正在拍摄他的情景。

    He 's certainly mastered the art of Glass photography - as you can see from his picture of us filming him .

  14. 因此,在你完全掌握所有摄影相关技巧之前,别再过多担心镜头的锐度了。

    So , unless you are utilizing all of your photographic skills and know what to look for and how to achieve it , stop worrying so much about sharpness .

  15. 清末民初,沈寿首次成功将西方摄影和绘画技巧引入中国传统刺绣,开创了“仿真绣”。

    At the end of the Qing Dynasty , ShenShou successfully introduced the western photography and the drawing skill into the Chinese embroidery , and founded the emulational embroidery .

  16. 学习静物摄影用光和技巧。

    Learn which Lens to Use & Why .

  17. 建筑摄影的技术与技巧

    Skills and Techniques in Architectural Photography

  18. 学习水下摄影对了解摄影技巧本身也是非常有益的,当然,有时候有点挑战性。

    Learning about underwater photography can be very rewarding , and yes , sometimes a bit challenging .

  19. 本文根据摄影的实际工作体会阐述了数码摄影与传统摄影相比的优越性和实用性,强调指出,掌握现代数码摄影技术和技巧对于成为当代优秀摄影师的重要性。

    Based on the practical experience of photography , this paper elucidated the advantages and practicability of digital photography compared with traditional photography , and emphasized the importance of mastering the knowledge and expertise of updated digital photography for performing a modern advanced photographer .