
  • 网络Modern Sky;ModernSky;Badhead
  1. 带有独立音乐色彩的摩登天空音乐节于2007年在北京创立。本周一,该音乐节组织者宣布今年10月它计划在美国首次亮相,在中央公园的兰姆西运动场(RumseyPlayfield)举办为期两天的演出。

    The Modern Sky Festival , a music festival with indie leanings that was established in Beijing in 2007 , plans to make its American debut in October when it presents two days of concerts at the Rumsey Playfield in Central Park , the organizers announced on Monday .

  2. 北京摩登天空音乐节上的北京青年一代。

    The new generation on Beijing modern sky music festival .

  3. 希望在摩登天空节再看到你们,一起玩!

    Hope we will see and party at the modern sky festival !

  4. 在音乐方面最好的可能是2008摩登天空音乐节。

    The best in terms of music was probably the2008 Modern Sky Festival .

  5. 主办这一音乐节的摩登天空公司于1997年创立,最初是北京一家独立唱片厂牌,如今已有了出版、音乐会和音乐节等分支。

    The festival is presented by Modern Sky Entertainment , a company founded in 1997 as an independent record label in Beijing , and now includes publishing , concert and festival divisions .

  6. 但摩登天空唱片公司总裁沈黎晖却认为,中国乐坛长期处于创新匮乏、利润分配不均的病态下,选秀节目的勃勃商机并非一剂“良方”。

    But Shen Lihui , president of Modern Sky , a record company , doesn 't think the booming business of music talent shows is a cure for the music industry , which has long been haunted by a lack of innovation and unequal profit distribution .