
cā yīn
  • assibilant;fricative;f;v
擦音 [cā yīn]
  • [fricative] 口腔通道缩小,气流从中挤出而发的辅音,如普通话语音中的f,s,sh等,英语中的[f],[v],[]等

擦音[cā yīn]
  1. 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。

    The transcription th ( for the fricative p ) caused Grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive .

  2. 土族语词首清擦音f的演变以人们日常生活的两种必需品&自来水和醋为试验材料,研究无声放电平板式臭氧发生机的杀菌效果。

    The evolution of the initial voiceless fricative f in Tu people 's language The effects of sterilizing with ozonizer of voiceless discharge on water and vinegar were studied .

  3. 普通话中塞音、塞擦音嗓音起始时间(VOT)初探

    Primary study of voice - onset time in stop and affricate of Standard Chinese

  4. 如何发好英语中的摩擦音与破擦音

    How to pronounce Fricative Consonants and Affricate consonants well in English

  5. 嘴闭上时通过鼻子发出的擦音。

    A continuant consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed .

  6. 英语共有9个擦音,而汉语只有6个。

    There are nine fricatives in English and six fricatives in Chinese .

  7. 论上古塞音擦音组合复辅音

    On the Compound Consonant Combined with Fricative and Affricative in Ancient Times

  8. 壮族学习普通话语音瓶颈论&塞擦音、送气音存在的问题及解决途径

    Bottleneck : The Zhuang Nationality have in Learning Putonghua

  9. 腭裂语音的塞擦音语图模式研究

    The spectre - mode features of affrication in speech disorder children with cleft palate

  10. 泰国学习者知觉与产出普通话塞擦音/擦音的实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Standard Chinese Affricate / fricative Perception and Production by Thai Learners

  11. 鼻音与口辅音(塞音/塞擦音)结合紧密,组成一个音节,共用一个声调;

    Nasal sound and plosive combine closely , become one syllable and share one tone .

  12. 新生儿锁骨骨折临床表现为患侧锁骨上窝肿胀、骨擦音;

    The main manifestations of neonatal clavicular fracture were supraclavicular fossa swelling and bone rub .

  13. 右侧腹股沟区深压痛明显,无明显骨擦音及异常活动。

    The right groin area deep tenderness Obviously , no significant bone fricative and abnormal activities .

  14. 用初始的齿擦音发出。

    Pronounce with an initial sibilant .

  15. 越南留学生习得普通话塞音、塞擦音实验研究和偏误分析

    An experimental study and error analyses of the acquisition of stops and affricates in Chinese by Vietnamese learners

  16. 结果:腭裂患者的不送气塞擦音语图模式上无塞音特征,只有擦音特征,其强频区位置下移。

    Results No obvious plosive features were observed in patients with cleft palate in speaking but only fricative feature was found .

  17. 然而泰国学习者习得普通话存在不少问题,尤其在爆发音、塞擦音方面,洋腔洋调问题较为突出。

    But Thailand learners have many problems in the acquisition of standard Chinese , especially in the acquisition of stops and affricates .

  18. 汉字音对韩国语辅音系统的影响&论塞音和塞擦音送气不送气的对立

    Influence of Chinese-Character-Sounds on Consonant-System in Korean Language : with Some Aspects about the Opposition between Plosives and Affricates in Ancient Korean

  19. 对英语擦音和赛擦音的研究表明它们的浊音音质其实深受其后辅音清浊的影响。

    Studies of English fricatives and affricates have shown that their voicing is severely influenced by the voicing of the following sound .

  20. 嗓音起音时间和擦音噪音时间随着讲普通话儿童年龄的增长变化而减小,并形成对比。

    The contrastive and reduction of variability for voice onset time and frication noise duration were demonstrated in Putonghua-speaking children as older .

  21. 鼻音与相应同部位的塞音、塞擦音及其边音颤音组合的鼻冠音声母(20个)。

    Nasal and corresponding same spot plosive , affricate and lateral sound vibrato combination nose crown sound initial consonant ( 20 ) .

  22. 咽摩擦音患者由治疗前的57.19%提高到治疗后的97.72%。

    The speech articulation of patients with pharynx fricative increased from preoperative 57.19 % to postoperative 97.72 % ( P < 0.001 ) .

  23. 擦音段时长、频谱重心、噪音峰点和平均强度之间存在一定的互补性。

    There is a certain complementarity in fricative segment length , the spectral center of gravity , the peak and average intensity of fricatives .

  24. 由这种音变现象在山东地区的地域流变情况可见,知系合口字的唇齿化有可能首先发生于擦音声母。

    The shifted of the sound changes phenomena in Shandong district proves that Round-mouth characters of Zhi-system read in labiodental firstly occur in fricative .

  25. 结果:在82例患者中,以腭咽闭合不全型为特点的代偿性语音71例:声门塞音60例、咽摩擦音11例;

    RESULTS : 71 patients had compensatory articulation characteristic of velopharyngeal incompetence , of them , 60 occurred in glottis plosive and 11 in pharynx fricative ;

  26. 如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀,以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。

    If in English pronunciation 's short vowel , consonant cluster , by the fricative , the affricate conclusion syllable and so on do not have in Chinese .

  27. 俄语的软硬辅音,清浊辅音,擦音,嘘音,擦辅音和塞辅音及部分语音组合都是中国学生较难掌握的。

    How to pronounce the voiceless sound , the voiced sound , the hard and soft sound , fricative and sound group with consonant is difficult for Chinese students .

  28. 鉴于英汉语不同的语言特征,英语习得必然面临许多不可避免的困难,譬如英语擦音的习得。

    In view of the extremely different phonetic characteristics of English and Chinese , the acquisition of English will entail some inevitable hard work , such as the acquiring of fricatives .

  29. 骨关节炎患者就诊均有疼痛(100%)症状、骨摩擦音占79.7%、下蹲困难占65.5%、骨关节肿胀占41.3%。

    Osteoarthritis patients were pain ( 100 % ) symptoms , bone fricative accounted for 79.7 % , crouch difficult accounted for 65.5 % , accounting for 41.3 % of bone and joint swelling .

  30. 通过分析古全浊声母中的塞音、塞擦音字在现代闽语的读音异同,结论认为这是闽语自身演变的多种语音层次叠置的结果。

    We concentrate on the different pronunciations of stop and affricative initials nowadays in Min dialects and think it the result of the overlap of many phonetics levels during the involvement of min dialects .