
  • 网络Rod;SUPPORT ROD;strut
  1. 基于Pro/E的气压传动式翻袋机支撑杆有限元分析

    FEA of the Sustaining Rod of Bag Overturning Machine Transmitted by Air Pressure Based on Pro / E

  2. 面包支撑杆设置在面包推杆上方。

    The bread supporting rod is arranged above the bread push rod .

  3. 支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。

    The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose .

  4. 分析计算和实验表明:当同轴波导传输TEM模时,n根角向均匀分布的支撑杆在同轴波导内激励起一系列TE(mn)1模式;

    The calculation and experiment results show that the posts will excite a series of TE_ (( mn ) 1 ) modes in CWG when TEM mode is inputted .

  5. 根据有限元理论,利用有限元软件ANSYS对喷洒装置的主要零部件&主轴、连接杆和支撑杆进行了静力分析。

    Based on the finite element theory , the main components are analyzed through the ANSYS software . The static analysis of the spindle , the connecting stem and the supporting stem is done .

  6. 同轴提取区支撑杆的设计是MILO等同轴提取型高功率微波源设计的重要环节。

    The design of the support post in coaxial extractor is very important to the coaxial extracting kind of HPM sources such as MILO .

  7. 给出了金属支撑杆的FDTD(时域有限差分)模拟实现方法,并将此此方法应用到粒子模拟软件上,给出了算例进行正确性验证。

    The FDTD ( finite-diferential time-domain ) simulation method of the metal strut is given , the method is applied to PIC simulation software and related examples are given for testing its correctness . 4 .

  8. 方法:利用脊柱椎弓根内固定DICK系统的基本原理,同时结合胫腓骨生物力学特性将DICK系统在原有设计的规格上,对钉的形状、长短及支撑杆的长度、直径等进行改良。

    Methods : According to the spinal pedicle fixation principles and the stress distributing of tibia , DICK spinal pedicle fixation was reformed , which includes the shape , diameter of screws and DICK rods .

  9. 介绍了采用盘圈(DAW)加速结构在11.43GHz下研制的热阴极微波电子枪注入器,分析了注入器中DAW加速结构支撑杆对于微波特性的影响以及加速结构中的模式重叠问题。

    A multi-cell thermionic RF gun injector based on X-band ( 11.43GHz ) Disk-and-Washer ( DAW ) accelerating structure has been developed . The influence to the RF characteristic of the washer supports and the mode overlap problem of DAW structure are analysed in this paper .

  10. 中心梁与支撑杆之间的连接件;

    The connection between the centerbeams and the support bars ;

  11. 带弹性支撑杆张拉结构整体找形分析的动力松弛法

    Dynamic Relaxation for Integer Form-Finding Analysis of Tension Structures with Elastic Supporting Bars

  12. 我公司的支撑杆品种齐全,质量高,性能好。

    My company 's supporting bar full range , high-quality , good performance .

  13. 幕墙支撑杆的纵横弯曲计算和稳定性分析

    Vertical and Horizontal Bending Calculation and Stability Analysis of Curtain Wall Strut Bar

  14. 碳纤维复合材料天线支撑杆的研制

    Development of aerial studdle of carbon fiber composite

  15. 微波源中同轴提取区支撑杆的理论分析与设计

    Theoretical Analysis and Design of the Support Posts in Coaxial Extractor of Microwave Source

  16. 液压伺服阀支撑杆和反馈杆的刚度测量

    The Rigidity Measurement of he Supporting Stem and Feedback Stem in Hydraulic Servo Valve

  17. 电气化铁路接触网支撑杆实时计数系统

    A real-time counting system for the sustaining poles of an electric railway touching net

  18. 基于知识的上掀式背门支撑杆布置的研究

    Optimum Layout of the Lifting Type Back Door Based on Knowledge a jumping pole

  19. 从球销上拆去支撑杆。

    Remove support rods from ball studs .

  20. 本文研究的课题为厂房柱压弯构件侧向支撑杆的分析,其中,侧向支撑杆指的是侧向水平中心支撑杆。

    This paper is concerned with the analysis of lateral braces for workshop columns press-bend member .

  21. 支撑杆对螺旋型行波管慢波结构的温度分布影响

    Temperature distributing of helical traveling wave tube slow-wave structure with different support rod material and shape

  22. 设有保障维护人员进入登车桥内部维护时安全的支撑杆。

    The support bars are established for maintainers'safe when they enter inside the boarding bridge for maintenance .

  23. 行波管支撑杆型衰减器匹配性能的微波检测方法

    A microwave method for measuring the matching property of the attenuators on the supporting rods in TWT

  24. 从球销上断开支撑杆。在滑雪运动中用作支撑的金属头的杆子。

    Disconnect the support rod from the ball stu metal-pointed pole used as an aid in skiing .

  25. 支撑杆可用钢丝弯成梯形、矩形状。

    A steel wire is bent into a trapezoid or a rectangle , thus forming the supporting bar .

  26. 应用范围:支撑杆是应用最为广泛的气弹簧。

    Application : The kailida free type gas spring is the most widely used in gas springs area .

  27. 升降臂采用双杆结构的四连杆机构,并对伸缩缸、支撑杆等关键部件进行强度校核。

    And strength check is accomplished for critical components such as the hydraulic extension cylinders and support bars , etc.

  28. 所述横向支撑杆焊接有安装喂入轮组件的安装座。

    The transverse supporting bar is welded with an installation pedestal which is used for arranging a feeder-beater component .

  29. 目的:观察在外固定器上试用新型复合材料支撑杆治疗肢体骨折的临床效果。

    Objective : To observe clinical results of limb fractures treated with external fixation that consists of composite supporting bar .

  30. 术后4~6周用复合材料支撑杆替换原不锈钢杆直至骨折愈合。

    Stainless steel supporting bars were replaced by composite bars to practise external fixation 4 to 6 weeks after surgery .