
  • 网络MRJ;regional aircraft;Regional Jet;CRJ;feederliner
  1. 支线客机市场现状与新型号发展综述

    Status of Regional Aircraft and Development of New Models

  2. 但是,新进入支线客机市场的并非只有中国,日本的三菱重工(mitsubishiheavyindustries)也在开发一种70到90座的客机。

    China , however , is not the only new entrant to the regional jet market , with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan developing a 70-90-seat airliner .

  3. ARJ21是中国首款涡轮风扇支线客机。

    The ARJ21 is China 's first turbo-fan regional passenger jetliner model .

  4. 中国商用飞机公司(Comac,中国商飞)正在开发小型支线客机ARJ21和更大的单通道客机C919。

    Comac is developing the ARJ21 , a small regional jet , and the larger single-aisle C919 .

  5. 国有企业中航商用飞机有限公司制造的第一架支线客机ARJ21上约有一半的设备是由美国公司制造的。

    About half of the equipment on the ARJ21 , the first regional jet made by government-run AVIC I Commercial Aircraft Co.

  6. 中国计划明年推出自主研发的约100座的支线客机arj-21。

    China is planning to launch next year a homemade regional jet , the ARJ-21 , with about 100 seats .

  7. 三菱重工将在政府的资助下,生产70至90座的MRJ支线客机,而全日空的订单是该飞机的首批订单。

    The order is the first for the MRJ , a 70-90 seat regional jet to be built by Mitsubishi with government funding .

  8. 国内一家飞机制造商日前获颁批量生产我国自产的喷气式支线客机ARJ21-700的许可证。

    A Chinese aircraft manufacturer has been certified to mass produce the country 's home-grown regional jetliner ARJ21-700 .

  9. ARJ21客机——或21世纪亚洲支线客机——中国打算以此来使中国商用飞机有限责任公司这一国有制造商,与加拿大庞巴迪飞机制造厂以及巴西航空工业公司竞争。

    The ARJ21 - or Asian Regional Jet for the21st Century - is intended to make its state-owned manufacturer , CommercialAircraft Corp. of China , acompetitor to Bombardier Inc. of Canadaand Brazil'sEmbraer SA .

  10. 接替她的临时总统、中间派的米歇尔.特梅尔(MichelTemer)迅速对空难受害者表示哀悼。在这次空难中,失事飞机是由玻利维亚包机航空公司Lamia运营的英国宇航146型(BAe146)支线客机,飞机坠落在了一片多山地带。

    Her replacement as president , the centrist Michel Temer , rushed to give his condolences to the victims of the crash , in which a British Aerospace 146 short-haul aircraft , operated by Lamia , a Bolivian charter airline , came down in mountainous terrain .

  11. 然而在一些亚洲小国家的市场上(尤其是部分东南亚发展中国家的小型支线客机市场),安全问题仍然令人担忧。

    Still , safety remains a concern among some smaller Asian markets , particularly in some developing Southeast Asian nations that involve smaller commuter aircraft .

  12. 中国推迟了具有开拓意义的支线客机的首飞时间,并将原因归咎于关键系统供应商未能按时提供试验条件。

    China has delayed the first flight of a pioneering regional jet , blaming problems with suppliers ' inability to meet necessary test conditions on time .

  13. 首先介绍了鲁棒系统设计的参数平面法,然后采用该方法对某支线客机的侧向稳定系统进行了鲁棒设计。

    At first , this paper introduces the parameter space design of robust control systems . A robust design of lateral-directional stability system for a aircraft is then finished in the method .

  14. 超级计算、探月工程、卫星应用等重大科研项目取得新突破,我国自主研制的支线客机飞上蓝天。

    Breakthroughs have been made in major research projects such as supercomputing , the lunar exploration program , and satellite applications , and a regional jet developed and produced in China has been successfully put into service .

  15. 来自政府最高层的强力支持,以及针对国外支线客机征收超过20%的进口税(相比之下,大型客机的进口几乎免税),可能会帮助翔凤赢得通往成功的征程。

    It is likely that strong support from the highest levels of government and an import tax of more than 20 per cent on regional jets ( as opposed to almost nothing on large jets ) will help the flying phoenix on its journey to success .

  16. 再看日本:生产大件飞机零件的三菱公司(mitsubishi)却渴望能出售整架自己生产的飞机,然而生产自己研发的mrj支线喷气式客机市场里另一竞争者的计划却刚被推迟。

    Then there are the Japanese : Mitsubishi makes some chunky bits for planes but aspires to sell a complete flying machine of its own . However , its MRJ , yet another contender for the regional-jet market , has just been delayed .

  17. 虽然在生产方面,论支线喷气式客机,它们落后俄罗斯,论大型客机,它们不及加拿大;但长远看来,中国公司的胜算最大。

    Although they are behind the Russians on producing a regional jet , and lag the Canadians in turning out a full-sized airliner , the betting is on the Chinese , in the long term .