
  • 网络payment method;terms of payment
  1. 我需要的无非是一个正常的互联网连接,以及一个收款方式。

    All I need is a normal Internet connection and a way of getting paid .

  2. 第四十七条经营者以预收款方式提供商品或者服务的,应当按照约定提供。

    Article 47 A business operator that provides a commodity or a service for advance payment must provide such service or commodity in accordance with the agreement .

  3. 采取赊销和分期收款方式销售货物,为按合同约定的收款日期的当天;

    When adopting sales on credit and instalment collection methods for sale of goods , the date on which payment is receivable as agreed upon in the contract ;

  4. 经营者以预收款方式提供商品或者服务的,应当按照约定提供。如果我们不考虑这简单的预约模式,的士服务将无法更上一层楼。

    When business operators supply goods or services on a prepayment basis , they should do so according to agreement . Without considering this simple approach , we cannot pave our way to greater levels of accomplishments .

  5. 该方案以满足应用为目的,通过对TCP/IP网络协议的深入分析,对TCP/IP协议进行合理的简化,将其嵌入到内部资源有限的微处理器中,使税控收款机能以电子邮件方式进行远程数据传输。

    The solution is designed for application . After analyzing the TCP / IP protocols deeply , the TCP / IP protocols have been reasonably simplified , which can be embedded into singlechip with limited internal resources .